RentPress for Websites

July 22, 2024

RentPress for Websites Plugin

Connects property information to any WordPress site to help market your apartments. Supports data feeds from: RentCafe, Entrata, RealPage, and more.

Meet RentPress for Apartments

RentPress for Apartments is a powerful, extendable plugin that helps you market your apartments and rental properties. Build a high-performance online leasing office.

Transform your WordPress website into an incredible apartment marketing tool. Delivering enterprise-level quality and features, all backed and used by industry veterans with a deep understanding of digital marketing best practices and the online rental market.

Supercharge your RentPress experience by connecting your data feeds from RentCafe, Entrata, RealPage, MRI MarketConnect, and ResMan. Contact 30 Lines for a subscription.

Get started quickly by enabling our out-of-the-box page templates. Or code your own templates using RentPress to import property data. A variety of shortcodes are also available.

RentPress is built by the award-winning team at 30 Lines who also offer apartment websites, email marketing tools, and targeted content to further enhance your property’s online presence.

Don’t see your preferred property management system? Looking for a new integration in the plugin? Let us know you’re interested!

Build Your Online Leasing Office

Single or multi-property websites can quickly take advantage of real-time pricing and availability with RentPress. With one click, add property listings and floor plan pages to your site with information from your property management software. Showcase apartment layouts, and show the property location on a map. Add in a photo gallery using a shortcode. Build landing pages for your marketing campaigns.

Easily enable a properties search page on your site with the Search Page template. Display all properties across your portfolio, search and filter by beds, price, and pets.

Shoppers can easily find properties by location with a “Cities” taxonomy. Automatically organize your properties by their city, add in romance copy and a picture to represent your city, and you’re ready for neighborhood leasing.

All RentPress page templates report full Schema Markup, helping search engines get a better understanding of your website and your properties. All RentPress page templates report Google Analytics Events for all shopper actions.

Get Started Quickly

RentPress is designed to let you get started in a flash. Check out our video showing the 3-minute set up process.

For more information, check out our article Get Started with RentPress.

RentPress Add-ons

RentPress: Gravity Forms Add-on extends the RentPress experience to Gravity Forms to send your guestcards directly into popular multifamily CRMs:

  • RentCafe
  • Entrata
  • Knock
  • Funnel
  • Anyone Home

Learn more about RentPress: Gravity Forms Add-on here »

RentPress: Amenities Manager Add-on lets you fine tune the visibility and syncing of amenities from your property management software. Take control of when and where amenities update plus choose to hide amenities altogether.

RentPress: Amenities Manager Add-on works with all supported systems.

Learn more about RentPress: Amenities Manager Add-on here »


Google Analytics
The templates and shortcodes included with RentPress can provide deep Events reporting for shopper interactions on your site. With the Google analytics platform GA4, you can unlock a deeper level of understanding of how shoppers are navigating through apartment inventory. Simply add your Measurement ID to the RentPress settings to start tracking with Google Analytics across your website.

RentPress will place your ID into the header of your website so that you do not need to add it manually.

For more information see Understanding RentPress + Google Analytics Integration.

Google Maps
Easily embed a Google Map of your properties on a search page to allow shoppers to navigate by location. Add your Google Maps API key in the RentPress settings page and you’re on your way.

Learn more about RentPress: Google Maps integration here »

Easily embed a Mapbox based map of your properties on a search page to allow shoppers to navigate by location. Simply add your Mapbox API key in the RentPress settings and you’re ready to go.

Learn more about RentPress: Mapbox integration here »

Engrain SightMap
The included templates bring a deep integration with Engrain’s SightMap perfect for any property or floor plan pages. Let your shoppers see the exact location of their future apartments right inline on your website.


RentPress can be installed using one of the following methods:
1. Install and Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress (recommended).
2. Upload the plugin files to a /wp-content/plugins/rentpress-for-websites/ directory via FTP, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.

