QR Master

February 21, 2015

QR Master Plugin

Generate shortcodes to include colored QR code in page or post.

QR Master generate shortcodes to include QR code in page or post. Get QR codes from Google API Charts and Php QR code. This plugin support two methods to getting QR:

  • Value: get same QR whith fixed value
  • Automatic: get random QR code for each visit in page or post.

The shortcode form tool include:

  • Form with parameters of Google API Charts,
  • Form with parameters of Php QR Code API,
  • CSS options and hide code information and credits.
  • Foreground and background colours in QR Code (Php QR Code)

All QR codes are generated in live. The Php QR Code API save some data in cache, please read FAQ.

Available Languages


  • Widget, save codes to database, insert shortcode assistant, customize css, value generator, QR-Server API


  1. Upload ‘qrmaster’ forler to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to ‘Tools’ -> ‘QR Master’ and generate shortcode
  4. Copy shortcode and paste in your post or page


  1. <p>Generation QR Shortcode Tool (Php QR Code API)</p>

    Generation QR Shortcode Tool (Php QR Code API)

  2. <p>Generation QR Shortcode Tool (Google API Charts)</p>

    Generation QR Shortcode Tool (Google API Charts)

  3. <p>Code QR usages</p>

    Code QR usages

  4. <p>Example of generated QR code</p>

    Example of generated QR code


Size of QR code in Google API Charts not change?

Yes, change the image of QR code canvas, but not change the QR code size.
Limitations of Google API Charts.

QR Master save QR codes in disk?

Yes, with Php QR API each QR code is saved in ‘upload/qrmaster/cache’. When size of folder exceed 10MB, will be cleared.




  • Colored QR codes with Php QR Code
  • New admin styled forms


  • Php QR Code API implmented
  • Admin from tool with tabs and new style
  • New classic CSS style
  • Cache in uploads folder for save temporally QR codes from Php API (clear at 10MB)
  • Usages of QR codes and examples in admin tool


  • Option to disable code information and credits
  • Set CSS classic or disable CSS style


  • Bug fixed. Shortcode appears in top of content


  • First version (testing)


  • Version: 1.0.5
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.5.1
  • Tested up to: 4.1.41


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