Push Syndication

December 14, 2018

Push Syndication Plugin

Syndication helps users manage posts across multiple sites. It's useful when managing posts on different platforms. With a single click you can p …

Syndication helps users manage posts across multiple sites. It’s useful when managing posts on different platforms. With a single click you can push a post to more than 100 sites.

Full documentation here.


  1. Install & activate the plugin through the WordPress ‘Plugins’ dashboard.
  2. Visit Settings > Push Syndicate Settings to configure the plugin. Full documentation here.
  3. When editing a post, you’ll see a new “Syndication” metabox. The post will be automatically syndicated to selected sites/sitegroups on publish/update.

To store passwords securely, we recommend defining an encryption key, which will be used to encrypt credentials when saved to the database.

define('PUSH_SYNDICATE_KEY', 'this-is-a-random-key') 


  1. Push Syndication Settings Page

    Push Syndication Settings Page

  2. Registering an Application

    Registering an Application

  3. WordPress.com Authorization Page

    WordPress.com Authorization Page

  4. WordPress.com API credentials

    WordPress.com API credentials

  5. Registering Standalone WordPress Install

    Registering Standalone WordPress Install

  6. Registering a WordPress.com Site

    Registering a WordPress.com Site

  7. Sitegroups Metabox

    Sitegroups Metabox



  • Initial release


  • Version: 1.0
  • Active installations: 400
  • WordPress Version: 3.4
  • Tested up to: 5.0.22


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