QR Block
retrofox By retrofox

January 23, 2023

QR Block Plugin

Another amazing QR Code block for Gutenberg.

The QR Block plugin provides a few blocks:

  • QR: A block that generates the QR code based on its content. Generic purposes.
  • Wi-Fi Network Connection: Connect to a Wi-Fi Network via a QR Code.
  • QR Post: Share your post with a QR Code.

Also, it renders the QR code of the current post in the Post sidebar. A simple but functional way o load the post on mobile, for instance.

Source & Support

You can follow development, file an issue, suggest features, and view the source at the Github WPHackers/qr-block repo.


This block is powered by the brilliant qrcode.react library.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/qr-block directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


  1. <p>QR Block - General view</p>

    QR Block - General view

  2. <p>QR Block - Error correction</p>

    QR Block - Error correction

  3. <p>QR Block - Create & Upload</p>

    QR Block - Create & Upload

  4. <p>QR Block - Transform to Image</p>

    QR Block - Transform to Image

  5. <p>QR Block - WiFi Network variation</p>

    QR Block - WiFi Network variation

  6. <p>QR Block - QR Post variation</p>

    QR Block - QR Post variation

  7. <p>QR Post plugin (Post sidebar)</p>

    QR Post plugin (Post sidebar)



  • Initial Release.


  • Refactoring code.
  • remove server-side qr library.


  • Fix issues – Enhancementes.


  • Fix issues / Enhancementes / Tidy code.


  • Fix issue when installing plugin from block editor, on the fly. Need to set default attributes at block edit function level.


  • Fix corrupted compiled files.
  • Add “Upload to Media Library” block option.


  • Tranform to core/image block.
  • Tweak setting code popover.
  • Add some external link help for Error Correction Level.
  • Add image size support when uploading.
  • Add WiFI Network block variation.
  • Refactoring setting size and error Correction
  • Improve setting error correction


  • Fix setting block title bug


  • Fix setting block title bug
  • Fix initial size value when installing block on the fly


  • Introduce QR Post panel


  • Tweak default content of the blocks
  • Test on 6.1.1
  • Update descripcion and screenshots

= 0.0.13
* Fix runtime breaking bug


  • Version: 0.0.13
  • Active installations: 500
  • WordPress Version: 5.8
  • Tested up to: 6.1.7
  • PHP Version: 7.0


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