Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce

July 06, 2024

Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce Plugin

Define a min/max, step, decimal & default quantity for products, show a dropdown and much more on WooCommerce stores.

“The best plugin for product quantity: Without doubt, it´s the best plugin for products quantity I´ve used with woocommerce. And another thing very important: behind the plugin there are people helping and giving support in an extraordinary way. Thank you very much to all of them.” – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ pozoalcon

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With a growing demand for detailed customization like defining minimum, maximum, and step quantities, there’s a need for an advanced solution.

Our plugin offers unparalleled control over min/max/step quantities for your WooCommerce store, all within a user-friendly interface.

All plugin features work for simple & variable products, meaning that you will have the option to select the desired quantity rule regardless if the product is simple, variable, or variation itself.

Whether you’re looking to set specific thresholds, intervals, or even provide predefined allowed quantities for your customers, our tool has been designed to meet those requirements.

In a nutshell:

  • Flexible Min/Max Quantity Control: Tailor minimum and maximum quantities on product levels, cart levels, or even categories & tags (pro).

  • Step/Increment Control: Define quantity steps or increments, beneficial for products that need to be sold in multiples, such as printing services (cards, brochures, flyers).

  • Default Quantity Setting: Change the default ‘1’ quantity that loads on product & shop pages, giving customers a pre-set quantity option.

  • Fixed Quantity Options: Ideal for specific products like textiles, allowing sales in exact quantities such as 1, 3, 5 meters.

  • Quantity Dropdown Feature: Replace the traditional +/- quantity fields with a clear dropdown menu, streamlining user experience.

  • Total Price by Quantity: Display dynamic pricing based on selected quantity, enhancing transparency for customers.

  • Pricing Unit Display: Showcase custom text alongside the price, clearly indicating units like ‘per KG’ or ‘per bottle’, eliminating any ambiguity.

  • Assign Decimal Values: Sell in decimal quantities, perfect for products like spices or fruits.

  • Show Units Next to Quantities: Intuitively display units like ‘KG’, ‘piece’, or ‘liter’ next to products, making shopping clearer for customers.

  • Compatibility with Dynamic Pricing Plugins: Seamlessly integrate with most dynamic pricing plugins, ensuring price calculations are accurate regardless of quantity changes.

🤝 Recommended By

🚀 Main Features: FREE Version

🚀 Specify Min (Minimum) & Max (Maximum) Quantity for Products

  • Define a minimum/maximum quantity to be applied on cart level (site-global), meaning customers can mix quantities of any products without minimum/maximum quantities by product to meet a defined min/max quantity for all products combined in cart

  • Customize message that appear for users with wrong quantities rules on cart

  • Apply minimum/maximum quantity on all products at once across the whole store, all products must be purchased at least with defined min/max quantity

  • Customize message appearing on product pages when product quantity isn’t matching defined quantities

Min/Max Quantities Usecases

There are too many cases where you can utilize the minimum & maximum quantities restriction on your store, like:

  • Limited Stock Items: Set a maximum quantity to prevent bulk buying and stock depletion, ensuring more customers have access to high-demand products

  • Exclusive or Luxury Goods: Limit the number of premium or limited-edition items a single customer can purchase, preserving exclusivity

  • Wholesale Stores: Mandate a minimum purchase quantity to ensure wholesale prices are leveraged for bulk buying only

  • Promotional or Sale Items: Implement a max limit on discounted products to prevent stockouts and maintain profitability

  • Sample Products: Allow customers to order a minimum quantity (e.g., 1 or 2) of sample items to test before buying in bulk

  • Subscription Services

  • Event or Workshop Tickets

🚀 Change Default Quantity for Products

  • Adjust the default quantity value, typically set at 1, that displays when shoppers visit your product or category page

  • Utilize the default quantity feature to present shoppers with a suggested quantity, such as 5 or 10, without without restricting them from adjusting higher or lower values

  • Set default quantity for all products at once, individually per product, or by category (Pro)


