WooCommerce Role Based Pricing by Meow Crew

June 18, 2024

WooCommerce Role Based Pricing by Meow Crew Plugin

Create individual pricing for customers based on their role or account. Works with all types of products along with Import-Export tools

With WooCommerce Role Based Pricing by Meow Crew, you can create new roles in your WooCommerce store, set personalized pricing for users who have these roles, or set custom pricing for individual users. You can also set purchase rules for each product separately, including minimum/maximum quantity and quantity step. Additionally, you can prevent purchases by non-logged in users and hide prices from them.
As you can see, WooCommerce Role Based Pricing by Meow Crew is the most complete solution that includes everything you need – from a role design tool and various ways to assign pricing for users, to quantity rules and import-export features. You can manage role-based or customer-based prices using the default WooCommerce Import/Export tool, and it is also integrated with WP All Import.

To find out more about the plugin, read the latest Role-based pricing plugins comparison here – 9 Best Role-based Pricing and Wholesale plugins for WooCommerce [2022 comparison]

Important links:
Premium Version Page | Demo for Plugin Testing | Plugin Documentation


  • Create custom user roles (with the same capabilities that WP regular roles provides)
  • Create, activate and suspend pricing rules based on user role or for separate user/users account
  • Use flat pricing to create prices based on user role/account (regular and sale prices available)
  • Make general pricing rules for whole category/categories or separate products
  • Create role-based or customer-based pricing rules on the product level
  • Prevent purchase or hide prices for non-logged users
  • Customize add-to-cart label and error message for non-logged users
  • Display personal prices as a sale price
  • Works with: Simple, Variable, Grouped, and Subscription types of products (both virtual and physical), and WooCommerce Product Add-ons

Premium features:

  • Use percentage discounts to create prices based on user role/account
  • Set minimum & maximum products per one order based on roles
  • Set quantity step for each product based on user role
  • Import/export role and customer-based pricing via WooCommerce import/export tool
  • Import role-based prices via WP All Import

With role-based pricing in WooCommerce, you can create custom prices by user role. This means that users with a certain role will see different prices for the same product than users with another role. For example, you might offer a discount to wholesale customers who buy in bulk, or charge a premium for products sold to non-registered users.
The WooCommerce Role Based Pricing by Meow Crew plugin contains everything you need to run a successful wholesale or membership business, which often requires special offers for various customer groups. It stands out favorably among other plugins by offering every possible feature you need. So don’t hesitate, and give it a try.
You can find instructions on how to mass import wholesale and role-based prices here – Mass import product prices by user roles in WooCommerce


  1. Upload the plugin files to the \’/wp-content/plugins/role-and-customer-based-pricing-for-woocommerce\’ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the WooCommerce > Settings > Role\Customer Based Pricing to configure the plugin
  4. To design general role-based or customer-based pricing and quantity rules go to WooCommerce > Pricing rules
  5. To create pricing rules separately for each product, go to the product page and find the Role\User pricing tab in the product setup.


  1. Create custom user role

    Create custom user role

  2. General pricing rules table

    General pricing rules table

  3. Create Pricing Rule - Percentage discount

    Create Pricing Rule - Percentage discount

  4. Create Pricing Rule - Fixed Prices

    Create Pricing Rule - Fixed Prices

  5. Pricing Rule on Product level - Fixed Prices

    Pricing Rule on Product level - Fixed Prices

  6. Multiple rules per product

    Multiple rules per product

  7. Quantity rules

    Quantity rules

  8. General settings of price display

    General settings of price display

  9. Prevent purchase for non-logged user

    Prevent purchase for non-logged user

  10. Hide prices for non-logged users

    Hide prices for non-logged users

  11. Import-Export via WooCommerce regular tool

    Import-Export via WooCommerce regular tool

  12. Import Pricing Rules for various User Roles via WP All Import plugin

    Import Pricing Rules for various User Roles via WP All Import plugin


2024-06-18 – version 1.5.4
* Updated: Smart Coupons compatibility
* Updated: Woo and WP version compatibility
* Fix: Updating role-based related values on Woo Import
* Fix: Default values for add-to-cart labels

2024-02-27 – version 1.5.3
* Fix: Compatibility with WooCommerce Product Add-ons price affected on cart\checkout
* Fix: Negative values used in % pricing rules
* Fix: Compatibility with Woo Bundles + other similar plugins

2023-11-16 – version 1.5.2
* Fix: Regular Woo price instead of role-based in some cart types
* Fix: Adjusted characters limits in the selectwoo fields
* Updated: Woo 8.2.2 version compatibility
* Updated: Woo Cart and Checkout blocks compatibility
* Updated: WordPress 6.4.1 version compatibility

2023-09-13 – version 1.5.1
* Update: Compatibility with Learndash courses type of product
* Fix: 0 values set as sale price while importing through WPAI
* Fix: 0 cost when Product Add-ons enabled for subscription-based products

2023-07-25 – version 1.5.0
* Update: Compatibility with WooCommerce Product Add-ons
* Fix: Qty rules work well when price rules aren’t set
* Fix: Negative values can be imported via WooCommerce Import and WP All import
* Fix: Qty rules exporting when no discount\price rule set
* Fix: 0.00 cost can be set as flat price

2023-07-05 – version 1.4.1
* Updated Freemius SDK to the latest version
* Fix: Price calculation for variable product when general rule used

2023-06-20 – version 1.4.0
* Fix: WooCommerce Import – Importing pricing rules w/o product_id
* HPOS compatibility

2023-02-19 – version 1.3.0
* Fix: WP All Import – Terminated Imports due to PHP version issues
* Fix: Woocommerce “Quick edit” action issue

2022-09-14 – version 1.2.0
* Fix: WP All Import: cleanup of role-based rules when pricing rules aren’t imported
* Fix: WP All Import: issue with importing pricing rules for roles with similar slug

2022-07-22 – version 1.1.0
* Fix: Bug with limited 5 pricing rules
* Fix: WP All Import – importing pricing rules separately from other fields
* WooCommerce version support

2022-04-21 – version 1.0.3
* Fix: Appearing errors in admin panel
* WooCommerce version support

2022-03-29 – version 1.0.2
* Security fix
* Bug fixes & minor improvements
* Latest WordPress and WooCommerce version support

2022-02-16 – version 1.0.1
* Plugin translations
* Minor UI improvements
* Latest WordPress and WooCommerce version support

2021-12-28 – version 1.0.0
* Initial release


  • Version: 1.5.4
  • Active installations: 2,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.2
  • Tested up to: 6.4.0
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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