Related Categories for WooCommerce

September 26, 2023

Related Categories for WooCommerce Plugin

Add "Related categories" section to single product and/or shop pages in WooCommerce.

Related Categories for WooCommerce plugin lets you add “Related categories” section (similar to the standard “Related products” section) to the single product and/or shop (i.e. archives) pages in WooCommerce.

✅ Main Features

  • Automatically add “related categories” section to the single product pages and/or to shop pages.
  • Set categories limit (i.e. number of categories).
  • Set number of columns.
  • Sort categories by name, ID, random, count, etc.
  • Automatically relate categories by siblings, parents, children, etc.
  • Set position for the “related categories” section.
  • Customize templates, e.g. set header, footer and item HTML templates.
  • Optionally display related categories with a widget and/or with a shortcode.
  • And more…

🏆 Premium Version

With Related Categories for WooCommerce Pro you can manually relate categories on:

  • per product basis,
  • per product category basis,
  • per product tag basis, and/or
  • per product custom taxonomy (e.g. product brands) basis.

🗘 Feedback

  • We are open to your suggestions and feedback. Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins!
  • Visit plugin site.


  1. Upload the entire plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Start by visiting plugin settings at “WooCommerce > Settings > Related Categories”.


Does your plugin support multi-language?

Yes, for WPML and Polylang translations, you can use our [alg_wc_related_categories_translate] shortcode directly in Templates.


1.9.6 – 26/09/2023

  • WC tested up to: 8.1.
  • Tested up to: 6.3.
  • Update plugin logo, banner.

1.9.5 – 02/07/2023

  • Dev – “High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)” compatibility.

1.9.4 – 18/06/2023

  • WC tested up to: 7.8.
  • Tested up to: 6.2.

1.9.3 – 14/11/2022

  • WC tested up to: 7.1.
  • Tested up to: 6.1.
  • Readme.txt updated.
  • Deploy script added.

1.9.2 – 13/04/2022

  • Dev – Single – Position Options – “Before single product” and “After single product” positions added.
  • Tested up to: 5.9.
  • WC tested up to: 6.4.

1.9.1 – 15/11/2021

  • Dev – Developers – alg_wc_related_categories_single_product_category_ids filter added.
  • Dev – Settings – Descriptions updated.
  • WC tested up to: 5.9.

1.9.0 – 22/09/2021

  • Fix – Possible PHP parse error fixed.
  • Dev – All admin settings input is properly sanitized now.
  • Dev – Plugin is initialized on the plugins_loaded action now.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • WC tested up to: 5.7.
  • Tested up to: 5.8.

1.8.1 – 06/05/2021

  • Fix – Template Options – Template type – Custom – “Hide empty” option fixed.
  • WC tested up to: 5.2.

1.8.0 – 16/03/2021

  • Fix – Frontend – output_related_categories_single()global $product removed.
  • Dev – Advanced – “Transients” options added.
  • Dev – Archives – Relate Options – Current – “Always show first” option added.
  • Dev – Archives – Template Options – Template type: Custom – %is_active% placeholder added.
  • Dev – Archives – Advanced – “Visibility” option added. Same option added to the “Related Categories: Archives” widget settings as well.
  • Dev – Widget – ‘Override “Relate Options” in widget settings’ option added.
  • Dev – Widget – Template Options – Default values updated.
  • Dev – Widget – Settings restyled (section titles added).
  • Dev – Settings – Relate Options – Section split into “Relate Options” and “Relate Manually”.
  • Dev – Settings – Descriptions updated.
  • Dev – Settings – alg_wc_related_categories_after_save_settings action added.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • WC tested up to: 5.1.
  • Tested up to: 5.7.

1.7.0 – 17/01/2021

  • Fix – Image Options – Image size – Was applied only if the “Placeholder image” option was not empty. This is fixed now.
  • Fix – Loading “per product” and “per category” settings only if section (“Single” or “Archives”) is enabled.
  • Dev – Relate Options – “Per tag” option added.
  • Dev – Relate Options – “Per custom taxonomy” option added.
  • Dev – Position Options – “Widget” option added.
  • Dev – Template Options – “Template type”, “Template type: Custom” and “Template type: Custom: Glue” options added.
  • Dev – Image Options – “Remove image” option added.
  • Dev – Shortcodes – Atts are now customizable in [alg_wc_related_categories_single] and [alg_wc_related_categories_loop] shortcodes.
  • Dev – Localization – load_plugin_textdomain() moved to the init action.
  • Dev – Admin settings descriptions updated.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • Dev – Developers – alg_wc_related_categories_single and alg_wc_related_categories_loop filters added.
  • WC tested up to: 4.9.

1.6.0 – 17/12/2020

  • Dev – Advanced – “Multi-language” options added.
  • Dev – Settings – Order by – Description updated.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • Dev – Free plugin version released.

1.5.0 – 14/12/2020

  • Dev – General Options – Order by – “Count” option added.
  • Dev – Image Options – “Image size” option added.
  • Dev – Image Options – “Placeholder image” option added.
  • Tested up to: 5.6.
  • WC tested up to: 4.8.

1.4.0 – 17/04/2020

  • Fix – Settings – Per product – Bug (when empty “Categories” value is not being saved) fixed.
  • Dev – Relate Options – Siblings – “Include grandparents” option added (defaults to yes).
  • Dev – Relate Options – Siblings – “Include top-level” option added (defaults to no).
  • Dev – Relate Options – Siblings – “Include grandchildren” option added (defaults to yes).
  • Dev – Relate Options – Children – “Include grandchildren” option added (defaults to yes).
  • Dev – Relate Options – Parents – “Include grandparents” option added (defaults to yes).
  • Dev – Single – Advanced Options – ‘Hide “Related products”‘ option added.
  • Dev – Settings – Restyled (show_if_checked properties added).
  • Dev – Settings – “Reset settings” notice updated.
  • Dev – Admin action link description updated.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • Requires at least: 4.7.
  • WC tested up to: 4.0.
  • Tested up to: 5.4.

1.3.3 – 19/02/2020

  • Dev – get_related_categories_single() – Additional $product safe checks added (produced log errors on some servers).

1.3.2 – 31/01/2020

  • Fix – Relate Options – Siblings – Current category removed.
  • Dev – [alg_wc_related_categories_single] and [alg_wc_related_categories_loop] shortcodes added (and “Disable” option added to “Position” in both single and archives settings).
  • Dev – Admin settings descriptions updated.

1.3.1 – 30/01/2020

  • Dev – Archives – Position – “Before main content” and “After main content” positions added.

1.3.0 – 22/01/2020

  • Dev – “Archives” options section added.
  • Dev – “General” options section renamed to “Single”.
  • Dev – “Plugin enabled” option removed.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • WC tested up to: 3.9.

1.2.0 – 21/01/2020

  • Dev – Relate Options – “Per category” option added.
  • Dev – Relate Options – Per product – “Override” option added.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.

1.1.0 – 03/01/2020

  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • Dev – Admin settings descriptions updated.
  • WC tested up to: 3.8.
  • Tested up to: 5.3.

1.0.0 – 13/05/2019

  • Initial Release.


  • Version: 1.9.6
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 4.7
  • Tested up to: 6.3.5


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