Changing default quantity comes handy in different cases, like these:

  • Pre-configured Packs: For items typically bought in specific quantities, like a 6-pack of socks or a set of 4 mugs, present the default as the common set size

  • Bulk Buying Incentives: Encourage wholesale or bulk purchases by setting the default quantity to a higher value, nudging customers towards bigger orders

  • Sample or Trial Products: For trial versions or sample-sized products, set a default of 1 or 2 to allow customers to easily test before committing to larger quantities

🚀 Change Step/Interval Quantity for Products

  • Whether you refer to it as a “step,” “increment,” or “interval” quantity, our plugin has got you covered

  • Tailor the plugin to sell products in specific multiples, such as in sets of 4, accommodating shipping and packaging needs

  • Define quantities in steps like 5, 10, 15, 20, etc., to streamline the buying process


  • Wholesale or Bulk Purchases: Ensure items like office supplies are sold in bulk, such as pens in batches of 50 or paper in reams of 500

  • Packaging Constraints: Align with typical packaging sizes

  • Printing Services: Direct customers to order materials like business cards or brochures in increments of 100 or 250

  • Clothing and Textile: Sell fabrics in yard or meter increments for efficient cutting and reduced wastage

🚀 Specify Allowed/Disallowed Fixed Quantities for Products

  • Apply random predefined allowed quantities (like 1,3,5,10,18) at all products

  • Define preset quantities at the cart level, letting customers choose from set quantities for all products without regular intervals

  • Personalize user notifications in the cart when selected quantities fall outside the specified allowed range

  • Adjust the on-page alerts to guide users when their chosen quantity on product pages deviates from the allowed values

  • Specify distinct allowed and disallowed quantities at granular levels, including individual products, categories, or attributes for enhanced customization (Pro features)


  • Custom Gift Sets: Retailers can offer gift sets where customers can choose to buy sets containing 1, 5, 10, or 20 items, allowing for varied gift sizes based on occasion and budget

  • Collector’s Items: Stores selling collectibles, like stamps or coins, might have package deals for 1, 10, or 50 items, catering to both beginner and seasoned collectors

  • Crafting Kits: For DIY enthusiasts, crafting kits might be available in sizes suitable for 1 project, 5 projects, or 20 projects

  • Custom Printing: Printing shops offering custom prints on items like mugs or shirts may offer package deals for individuals (1 item), small groups (5 items), or large events (50 items)

🚀 Quantity Dropdown: Convert Quantity Field Into a Dropdown

  • Transform the standard quantity field into a more user-friendly dropdown, enhancing product quantity selection

  • Built-in search function, allowing customers to quickly pinpoint their desired quantities

  • Dynamically determine the dropdown’s highest number based on either the Maximum quantity, the highest allowed quantity, or a predefined fallback value

  • Display thousand separators

  • Add unit to dropdown, like “10 KGs” or “20 Litre”


  • Pre-packaged Sets: For products that are sold in specific sets or bundles (e.g., a set of 6, 12, or 24 glasses), a dropdown can ensure customers only select these predefined quantities

  • Bulk or Wholesale Orders: For products primarily sold in bulk, a dropdown can list specific bulk quantities, simplifying the purchasing process.

  • User Experience and Mobile Optimization

🚀 Show Total Prices based on Quantity

  • Instantly showcase the “Total Price by Quantity,” making prices clear based on the chosen quantity

  • Choose to show the dynamic price instead/after/before the default standard price

  • Add units to the price display, like “$100 for 5 pcs”, ensuring customers understand exactly what they’re getting

🚀 Price Unit: Show Quantity Unit Next to Price

  • Easily enhance product pricing by integrating a unit display, allowing prices to read as “$10 per KG” or “$5 per bottle,” providing immediate context and clarity within your store’s layout

🚀 Show Quantity Info on Product Page

Display quantity information, like minimum, maximum, and step values, to provide customers with a clear guideline on purchase limits and increments, eliminating any uncertainties and ensuring a smoother shopping experience

🚀 Decimal Quantity

Products aren’t always sold in whole numbers. For more precision and to cater to diverse product requirements, decimals in quantity can make a significant difference in how you sell and how customers shop.