Once activated, use the RentPress -> RentPress Settings page to start setting up your site. To use the included templates, visit the Enable Templates section and choose which templates you’d like to add to your theme.

More information can be found in the Getting Started Guide.


  1. Easily add powerful property search and property listing pages.

    Easily add powerful property search and property listing pages.

  2. Single floor plan listing pages support virtual tours from Matterport, YouTube, Vimeo, and more.

    Single floor plan listing pages support virtual tours from Matterport, YouTube, Vimeo, and more.

  3. Shoppers can filter and sort through a grid of floor plans.

    Shoppers can filter and sort through a grid of floor plans.

  4. A suite of included templates adds location-based landing pages.

    A suite of included templates adds location-based landing pages.

  5. Settings let you customize RentPress to match your website.

    Settings let you customize RentPress to match your website.

  6. Flexible shortcodes let you build a powerful website.

    Flexible shortcodes let you build a powerful website.

  7. Track shopper interactions and journeys with Google Analytics integration.

    Track shopper interactions and journeys with Google Analytics integration.


What property management systems does RentPress work with?

With a subscription to our RentPress service to parse through property data feeds, RentPress plugin can pull in real-time pricing and availability from the following popular systems:

  • RentCafe
  • Entrata
  • RealPage
  • MRI MarketConnect / Vaultware
  • ResMan

And yes, you can mix multiple data sources on one website.

Can I manually enter property information with RentPress?

Yes, once activated, custom post types are registered and displayed in the wp-admin area for Properties, Floor Plans, and Neighborhoods. First create your property, then your floor plan where you can also add your units.

Can I customize the styling of the included RentPress templates?

The RentPress templates support choosing two accent colors. It will pick up the rest of its styling (typeface, font colors, etc) from your currently active theme. Learn more about customizing RentPress templates here.

Where can I learn about RentPress?

We have an extended FAQ page that’s at

You can also check our Getting Started Guide.

Do you have a demo site where I can see RentPress in action?

You can visit to view our demo site.

How can I get help with RentPress?

Please visit our [](support site) for help with RentPress and other marketing efforts.


7.14.4 – Raspberry


  • Resolves issue where floor plan with Virtual Tour may experience an error

7.14.3 – Raspberry


  • Adds new field in floor plans table floorplan_name so developers can display names that update from sync sources.
  • Included templates use floorplan_post_title which will read from the name editable in the WordPress editor.
  • Adds new property column for property_feed_features to hold property-level features as synced from a feed.
  • Adds new property column for property_feed_amenities to hold property-level amenities as synced from a feed.
  • Tweaks for better lazy loading in templates.


  • Addresses issue where neighborhood names may not save to a property.
  • Addresses issue where multiple neighborhoods may not save to a property.
  • Resolves issue where neighborhood template may not display banner image.

7.14.2 – Raspberry


  • Addresses issue where property page sections may not appear when expected.

7.14.1 – Raspberry

Bugfixes & Updates

  • Sync screen is easier to read.
  • Addresses issue where lazyloaded sections might not appear when expected.
  • Resolves issue where floor plans may not show the right unit image.

7.14.0 – Raspberry

New Features

  • Floor plans will show unit images when a floor plan image is not present.
  • Adds a data point floorplan_unit_images for developers to display unit images for a floor plan.
    • floorplan_unit_images will be computed from images associated to units at a given floor plan.
  • Units will display an icon indicating a special when a special is active for that unit.
    • When a unit is selected, the special will display.
    • Floor plans will display a “Specials Available” banner when one or more unit has an active special, where available.
    • Developers can leverage unit_specials_message to take advantage of unit-specific specials.


  • More components of the included templates are lazy loaded which should lead to increased site performance. Lazy loaded components include:
    • floor plan cards
    • floor plan card images
    • property cards
    • property card images
    • floor plan image carousel images
    • virtual tours
    • Engrain SightMap
    • property page featured image
    • property page neighborhood section
    • property image gallery
    • other components where possible
  • Updated image lightbox experience including better sizing and a background for transparent images.
    • Lightbox will dismiss when clicked out of as well as when using the close button.
  • Amenities and Features will import a description, where available.

