Quick Restaurant Reservations

April 02, 2023

Quick Restaurant Reservations Plugin

Manage restaurant reservations the easiest way.

Quick Restaurant Reservations is the easiest way to manage your restaurant bookings. Confirm / Reject reservations and send notifications to your customers. Manage several schedules, dates and time intervals.

Quick Restaurant Reservations Features

The plugin uses default WordPress functionality. Creates custom post types for Restaurants, Bookings and Clients.

  • Unlimited bookings
  • Bookings per restaurant
  • Pending, Confirm, Reject, Cancel status.
  • Notify customers about their booking status via email.
  • Manual confirmation.
  • Define min / max party
  • Early / Late bookings
  • Date format
  • Custom message after form submitted
  • Custom redirect after form submitted
  • Unlimited schedules
  • Schedule status open / close
  • Define week days and time interval for each schedule
  • Customize email notifications (admin, pending, confirmed, rejected, update)
  • Clients list
  • Form fields: date, party, time, name, email, phone, message


  • Check our brand NEW PLUGIN Alex Reservations
  • New full screen dashboard for managing bookings
  • Multiple restaurants (multisite and single site)
  • Floor plan with tables management
  • Tables designer with drag & drop
  • Monthly view
  • Weekly view
  • Timeline view
  • Customers CRM
  • Custom emails
  • Bookings Tags
  • Customers Tags
  • Beautiful reports
  • Multi language & responsive widget for mobile
  • Manage Shifts and Events with different widgets
  • Customer can cancel booking
  • Ask customers for feedback

QRR ADD-ON Features

  • Unlimited restaurants
  • Each restaurant has its own page and booking form
  • Automatic confirmations
  • Set max capacity based on number of seats
  • Set max capacity based on tables
  • Limit automatic confirmation to max party
  • Limit automatic confirmation until X seats reached
  • Customize logo of email notifications
  • Monthly calendar view
  • Daily calendar view
  • Unlimited form custom fields

Make sure to review our ADD-ONS for Quick Restaurant Reservations page for more detailed information.

How to use

Add the shortcode of the restaurant form in any existing post or page:

[qrr_form id="123"] 


For custom development CONTACT US


  1. Unzip the plugin and upload it to your site’s wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Activate Quick Restaurant Reservations trough the “plugins” area in your WordPress dashboard
  3. A new menu item called “Rest. Bookings” will appear in your dashboard navigation.
  4. Go there and create a new restaurant.
  5. Define schedules for the restaurant.
  6. Copy and paste the shortcode for the bookings form in another page content.


  1. NEW PLUGIN - List bookings

    NEW PLUGIN - List bookings

  2. NEW PLUGIN - Tables management

    NEW PLUGIN - Tables management

  3. NEW PLUGIN - Customers CRM

    NEW PLUGIN - Customers CRM

  4. NEW PLUGIN - Tables editor

    NEW PLUGIN - Tables editor

  5. NEW PLUGIN - Shift editor

    NEW PLUGIN - Shift editor

  6. NEW PLUGIN - Widget editor

    NEW PLUGIN - Widget editor

  7. NEW PLUGIN - Customer tags editor

    NEW PLUGIN - Customer tags editor

  8. NEW PLUGIN - Reports view

    NEW PLUGIN - Reports view

  9. NEW PLUGIN - Front-widget

    NEW PLUGIN - Front-widget

  10. Old add-on - Bookings dashboard

    Old add-on - Bookings dashboard

  11. Old add-on - Booking editor

    Old add-on - Booking editor

  12. Old add-on - Restaurant schedules

    Old add-on - Restaurant schedules

  13. Old add-on - Schedule editor

    Old add-on - Schedule editor

  14. Old add-on - Schedule editor

    Old add-on - Schedule editor

  15. Old add-on - Notifications

    Old add-on - Notifications


How do I create a booking form?

Create a new restaurant.
Define schedules for the restaurant.
Insert the shortcode on any post or page.



  • Small bug fixed


  • Small adjustments


  • Added new setting for loading list of clients when editing booking
  • Added new setting to prevent message ‘Email action not allowed’


  • Added user_email to email from field


  • Small bug admin dashboard


  • Bug when sending admin emails


  • Prevent CSRF


  • Option late booking for schedule


  • Bulk action Cancel fixed


  • Fixed issue bulk updating bookings


  • Fixed issue email not saving format
  • Fixes issue in clients list layout


  • Fixed booking create status dropdown
  • Added new column for tables assigned


  • Fixed booking Action Selector dropdown


  • Fixed problem with emails layout


  • Fixed issue restaurant settings not saved


  • Fixed some bugs


  • Added time to Closed schedules
  • Can be closed full day or specific time


  • Fix issue with min booking duration
  • Fix issue with link to cancel booking
  • Added new column ‘Duration’
  • Integration with add-on ‘Capacity’ to export CSV


  • Added NL translation thanks to Bjron


  • Fixed issue for deleting trash old booking
  • Added booking column ID


  • Small issue with the front reservation ajax action


  • The admin table bookings has a default view for Today/Future bookings
  • New filter for Today or Future reservations at the admin table bookings list
  • New filter ‘qrr_admin_booking_column_date’ for changing the admin column Date format
  • Fixed issue calendar flickering at the front-end


  • Fixed issue with i18n date


  • Fixed small issues with front-form.php template
  • Added new filters to remove all other metaboxes from CPTs
  • filter: qrr_restaurant_remove_all_other_metaboxes (default false)
  • filter: qrr_client_remove_all_other_metaboxes (default false)
  • filter: qrr_booking_remove_all_other_metaboxes (default false)


  • Fixed date translation inside the emails sent


  • Fixed action links from email sent to administrator (confirm, reject, calcel booking)
  • Added early booking new options (1 and 2 years in advance)


  • Solved bug when sending emails from admin bookings panel


  • Hours format: 24h / 12H
  • Small bugs fixed
  • Default admin email set if field is empty
  • Form date picker with >40 available translations


  • Bookings list filtering by date and restaurant.
  • Bookings list ordered by date.


  • Plugin released.


  • Version: 1.6.7
  • Active installations: 900
  • WordPress Version: 3.5
  • Tested up to: 6.2.6


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