How It Works:
You can set decimal values for minimum, maximum, step increments, or even specific allowed quantities, offering a level of detail that matches your product’s nature.

Use Cases for Decimals:

  1. Fruits & Vegetables Stores

  2. Textile Shops

  3. Bulk Grain or Spice Sellers

🚀 Validate Quantities on Add to Cart & Cart Page

The plugin allows you to validate quantities when added to cart as defined in plugin settings, making sure that customers are informed about wrong quantities, or even prevent them from reaching cart on wrong quantities.

The plugin allows 3 action options on wrong quantities:

  1. Do not validate (can show error messages on cart)
  2. Validate & show error messages
  3. Validate & auto-correct quantities (round up or down)

You can also block users from reaching checkout on wrong quantities (if notification is selected in Cart Notices).

“Many functions & great support.: I really love this plugin as it allows me to adjust the quantity exactly the way I want. Support is very responsive, helpful and fast.” – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ maskinluxembourg

“Awesome Plugin and A1 Support: Fantastic plugin what’s worth every penny. And the support from Omar is second to none. Probably the best i’ve ever had for a WP Plugin.” – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ mdj101

🏆 Do More: PRO Version

Those who would like to go further and beyond, we have a premium version of Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce Pro plugin.

🏆 The Pro version unlocks more advanced features like:

🏆 Limit Quantities by Category & Attributes

  • Define Minimum/Maximum/Allowed Quantities by Category/attribute: You can define a minimum/maximum/allowed quantities by category/attribute, and yes, it works in 2 ways:
  1. You can define minimum/maximum/allowed quantity for all product by applying the specified value to all products in a category/attribute (instead of applying product by product)
  2. You can even apply a minimum/maximum/allowed quantity value that will be applied as combined for a category, meaning that total quantities from products of this category/attribute must match the defined min/max/allowed quantity
  • Define Default & Step Quantities by Category

  • Define Default & Step Quantities by Attribute

🏆 Quantity Dropdown Pro Features

  • Exclude Quantity Dropdown by Category

  • Define Dropdown Labels by Product

  • Enable Quantity Dropdown on Shop Pages

🏆 Total Price by Quantity Pro Features

  • Exclude Total Price on Specific Categories

  • Define Units by Product, Category & Attribute

  • Show Total Price by Quantity on Shop Pages

🏆 Price Unit Pro Features

  • Define Price Unit by Product

  • Define Price Unit by Category

  • Show Price Unit on Shop Pages

🏆 Disable Plugin for Specific Products

You can exclude/disable the plugin for a specific product/set of products, or by a whole category.

🏆 Enable/Disable by User Role

🏆 Premium Support

And much more.

💯 Why WPFactory?

  • Experience You Can Trust: Over a decade in the business
  • Wide Plugin Selection: Offering 65+ unique and powerful plugins
  • Highly-Rated Support: Backed by hundreds of 5-star reviews
  • Expert Team: Dedicated developers and technical support at your service

What’s Next? Discover More Plugins by WPFactory

WPFactory has a diverse range of plugins tailored to enhance your experience, some of our top-selling plugins are:

❤️ User Testimonials: See What Others Are Saying!

