Pullquote Shortcode

April 16, 2014

Pullquote Shortcode Plugin

Register shortcode [pullquote] and add pullquote button to tinyMCE editor.

Pullquote Shortcode register shortcode [pullquote] and adds pullquote button to tinyMCE editor. If you are not using a button you can
write shortcode with content like this.

[pullquote]This is my content[/pullquote]

Pullquotes works also in text widgets.


  1. Upload pullquote-shortcode to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Start using pullquotes.


  1. Add Pullquote

    Add Pullquote

  2. Add Pullquote text

    Add Pullquote text

  3. You can also write shortcode

    You can also write shortcode

  4. Pullquote in the front-end

    Pullquote in the front-end


Why was this plugin created?

I needed this feature to be in a plugin because I changed theme a lot. And the button is for authors who are not so tech savvy.

What is pullquote?

Check out screenshots.

How to translate this plugin?

There is folder /js/langs/ where are language files like fi.js and en.js. There is only couple of strings to translate. You can send me (sami.keijonen (at) foxnet.fi) the
translate files for your language.



  • Tested up to 3.9.


  • Removed shortcode syntax when using TinyMCE button. Replaced by <div class="pullquote"></div>.


  • Everything’s brand new.


  • Version: 0.1.2
  • Active installations: 90
  • WordPress Version: 3.8
  • Tested up to: 3.9.40


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