Remove Redundant Links

March 07, 2011

Remove Redundant Links Plugin

Replaces links to the currently seen page.

Changes <a> elements pointing to the currently seen page by removing the href attribute and adding a descriptive title.

Compatible with most themes. Tested with TwentyTen

If you are on the page /about/

<a href=''>About</a> 

will be converted to

<a title='You are here.' class='rrl current_page_item'>About</a> 


<link rel='author' href='/about/'> 

will be removed.

All changes apply to GET requests only.

Send me your bug reports and suggestions via my contact page.


Upload the directory to your plugin directory.
Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


How can I change the replaced element, the title or the class name?

The current settings are chosen for compatibility.
To use other settings, you probably have to alter your theme.

You may alter the settings with a filter on rrl_settings in your functions.php.


function change_rrl_settings( $settings ) { $settings['class'] = 'my_own_class'; $settings['title'] = 'Here be dragons'; $settings['replace_a'] = 'span'; return $settings; } add_filter( 'rrl_settings', 'change_rrl_settings', 10, 1 ); 

How can I prevent the stripping of the server prefix for links to other pages on the same site?

Same as above, set strip_server_prefix_on_all_links to FALSE:

function rrl_prevent_server_prefix( $settings ) { $settings['strip_server_prefix_on_all_links'] = FALSE; return $settings; } add_filter( 'rrl_settings', 'rrl_prevent_server_prefix', 10, 1); 


  • v1.0 Initial release
  • v1.1 Fixed update blocker
  • v1.2 Fixed regex to match links. acronym and abbr will not be matched anymore.
  • v1.3 Fixed broken URIs on the frontpage.
  • v1.4 Added an option strip_server_prefix_on_all_links. Defaults to TRUE. Set this to FALSE to keep absolute URIs. See the FAQ.
  • v1.5 Fixed issue with <link rel=canonical>. Thanks to eviluody for testing!
  • v1.6 Fixed missing space in <linkrel=canonical>.
  • v1.7 Don’t touch <a rel=bookmark>, the »permalink« in TwentyTen.


  • Version: 1.7
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 3.1.4


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