“For me, it is one of the best plugins for maximum and minimum amounts. Excellent work and support from the developer.” – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ángel

“Great Plugin, Works exactly as required. Needed support and was provided with more than I was expected. 100% would recommend.” – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Tristan

“This plugin was a huge help! It does what others can’t, and the support is excellent. It’s great to be able to specify exact quantities that are not “stepped” easily!” – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ zach jones

“Best Quanity Plugin for Sure | Awsome Support!!: Best Quantity Plugin Ever. For sure. It solves problems all other Plugins aren´t able to think about. This is worth every penny. And the best on this Plugin is the awsome support. These guys know WordPress / Woocommerce like no one else and help you with every problem occuring on your very own shop including this plugin. They are super fast and super friendly. I would reccomend them to you! Stop Searching. Buy this Plugin in Pro Version!!!” – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Toby Kronwitter


Follow these simplified steps to get your plugin up and running:

From the WordPress Admin Panel:
1. Navigate to “Plugins” > “Add New”.
2. Use the search bar and find the plugin using the exact name.
3. Click “Install Now” for the desired plugin.
4. Once the installation is finished, and click “Activate”.

Manual Installation Using FTP:
1. Download the desired plugin from WordPress.org.
2. Using your preferred FTP client, upload the entire plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation.
3. Go to “Plugins” > “Installed Plugins” in your dashboard and click “Activate”.

Manual download & upload from the WordPress Admin Panel:
1. Download the desired plugin in a ZIP format.
2. On your site, navigate to “Plugins” > “Add New” and click the “Upload Plugin” button.
3. Choose the downloaded plugin file and click “Install Now.”
4. After the installation is complete, click “Activate”.

Once activated, access the plugin’s settings by navigating to “WooCommerce > Settings” and look for the relevant tab.


How to specify minimum/maximum/default/step quantity for all products at once?

Enable Minimum Quantity tab, and define your minimum quantity in “All Products” field, that simple.

I want to specify different minimum/maximum/default/step for every product, how?

Recently introduced to free users, this is now available in Free version as well as the Pro version with a lot more features.

Can I change the default quantity from 1 to anything else with this plugin?

Indeed, enable that tab and define whatever value you want there, then select the page load option to load on Default Quantity (from plugin General tab)

Is the plugin compatible with my theme?”

The plugin is tested on hundreds of themes, but we can’t guarantee working on all of them, any well-coded theme will work fine with this plugin, and even if you encounter 3rd party compatibility issue, our support team will be glad to fix it.

Does the plugin allow specifying minimum/maximum/default/step on category level?

Yes, using the pro version you will be able to specify any quantity you want based on category or even attribute level. You can specify quantity for all products in that category at once, or total quantities for products from that category to match your needs.

I want to enable decimal quantities in my store, can this plugin help?

Yes, once you enable “Decimal Quantities” option, you can specify a minimum/step/fixed quantity in decimals, so if you want to sell in 0.5, just specify 0.5 in step quantities and your products will be sold in 0.5 increments.

How to show a dropdown instead of quantity input field?

The plugin has a tab “Quantity Dropdown”, once enabled it will allow you to show dropdown instead of manual quantity input, the feature has to read a max value (so the dropdown doesn’t go infinite), it can be defined as max-fallback value, or maximum quantity defined for a product, or if you’re using fixed quantities.

Is this plugin WPML/Polylang compatible?

Yes, our plugin is compatible with multi-language sites, it provides strings to be used in translation.

Will this plugin work with variable products?

Definitely, every single setting in the plugin works on variable products exactly as it works on simple products.

Can I apply different values (min max step etc…) for different variations of the same variable product?

Indeed, you will have a field for each corresponding feature per variations, allowing you to control everything on variation level


4.6.9 – 06/07/2024

  • Add – Minimum Quantity > Run save “below stock meta”.

4.6.8 – 05/07/2024

  • Add – Total Price by Quantity > {{%qty / %quantity_step}}

4.6.7 – 07/06/2024

  • WC tested up to: 8.9

4.6.6 – 07/06/2024

  • Fix – Support “woocommerce shop page”.

4.6.5 – 11/04/2024

  • Fix – get_category_unit_label() function.

4.6.4 – 09/04/2024

  • Update – readme.txt
  • Fix – pq_change_product_price_unit() function.