7.13.1 – Quartz

Bug fixes

  • Resolves issue where manually adding a floor plan or unit to a feed-synced property could cause the property to display with invalid ranges.
  • Addresses issue where Engrain Sight Map could appear in a conflicted state in a modal display.
  • Floor plans will more reliably display square footage and price in admin lists.

7.13.0 – Quartz

New Features

  • More options for sorting properties on property search pages, including:
    • Availability – will sort properties from most to least available (default)
    • Rent: Low to High – sort by starting rents ascending
    • Rent: High to Low – sort by starting rents descending
    • Property Name: A to Z – sort by property name alphabetically
    • City: A to Z – sort by property’s city alphabetically
  • Options can be customized to each search page via shortcode parameters
  • New property search page shortcode parameter display_limit to customize how many properties display before the “Show More” button appears
  • Improved logic for displaying property map pins on a Google Map
    • Parameters allow for further customization on how Google Map pins display, including:
    • map_cluster_min to set the minimum number of pins before grouping into a cluster
    • map_grid_size to set how frequently clusters will appear
  • For information about all shortcodes and parameters, visit the RentPress Shortcodes Helpdoc »


  • Properties in admin screens will display in natural alphanumeric sort for easier finding and selection
  • Better-looking error messages will display in instances where no or bad data is requested

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves issue where properties would not include all listed floor plans in bed and price calculations
  • Addresses issue to better handle feed-synced floor plans
  • Addresses an issue with unit deletion
  • Resolves issue where neighborhoods could display too many associated properties
  • Addresses issue where a permission_callback alert would appear in the browser console during a manually-triggered sync

7.12.2 – Pulsar


  • Addresses issue where property search shortcode would not search all neighborhood names
  • Resolves issue where properties could not be filtered within Neighborhood Editor
  • Makes neighborhood posts list more usable and performant
  • Properties in neighborhood lists will display in a more natural sort order

7.12.1 – Pulsar


  • Cities remain searchable when HIDESUGGESTAMENITIES parameter is in use.
  • Units maintain sizing when on mobile.

7.12.0 – Pulsar

New Features

  • Introducing a new deep integration with Engrain SightMap
    • Floor plan search pages can display the map in side-by-side or toggle configurations
    • The map and the floor plans update in real-time with selected filters
    • The map will also respond to URL filter parameters (ex: /floor-plans/?bedrooms=2)
    • When a floor plan is clicked on, information will display in the standard website experience
    • The single floor plan page adds a “Show On Map” button that highlights selected units
    • The single property page displays the map in a toggle view with filters
    • When a property has an active SightMap for RentPress subscription, a new “SightMap URL” field will show in the property editor
    • A new engrain parameter for the floor plan search shortcode will display the map
  • For more information see SightMap for RentPress Integration
  • Introduces a new option to force floor plan codes to be unique by using a property code.
    • When enabled, existing floor plans and their units will re-write their ID codes to prepend the parent property code.
    • If you are experiencing issues with duplicated or missing floor plans, please try this option. If you are not currently experiencing issues, it is not recommended to enable it.
    • It is recommended to take a site backup before enabling (or disabling) this option.


  • Property search grid will show more properties for shopper who filter by bedroom count.
    • To provide more-precise results and switch to the previous bedroom filter logic, add USEPRECISEBEDS in your search shortcode.
  • Google Analytics integration now supports more methods of reporting to Google to allow for a more agnostic experience.
    • It is recommended to use Google Tag Manager to add Analytics across your entire website.
    • When Analytics is detected, RentPress shortcodes and templates will automatically report shopper clicks and actions as events.
    • For more information see Understanding RentPress + Google Analytics Integration.

Bug Fixes

  • GA4 event label priceCeiling now has correct spelling.

