Responsive videos – Fitvids

November 09, 2020

Responsive videos – Fitvids Plugin

Make your Embedded videos responsive on mobile devices with jQuery FitVids plugin

Responsive Videos plugin will allow you to automatically resize and scale your embedded videos on mobile devices.
CSS selector option is provided so you can target only your post / page content container.


  • Automatic configuration option
  • Automatically resizes / scales all your embedded videos
  • Works on all browsers
  • Highly compatible – you can change the css selector for the text highlight
  • Customizable – you can select the page type on which to activate the fitVids script


  1. Upload to plugins via WordPress admin panel, or upload unzipped folder to your plugins folder
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings->Responsive Videos to manage the options


  1. <p>Plugin in action on Mobile device</p>

    Plugin in action on Mobile device

  2. <p>Container selector settings in admin panel</p>

    Container selector settings in admin panel


What is the difference between manual and automatic configuration

Automatic configuration will wrap all your embedded videos in a div with class .entry-content-asset
Javascript will automatically target those elements and make your videos responsive

I am using the autoconfig option, and some of my videos are not responsive

Depending on the theme / plugins you’re using, it is possible that embedded video HTML is not being generated using oEmbed.
Disable auto configuration option, and use CSS selector to target your content

Default CSS selector is not working, which one should I use?

Generally speaking, you should use the CSS selector for your content div. If you can’t find it, you can use body as your CSS selector.



*Bugfix: Fixed PHP 7.2 compatibility errors


  • Breaking: Minimum WP Version has been bumped to 5.1
  • Breaking: Minimum PHP Version has been bumped to 7.2
  • Improvement: Full PSR-12 compliance
  • Improvement: Better plugin performance
  • Improvement: Better handling of responsive media and embeds
  • Bugfix: Fixed various warnings and notices


  • Bugfix: Fixed bracket synthax in update file.
  • Improvement: Plugin 100% compatible with PHP 5.3.x


  • Bugfix: Fixed error 500 on some hosting configurations


  • New: Enabled Auto Configuration
  • Improvement: Added update hooks
  • Improvement: Added FAQ section
  • Improvement: Moved settings to dedicated option page


  • Updated compatibility for WordPress 4.7.3
  • Fully documented code


  • Fixed internal version check
  • Fixed initial option saving bug
  • Removed screenshots from plugin trunk


  • Fixed conditional for front page check


  • Fixed minor backend bugs
  • Added an option to select the page type on which to enable fitVids script


  • Initial release


  • Version: 3.0.1
  • Active installations: 900
  • WordPress Version: 5.3
  • Tested up to: 5.5.15
  • PHP Version: 7.2


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