4.6.3 – 04/04/2024

  • Update – readme.txt
  • WC tested up to: 8.7
  • Verified compatibility with WordPress 6.5

4.6.2 – 28/03/2024

  • Fix – fix quantity_step_per_product_cat_value() warning;

4.6.1 – 27/03/2024

  • Fix – double render price unit at email order.

4.6.0 – 19/03/2024

  • Fix – Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property.
  • WC tested up to: 8.5

4.5.23 – 12/01/2024

  • Price Unit > Allow price unit on email order item.

4.5.22 – 03/01/2024

  • Advance > Sumup each product quantity within the bundle product.

4.5.21 – 02/01/2024

  • WC tested up to: 8.4
  • Remove deprecated warning.

4.5.20 – 05/12/2023

  • WC tested up to: 8.3
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.4 verified
  • Fix – add price unit in order email item.

4.5.19 – 14/10/2023

  • delete bulk-material code at pro.
  • WC tested up to: 8.2

4.5.18 – 09/10/2023

  • Update readme file.

4.5.17 – 30/09/2023

  • Update function quantity_step_per_product_cat_value() code to support older functionality.

4.5.16 – 26/09/2023

  • WC tested up to: 8.1
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.3 verified
  • update plugin icon, banner.

4.5.15 – 05/09/2023

  • Fix – update fomd condition.

4.5.14 – 04/09/2023

  • Fix – update code “save_stock_status_overwrite_thresold” function.
  • Fix – update fomd condition.
  • Fix – apply filter to those values where missing for min, max, default, steps.

4.5.13 – 25/08/2023

  • Added – Fixed quantity > Permit the calculation of subset sums from the allowed quantities.
  • Fix – “save_stock_status_overwrite_thresold” function to overwrite instock when save product.

4.5.12 – 19/08/2023

  • Added – Advance Setting > Woocommerce block compatibility.
  • Apply HPOS OrderUtil class for shop order screen.
  • WC tested up to: 8.0
  • Fix decimal stock status after order place and update product.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.2 verified.
  • Input quantity template version updated.

4.5.11 – 15/08/2023

  • Fix “alg_wc_pq_disable_by_order_per_user” default condition.

4.5.10 – 06/08/2023

  • Fix “out of stock issue” for decimal quantity less than 1.
  • Added – Minimum Setting > Hide “Add To Cart” button when stock < min quantity
  • Added – Advance Setting > Disable plugin after first order per user
  • Made HPOS compatiblity
  • WC tested up to: 7.9

4.5.9 – 13/07/2023

  • valiation added for zero quantity add to cart and remove validation of zero quantity add to cart in grouped product.

4.5.8 – 18/06/2023

  • WC tested up to: 7.8.

4.5.7 – 11/04/2023

  • Issue fix with warning at the time of duplicate product.
  • added new setting ( Advance >> Replace woocommerce quantity field template ) for HTML 5 woocommerce quantity template as it not overwrite some theme quantity template.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.2 verified

4.5.6 – 30/03/2023

  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 7.5
  • Enhanced HTML5 template messages
  • Move to WPFactory.

4.5.5 – 10/03/2023

  • Introduced a new shortcode show separator in quantity info [thousand_sep=’yes’]
  • Fixed a bug when duplicating a product that belongs to a category disabled by the plugin
  • Fixed a bug showing first allowed quantity (not all) in Add to Cart validation message when fixed quantity is set on category level

4.5.4 – 04/03/2023

  • Enhanced bundle product default quantity on page load (showing 0 for all bundled product by default)

4.5.3 – 17/02/2023

  • Updated quantity-input template
  • Fixed several PHP errors & warning messages
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 7.4

4.5.2 – 15/01/2023

  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 7.3
  • Fixed an error message ($data_quantity) appearing on variations in category pages

4.5.1 – 25/12/2022

  • Added new option under Quantity Info to use custom hooks for single product pages
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 7.2

4.5 – 10/12/2022

  • Enhanced quantities on page load for bundled products
  • New feature: You can now allow search in the quantity dropdown