7.11.0 – Ocean

New Features

  • New template for single neighborhood post
    • Displays properties added into the neighborhood
    • Will display a featured image banner or the default city imageIf
    • Displays neighborhood description
    • Will display other neighborhoods
  • New template for neighborhoods grid “archive” page
    • Displays published neighborhoods with active properties
  • New “basic” property search template
    • Will display a grid of all published properties
    • Provides filters for property info, beds, and pricing
  • New “advanced” property search template
    • Includes everything in basic search
    • Properties will show per-bedroom pricing
    • Displays a map (active map token required)
    • Adds a pets filter for “Cat Friendly” and “Dog Friendly”
  • Single floor plan template will display unit-specific images (when provided) while a unit is selected


  • Better handling of properties listed in neighborhood posts admin list
  • Adds alt tags to images on templates
  • Adds more specific classes to template elements
  • Templates settings layout has been updated to help indicate how to use the included templates
  • Reschedules manual data sync to midnight local time

Bug Fixes

  • Addresses issue where units could temporarily disappear
  • Resolves issue where some included templates would not use the chosen accent color
  • Resolves issue where floor plan search could not properly filter by bedrooms in some instances
  • Resolves issue where floor plan search could not clear a selected price filter

7.10.1 – Nighthawk

Bug Fixes

  • Addresses issue where manually-added data could result in units temporarily not displaying.

7.10.0 – Nighthawk

New Features

  • New parameters for floor plan shortcode allow for finding floor plans with different dimensions:
    • bed="" to display floor plans with a given bedroom count
    • onlyavailable allows for displaying floor plans with units currently available
    • has_special to display floor plans that have an active special
    • min_price="" displays floor plans at or above a given minimum price
    • max_price="" displays floor plans up to a given price
    • city="" displays floor plans by parent property’s city
    • These parameters can be combined together or with other existing parameters to dial in a hyper-specific yet dynamic list of floor plans.
  • New optional wildcard value features_filter="*" will allow for filtering by all active features in the floor plan search shortcode
  • For information about all shortcodes and parameters, visit the RentPress Shortcodes Helpdoc
  • Adds new share icons to single floor plan page
    • Adds new icon to copy page link to clipboard.
    • Adds new icon to share via SMS (where available).
  • Adds a feature in beta testing to hide waitlisted units
    • Adds a new checkbox in the settings page that, when active, will attempt to hide waitlisted units from displaying
    • This feature is in beta. Inconsistent behavior can be expected, and the option may be improved or removed in the future.


  • Improved logic for displaying starting price in property admin post list
    • Properties can now highlight when pricing is disabled
    • Properties will now display “No Data” when they are not published
    • “Bad Data” will display in instances where the price is not suitable
  • Removes references to deprecated avian-themed social networks.
  • We didn’t rename RentPress to “R” (or any other random letter).

Bug Fixes

  • Addresses issue with floor plan special expiration
  • Addresses issue where property search by taxonomy with a single term could give unintended results
  • Resolves issue where amenities with a slash “/” could experience unintended results
  • Resolves issue where units would display a separator dot “•” when price or square footage is not provided

7.9.8 – Midnight


  • Adds classes to property search template filter elements

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves issue where property search with Mapbox could not HIDESUGGESTAMENITIES
  • Resolves issue where property search with Mapbox could not search by neighborhood
  • Resolves issue where templates could enter an infinite loop when Google Analytics was not fully added

7.9.7 – Midnight

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves issue where manually-added data could seem to disappear on plugin update
  • Addresses issue where floor plan search shortcode could experience a conflict with WordPress formatter

7.9.6 – Midnight

Bug Fixes

  • Addresses issue where units with an invalid or missing date could import.

7.9.5 – Midnight

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves issue where Rent Special headline could appear.

