Product Specific Email Content for WooCommerce

March 21, 2024

Product Specific Email Content for WooCommerce Plugin

This plugin allows you to add content to the order emails per product. This is useful if a purchased product requires some more explanation.

If you want to add custom content to your order emails, on a per-product basis, this is
the plugin for you. With this plugin, you can add text to your order emails for each product
that your customer bought. Only the content for the bought products will be added to the

This is useful if you want to send some extra info to the customer, depending on the products
they bought.


Develop in Git and on GitHub as normal. Then:

  • git svn rebase
  • git svn dcommit
  • git rebase origin/master master


  1. Upload product-specific-email-content-for-woocommerce.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to your product and you will see a new ‘Email’ tab under the product data.


  1. Adding the email text to the product.

    Adding the email text to the product.

  2. What the email will look like.

    What the email will look like.


Can my other plugin add to the content?

Yes! There are two actions that you can hook into:

  • product_specific_email_content_before_content
  • product_specific_email_content_after_content

Both accept a two arguments:

  • $item: the current Order item
  • $product: the current Product

With these hooks, you can add extra info before or after the content defined through this plugin.



  • Tested with WordPress 6.5


  • Declare HPOS compatibility


  • Tested with WordPress 6.3


  • Remove empty admin JS
  • Remove empty public JS and CSS.


  • Sanitize input and escape output
  • Update “tested up to” version
  • Add nonce and verify


  • Add product_specific_email_content_before_content and product_specific_email_content_after_content


  • Increase height of editor


  • Initial version


  • Version: 1.4.0
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 6.1.1
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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