4.4.4 – 18/11/2022

  • PHP compatibility enhancements
  • Several fixes in dropdown quantity feature

4.4.3 – 09/11/2022

  • Fixed Cart & Checkout layout issues caused by incompatibility with newer versions of PHP
  • Fixed a bug for minimum quantities set on category level and not appearing on category page
  • Fixed a bug in dropdown menu that added 1 at the end of the menu
  • Added a new feature to set min/max/step for attributes of variations
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 7.1 & WordPress 6.1

4.4.2 – 26/10/2022

  • Fixed an error message appearing on PHP 8.0
  • New option on dropdown feature: You can now disable dropdown on cart page only (on/off site-wide, not product specific)

4.4.1 – 15/10/2022

  • More compatibility with PHP 8 & 8.1 (error messages solved)
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 7.0

4.4 – 20/09/2022

  • Fixed error messages in newer version of PHP
  • Bug fix for +/- in some themes
  • More compatibility with WPC Bundle products
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 6.9

4.3.5 – 06/09/2022

  • More compatibility with PHP 8.1 and error messages
  • Fixed a bug in price unit in variations

4.3.4 – 28/08/2022

  • Fixed bugs appearing on some stores running on servers with PHP 8 & 8.1

4.3.3 – 24/08/2022

  • Fixed bugs in dropdown labels
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 6.8

4.3.2 – 26/07/2022

  • Fixed bugs related to newer versions of PHP
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 6.7

4.3.1 – 04/07/2022

  • New feature: You can now exclude (vs. previously only include) specific role
  • Tax calculation bug fixed for Total Price by Quantity section
  • New feature: Fixed quantities can now be applied by attribute
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 6.6

4.3 – 05/06/2022

  • Fixed a language message issue in WPML when adding to cart
  • Fixed a bug in variations not being counted in “Allowed Quantities” when defined in category level
  • Verified compatibility with WordPress 6.0

4.2.2 – 15/05/2022

  • Fixed bugs in min/step compatibility with Gutenberg Block plugin
  • Fixed a fatal error (Too few arguments)
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 6.5

4.2.1 – 05/05/2022

  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 6.4
  • Enhanced compatibility on variations add to cart from shop pages
  • Fixed a bug in add to cart when “Load all variations” is ticked on product pages

4.2 – 02/04/2022

  • Fixed a bug in compatibility with Divi Builder
  • Theme compatibility issue prevented quantity field from appearing
  • Added a new option on what hook to save product meta to (save_post) under Advanced tab
  • New option to specify a fixed quantity for all variations (to be grouped to meet the defined quantities)

4.1 – 19/03/2022

  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 6.3
  • Allowed text messages fields to support HTML (so you can customize/format notification messages)
  • Fixed error messages appearing on servers running PHP 8.1

4.0 – 28/01/2022

  • Verified compatibily with WordPress 5.9 & WooCommerce 6.1
  • Handled Fixed quantity case when adding same item to cart more than once
  • Fixed an error message appearing on cart on some environments
  • More compatibility with WPML by introduing new shortcodes for strings [alg_wc_pq_translate]

3.9.5 – 11/12/2021

  • Incompatibility with Safari browser fixed
  • Handled orders that split same products into multiple items in cart
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 5.9
  • Bug fixed for dropdown on product & cart on specific themes

3.9.4 – 04/11/2021

  • Fixed error messages appearing on cart on PHP 8
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 5.8

3.9.3 – 16/10/2021

  • Elementor compatibility fix
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 5.7 – 06/09/2021

  • Hotfixes applied to 3.9.2 release

3.9.2 – 04/09/2021

  • New option: Reset to Lowest Fixed Quantity on variation change
  • New option: Variable created to calculate the remaining quantity to meet the next step (to be used in template messages)
  • Added more compatibility with Elementor to show quantity & Total price in homepage
  • Allowed quantity section is now compatible with WPML
  • Fixed a bug in “Disable by Category” when new products are added to these categories
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 5.6