7.9.4 – Midnight

New Features

  • This update brings a more-robust and flexible Google Analytics integration. Events will be reported to all present analytics installations.
  • RentPress settings can be used to install Google Analytics on your website, but it is not required.
    • We recommend using Google Tag Manager to add Analytics to your website.
  • Events are now reported with a _rentpress suffix for easier report and trigger categorization.
  • Now reporting several new events:
    • Property special view
    • Property directions click
    • Property phone call
    • Property email
    • Property website click
    • Property schedule tour
    • Property contact leasing
    • Property apply now
    • Neighborhood learn more
    • Floor plan view
    • Floor plan special view
    • Floor plan request info click
    • Floor plan apply now click
    • Floor plan schedule tour click
    • Floor plan join waitlist click
  • For more information see Understanding RentPress + Google Analytics Integration.


  • Adds additional user helptext when adding a property contact form shortcode

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves issue where “Contact Leasing” button on property template would not display when a form shortcode was present.
  • Addresses issue where floor plans could not show a starting price.

7.9.3 – Midnight

New Features

  • This update brings a new approach to Google Analytics tracking. By installing your GA4 Measurement ID into RentPress settings, Analytics tracking will happen site-wide.
  • Event tracking will continue on included templates and shortcodes. Shopper interactions will be automatically reported as events.
  • Event tracking includes:
    • Floor plan search: Bedrooms, Max Price, Move-In Date, and Property Selection (as applicable).
    • Property search: Bedrooms, Max Price, Pets Choice, and Search Text.
  • For more information see Understanding RentPress + Google Analytics Integration.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves issue where office hours may not display on manually-created properties.
  • Resolves issue where office hours header could display on templates when office hours were not present.

7.9.2 – Midnight

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves issue where cities and states could create as separate pages

7.9.1 – Midnight

New Features

  • Adds new parameter “HIDESUGGESTAMENITIES” to property search shortcode
    • Allows for excluding amenities and features from text searches
    • Featured amenities can still be used in searches


  • Add classes and styles throughout
    • Adds classes to property card neighborhood city state and price
    • Adds classes to property card city and state
    • Adds classes to property card price
    • Adds classes to property search filters
  • New style for dot indicators on floor plan image carousel
  • Adds property edit link to floor plan info editor
  • New colors and formatting for floor plan admin list to better indicate when data is bad, missing, or disabled
  • Addresses issue where floor plan cards could display in an uneven row
  • Adds more options for lookahead setting
  • City names will now be created in title case
  • Adjusts default accent colors to no longer be plain black

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes issue where Features heading would display on floor plan search
  • Floor plan info section no longer displays when no info is present
  • Addresses issue where Join Waitlist button could render improperly
  • Fixes issue where units could display at large sizes in floor plan editor
  • Addresses issue where RentCafe-provided lease terms that start and end simultaneously would not display
  • Addresses issue where RentCafe-provided custom features could appear duplicated

7.9.0 – Midnight

New Features

  • Event tracking is compatible with Google Analytics 4. Shopper interactions will be automatically reported to Google Analytics for included templates and shortcodes.
    • When the update completes, make sure to update your previous UA ID to a new GA4 Property ID in the Integration Settings.
  • Event tracking includes:
    • Floor plan search: Bedrooms, Max Price, Move-In Date, and Property Selection (as applicable).
    • Property search: Bedrooms, Max Price, Pets Choice, and Search Text.
  • For more information see Understanding RentPress + Google Analytics Integration.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves issue that could inadvertently cause properties to display as Cat Friendly or Dog Friendly.

7.8.5 Lake

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves issue with property search shortcode that could prevent property types from returning properties

7.8.4 Lake


  • Better handling of floor plan and unit features.
  • Adds classes to message displayed when floor plan search shortcode has no floor plans to return.

7.8.3 Lake

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves issue where floor plans would not respect their parent property’s pricing selection.
  • Resolves issues that could occur when manually adding a unit.
  • Addresses user workflow issues when used on a website without a connected data feed.


