Ralf Hortt By Ralf Hortt

August 11, 2014

Redirector Plugin

Redirect posts / pages / custom post types

Redirect posts, pages or any custom post type to a different url.



  • redirector_uninstall – Runs on plugin deinstall
  • redirector_metabox_begin – Begin redirector meta box
  • redirector_metabox_end – End redirector meta box
  • redirector-modal-search-begin Begin redirector modal
  • redirector-modal-search-end End redirector modal


  • redirector-redirect-url – Alter the query string that is appended to redirect url
  • redirector-status-code – Redirect status code; default 301
  • redirector-recent-posts – Alter redirector recent posts query
  • redirector-search-query – Alter redirector search query
  • redirector-meta – Alter Redirector meta save

Update Notice

In version 3+ I’ve changed the database handling of storing the post meta data.
This results in that you have the visit the backend once after updating the plugin.
The function maybe_update() will handle the transition from the old structure to the newer one.
There shouldn’t be any problem updating the plugin, if so please contact me!


  • Put the plugin file in your plugin directory and activate it in your WP backend.
  • Go to edit a page
  • Scroll down to ‘Redirector’ meta box
  • Select a WordPress page of you installation or enter a valid URL or select the ‘first child page’


  1. Meta box - No redirection

    Meta box - No redirection

  2. Meta box - Select post ( any post type )

    Meta box - Select post ( any post type )

  3. Modal box - Select post ( any post type ) with most recent posts

    Modal box - Select post ( any post type ) with most recent posts

  4. Modal box - Search post ( any post type )

    Modal box - Search post ( any post type )

  5. Meta box - Selected post ( any post type )

    Meta box - Selected post ( any post type )

  6. Meta box - Custom URL

    Meta box - Custom URL

  7. Meta box - First child element

    Meta box - First child element

  8. Meta box - SSL

    Meta box - SSL


Installation Instructions

  • Put the plugin file in your plugin directory and activate it in your WP backend.
  • Go to edit a page
  • Scroll down to ‘Redirector’ meta box
  • Select a WordPress page of you installation or enter a valid URL or select the ‘first child page’

Where can I get support or report bugs?

Please use the github to report bugs or add feature requests!

How can I activate Redirector for other post types beside pages?

Simple add the post type support for it via add_post_type_support( 'post', 'redirector' )



  • Fix: Checked checkbox for no redirection
  • Fix: Prevent empty redirects
  • Fix: Compability with Cachify


  • Added: Search post object for post redirect type
  • Added: Redirect preview
  • Added action: redirector-update
  • Added action: redirector-modal-search-begin
  • Added action: redirector-modal-search-end
  • Added filter: redirector-recent-posts
  • Added filter: redirector-redirect-url
  • Added filter: redirector-status-code
  • Added filter: redirector-meta
  • Enhancement: New Redirector UI
  • Removed Filter: redirector_redirect
  • Removed Filter: redirector_status
  • Removed Filter: redirector_types


  • Added more arguements to the hooks
  • Added


  • Filter ‘redirector_status’ added
  • Uninstall routine activated
  • Code readability increased


  • Enhancement: Cleanup
  • Fix: Minor typos
  • Fix: Metabox is displayed correctly on new post


  • Core function rewritten
  • Updated JS/CSS
  • Fully extendable with filters and actions
  • Custom Post Type Support
  • New redirect Method (HTTPS)
  • Moved files into folders


  • Moved the code into class


  • Proper multilanguage support
  • CSS moved to redirector.css
  • JS moved to redirector.js


  • Version: 3.0.1
  • Active installations: 10,000
  • WordPress Version: 3.3
  • Tested up to: 3.6.1


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