Quote Tweet
bozdoz By bozdoz

November 20, 2017

Quote Tweet Plugin

A plugin that shows a link when a user selects text on your WordPress site to quote that text, with the current URL, in a tweet.

Let your visitors share a quote from your pages with Quote Tweet!

When a visitor selects text from one of your pages, a prompt appears for them to share the quote, with the current page URL, to Twitter.

Check out the source code on GitHub!


  1. Choose to add a new plugin, then click upload
  2. Upload the quote-tweet zip
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Try selecting text on one of your pages, to see the Twitter icon pop up.


  1. Select text to see the prompt.

    Select text to see the prompt.


None yet! Shoot me a question @bozdoz.

Installation Instructions

  1. Choose to add a new plugin, then click upload
  2. Upload the quote-tweet zip
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Try selecting text on one of your pages, to see the Twitter icon pop up.



  • Added default hashtags.


  • Fix to overwritten variable which wiped text selection in 0.5 (sorry, all affected).


  • Added timeouts, contextmenu event, and addEventListener for all events.


  • Added z index so that the popup will show up on most sites; added retina Twitter logo.


  • Tightened whitespace and comments, made globals explicit; eventually moved most of the plugin into a function executed on the init action.


  • Should be more compatible with other plugins.


  • First Version. Select text to see Twitter prompt.


  • Version: 0.7
  • Active installations: 80
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.1
  • Tested up to: 4.9.26


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