  • Integrations Settings page has updated references to Gravity Forms Add-on

7.8.2 Lake

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves issue where map could fail to display on single property page template


  • Updates default single property template to display a map (when Google Maps or Mapbox API keys are present)
  • Adds a helpful Neighborhood posts link in the Property Editor

7.8.1 Lake

Bug Fixes

  • Restores floor plan post list filter and sort functionality.
  • Resolves issue where sync timestamps would not display on sites without a set timezone.

7.8.0 Lake

New Features

  • Taxonomy terms have been rebuilt for better compatibility with third-party plugins like Yoast SEO
    • The editing experience remains the same as in previous versions.


  • Adds an edit link to Associated Floor Plans in the property editor
  • Office Hours section will not display on single property page when no value is present

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves error that could prevent a Gravity Form from displaying in a modal when added to a page via floor plan search shortcode

7.7.1 Kalamata

New Features

  • New options for floor plan deposits
    • Choose to Always Show, Exclude $0 Deposits, or Show None
    • Can be chosen globally across the website or per-property


  • New RentPress-specific classes on single floor plan experience allow for greater customization
    • New classes for Information Subtitle, CTA block, Share Icons, Amenities List
  • New sync and request timestamps in settings clarify the last time RentPress requested new data and the last time new data was available
  • Updates for property mapping capabilities

Bug Fixes

  • Bug Fixes and improvements throughout

7.6.4 Juniper

Bug Fixes

  • Addresses issue where floor plan pages could display a 404 error
  • Addresses issue where property pages could display a 404 error

7.6.2 Juniper

Bug Fixes

  • Addresses issue where crons could stop creating
    • Crons are now created on a new scheduling system
  • Addresses data issues that may prevent properties not synced from a feed from displaying

7.6.1 Juniper

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves issue where sync could fail due to WordPress unexpectedly stopping cron functionality.

7.6.0 Juniper

New Features

  • New Add-on available – RentPress: Amenities Manager Add-on »
    • Take control of your amenity syncing
    • Selectively hide and show specific amenities
  • Floor Plan Features filter comes to the floor plan search grid
    • Display selected features in a filter to shoppers
    • Useful for “Den” “Townhome” “Upgraded” and many more
    • Customizing through the floor plan search shortcode » allows for endless possibilities


  • Adds classes to property page template to allow for further CSS targeting and customization
  • City single page will now display its state abbreviation

Bug Fixes

  • Addresses issue where office hours may display empty when empty values are present
  • Addresses issue where special banners may not remove themselves after a set expiration
  • Resolves issue where a featured image set for a taxonomy term may display with an incorrect z-index value
  • Resolves issue where some amenities could import from Vaultware as “No title”
  • Addresses issue with Vaultware allowing for empty rent values
  • Resolves issue with RealPage sending empty values for amenities

7.5.2 Island


  • Resolves conflict with Save Settings and Sync Properties button in Settings.
  • Refactors code for add-ons.

Bug Fixes

  • Office Hours will no longer display “Null” when text field is empty.
  • Resolves issue where Mapbox property search could display as empty.

7.5.1 Island


  • Admin updates for greater compatibility

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes typo with office hour appointments

7.5.0 Island

New Features

  • Property Office Hours have a brand-new experience
    • Time-based open and close times sync from your property management software or can be added to to your manually-managed properties
    • A day schedule can be set to “Closed”
    • A day schedule can be set to “By Appointment”
    • If desired, you can opt to Append any text after a day schedule. Supports select HTML tags including the ability to add a link.
    • If desired, you can Replace a day schedule with any arbitrary text.
    • New Office Hours including Appended and Replace text displays on a property listing page and on the property hours shortcode.


  • Our included templates and shortcodes have been overhauled for greater compatibility with more website themes.

7.4.1 Harbor

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where floor plans would not be removed from view when availability would update.
  • Addresses an issue where amenities could display twice.
  • Fixes issue where the filters toggle button could display unintentionally.

