Resume CV WordPress Plugin . Easily build resume with wordpress.
Create Resume / CV easily with WordPress. Perfect way tools that help you to make positive impression. This minimal and modern design will highlight your most relevant features to get you noticed and create a consistent voice of your personal brand in all communications. To use this plugin :
* Create a Page and in the Page Attribute , choose Template : Resume CV Template
* In the admin area . Click Resume CV and do modification than save
Be sure to check out the online demo!
Here is too see red version Red Template!
Here it is Resume CV Documentation
Create new folder in your resume plugin , just copy themes in /resume-cv/themes/ and make it like this /your-resume-plugin/themes/ and do modification which you need.
In your main plugin functions. For example your theme name myresumetheme , in you plugin function just add this code.
function resumecvsample_theme_filter_add($resumecv_theme) {
$resumecv_theme[plugin_dir_path( FILE ) . ‘themes/myresumetheme’] = ‘myresumetheme’;
return $resumecv_theme;
add_filter(‘resumecv_theme_filter’, ‘resumecvsample_theme_filter_add’);