Remove All Comments

August 13, 2017

Remove All Comments Plugin

This plug-in will removed/Delete all comments from posts and pages.

This plug-in remove all comments from your current word press site. When Plug-in is active its remove all comments for all user. You can also remove comments from specific post type.

You have a option to removed comments only from posts or pages.

You can also remove from custom post type. For that you have to add code in your current theme`s function.php file.

Note: When you select “Yes” to “Do you want to remove all comments?” Its override all other option settings.



  1. You have a option to removed comments only from posts or pages.

    You have a option to removed comments only from posts or pages.



1.0 : basic one plugin

2.0 : updated with WP 4.5

3.0 : updated with WP 4.7.2

3.1 : updated with WP 4.8


  • Version: 3.1.1
  • Active installations: 400
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.1
  • Tested up to: 4.8.25


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