7.4.0 Harbor

New Features

  • A new look for single floor plan
    • Floor plan images now bring in multiple images from a data feed (where provided).
    • Units will show unit-specific features that residents will find in that unit.
    • Adds a new list to display Floor Plan Features distinct from Community Amenities.
    • The floor plan’s deposit range is displayed to shoppers.
  • Adds Minimum Deposit and Maximum Deposit fields to floor plan editor.
  • New Branding section in property editor
    • Properties can select a unique color to represent their brand.
    • When enabled, the property color will be reflected in elements on floor plan search, single floor plan, and property listing views.
  • Adds a new Integrations tab to property editor
    • Introduces a new extendable integrations framework for developers.
  • City extended description now supports most HTML tags and special characters
    • For more info, see: RentPress: Adding City Content
    • All taxonomy terms that have an Extended Description field support HTML and special characters as well.


  • Adds more robust logic for manually-added units.
  • Shoppers can now cancel their unit selection.
  • Style updates for mobile browsers.
  • Adds and re-orders style classes for easier customizations.
  • Better handling of amenities and terms that have special characters or missing data.

Bug Fixes

  • Bug Fixes and improvements to data sync

7.3.1 Grassland

Bug Fixes

  • Filters out empty prices for better unit price accuracy

7.3.0 Grassland

New Features

  • Floor plan images now can display in a lightbox gallery on click.
  • Single floor plan template restructured to display Amenities and Features in separate lists.
  • City names (taxonomy terms) now include state abbreviation. Only new properties will be affected.
  • Pet policy field now support more content and additional HTML formatting.
  • Data sync has been restructured to handle large portfolios.
  • RentPress: Gravity Forms Add-on is now available separately.


  • Admin post list information has been restructured for greater efficiency with large portfolios.
  • Restructures neighborhood assignments for better consistency with properties.
  • Property search uses all neighborhoods.
  • RentPress templates now insert themselves into a child theme.
  • Property info cards display information more efficiently.
  • Single floor plan page CTAs now link to consistent destinations.

Bug Fixes

  • Lease term dropdown will now only display when there are lease terms to display.
  • Fixes issue with property deletion.
  • Fixes issue with deleting units from synced properties.
  • Fixes issue where manually-added units could not be deleted.
  • Fixes issue when pet policy would not save.
  • Fixes issue when comments would be enabled.
  • Fixes issue where bedroom select modal in search filters would not dismiss.
  • Fixes issue with admin error on sync options.

7.2.0 Forest

New Features

  • Properties now have per-bedroom pricing
    • Property card has been updated to display pricing for each of Studio, 1 Bed, 2 Bed, etc.
  • Adds new parameters to property search shortcode
    • Find properties by price, bedrooms, only available, or combine all of these.
  • Property card now better highlights pet-friendliness.
  • Adds Mapbox support (beta)
    • Optionally choose to properties on a map from Mapbox.
    • Display a property pin on map from Mapbox.
  • Per-property contact form options
    • New section in property editor allows a property to choose contact form method.
    • Insert a contact unique URL per property.
    • Add a Gravity Form shortcode to display a form in a modal.
    • Use the Global Contact Form URL.
  • Property search filters are now dynamic
    • Filters now update in real-time in response to other filters.
    • Shoppers should be unable to reach search dead ends through filters alone.
  • Better handling of best price calculations.


  • Property search updated to better handle different screen sizes.
  • Changed icons to use span tags and added aria-hidden=”true” so screen readers skip over them.
  • Updated http to https where possible.
  • Better compatibility with previous versions of RentPress.
  • Adds styles to templates for better compatibility with Foundation.
  • Added missing alt text.
  • Added title attributes to iframes.
  • Adds helpful links throughout Settings pages

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes amenity categorization for property pet-friendliness.
  • Resolves an issue where floor plans may not delete properly.
  • Resolves an issue where properties may not delete properly.
  • Fixed an issue with quotes that could cause pages to break.
  • Resolves an issue with comments getting accidentally enabled.
  • Removed duplicated CSS.

7.0 Eclipse

New Features

  • Single Property template

    • When enabled, will automatically generate a listing page for each property.
    • Add property featured image.
    • Add a tracking phone number specific for your website.
    • Add a property online application link.
    • Display a banner to announce leasing specials at a property. Specials can be linked and also set to automatically expire.
    • Invite shoppers to connect to property social networks. Supports: Facebook, Instagram
    • Display property romance copy and available amenities.
    • Add in the property pet policy.
    • Showcase floor plans and available units for property.
    • Add photos to the property or use your favorite gallery plugin by adding a shortcode.
    • Direct shoppers to your property with a Google map. Google Map API key required.
    • Display romance copy about the property’s city from the cities taxonomy.
    • Choose a primary neighborhood for a property from your neighborhoods.
    • Show a default placeholder image if a property does not have a featured image set.
    • Include additional keywords for a property to display in search results.
  • Properties Search template

    • When enabled, will add a Search Apartments template into your theme.
    • Visitors can search across any information about your property: name, city, state, or zip code and more.
    • Filters are available for bedroom count, price, and can be customized to include pets and more.
    • Display a banner to announce leasing specials at a property.
    • Show a default placeholder image if a property does not have a featured image set.
    • Updates URL parameters on to let you quickly build a customized landing page on your existing search page for queries like price, bedrooms, city, state, and any arbitrary keyword.
  • “Cities” taxonomy for Properties

    • Cities will be automatically generated based on the location data from properties on your site.
    • Properties will be automatically assigned into their city.
    • Romance copy about the city entered here will be displayed across all properties in that city.
    • A default placeholder image if a city does not have a featured image set.
    • A directory page is also available to display all cities.
  • Single Floor Plan template

    • When enabled, will automatically generate a product page for each floor plan.
    • Display a floor plan’s current and future available units, square footage, and price.
    • Display lease term price options where available.
    • Includes CTAs to Request Info, Apply Now, and optionally, Schedule Tour or Join Waitlist when units aren’t available.
    • Display information from the floor plan’s parent property like description, amenities, pet policy, and office hours.
    • Display a banner to announce leasing specials on a floor plan. Specials can be linked and also set to automatically expire.
    • Includes support for embedding virtual tours from Matterport, YouTube, and more.
    • Add images for the floor plan to display in a carousel.
    • Manually add units into a floor plan.
    • “Features” taxonomy for floor plans to note distinguishing characteristics like “Den,” “Townhome,” and can be extended to fit your inventory.
  • Floor Plan grid template

    • When enabled, will add a Floor Plans grid template into your theme.
    • Display all floor plans for your property or alternately only all with availability.
    • Display a banner to announce leasing specials on a floor plan. Specials can be linked and also set to automatically expire.
    • Shoppers can sort and filter by bed count, price, move-in date.
  • Neighborhoods

    • A Neighborhoods post type is created where you can create any arbitrary neighborhood.
    • Assign properties into each neighborhood.
    • Add romance copy and a featured image.
  • Shortcodes

    • All templates are also available through shortcodes to place in your templates or in content pages.
    • Shortcodes available for: single property, property search floor plan grid, single floor plan.
    • Additional shortcodes available for property hours, property address, property phone, property social, and equal housing.
  • Taxonomies

    • Properties have taxonomies for Cities (automatically generated), Amenities (automatically generated), Pet policy, and Property Type
    • Each can be built out and customized to become landing pages for your website.
  • General Features

    • All templates include search engine schema. Your site will see an immediate boost in SEO performance.
    • All templates report shopper interactions to Google Analytics as events. Automatically track interactions like Phone Calls, Get Directions, Schedule Tour, Apply, and many more.
    • Set a primary and secondary accent color.
    • Set a rent price display type at a global level or on a per-property basis.
    • Disable all pricing with one setting.
    • Choose a consistent format for phone …


  • Version: 7.14.4
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 5.8
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.2


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