3.9.1 – 14/08/2021

  • Fixed an issue prevented showing product level setting (min, max, step) in free version after the last update 3.9
  • Compatibility issue fixed on cart step for some themes

3.9 – 30/07/2021

  • MAJOR UPDATE: Now you can allow Min/Max/Step quantities on product level in FREE version (was for Pro users only)
  • Allowed showing Price Unit (rather than Total Price Unit) for variations in variable products

3.8.5 – 30/07/2021

  • New Feature: Added an option to step quantity allowing going to remaining stock if not matching next step.
  • Enhanced Price Unit on variable products page for single variation prices
  • Verified compatibility with WordPress 5.8 and WooCommerce 5.5

3.8.4 – 28/06/2021

  • Added an option on page load (product & archive) to force quantity on lowest fixed quantity
  • Fixed an error message on parent_id call
  • Added a Step Quantity option per attribute
  • Category-defined values are now applied on variations of a variable product
  • Renamed category fields for more clarity on functionality

3.8.3 – 16/06/2021

  • Enhanced resetting quantity to min/max on variation change
  • Added compatibility for Total Price by Quantity for dynamic pricing plugin “WooCommerce Tiered Price Table”
  • Fixed a bug in showing Total Price by Quantity on archive pages for Elementor-built pages
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 5.4

3.8.2 – 29/05/2021

  • Enhanced handling AJAX requests for Total Price by Quantity on archive pages.
  • Enhanced compatibility with multiple themes archive pages.
  • Added compatibility with FiboSearch (Quantity appearing on search results & Total Price by Quantity).
  • Enhanced dropdown behavior on variable products if different fixed quantities are used.
  • Fixed a bug in Disable plugin by category (not applying to Quantity info & Total Price by Quantity).
  • Fixed a bug in Disable plugin by category when new products are added to that category.

3.8.1 – 22/05/2021

  • Allowed a new option to disable/enable bypassing minimum quantity in all products if stock is not available.
  • Verified compatibility with WooCommerce 5.3

3.8 – 03/05/2021

  • Added 2 attributes to Quantity Info tab to show/hide price unit & total price by quantity singular label.
  • Added an option to allow bypassing minimum quantity if stock is lower than minimum.
  • Total Price by Quantity will not appear if %unit% is used in template but not defined.
  • Fixed a bug in Total Price by Quantity when product is out of stock (show pre-selected quantity total price).

3.7.4 – 23/04/2021

  • Added Price Unit shortcode to Quantity Info tab
  • Fixed a bug that prevented showing the featured image
  • Enhanced Price Unit appearing on page load for variable products (when switching between variations)
  • Tested compatibility with WC 5.2

3.7.3 – 20/04/2021

  • Fixed compatibility issue with Cart All in One plugin

3.7.2 – 11/04/2021

  • Enhanced plugin loading speed for variable products
  • Added compatibility with Dynamic Pricing plugin in Total Price by Quantity section
  • Added a side section for Pro version (in free version)
  • Added a side section for another plugin (in Pro version)
  • Moved sections from Pro to free and vice versa

3.7.1 – 24/03/2021

  • Added more compatibility to Woo Discounts plugin in Total Price feature
  • Fixed a bug in Total price by Quantity in Dynamic Pricing
  • Fixed a bug in duplicate product IDs that prevented updating values

3.7 – 13/03/2021

  • Bug fixed: Unit price on archive if set by category
  • Changed dropdown async and allowed options for store admins to change how it loads (async can be set to true or false)
  • Tested compatibility with WordPress 5.7 and WooCommerce 5.1

3.6.2 – 28/02/2021

  • Tested compatibility with WC 5.0

3.6.1 – 07/02/2021

  • Fixed a bug in dynamic pricing on archive pages
  • Enhanced decimal handling for admin orders
  • Fixed translation issues for decimal quantities in “Add to Cart” messages
  • Added shortcode %price% in dropdown labels

3.6 – 27/01/2021

  • Tested compatibility with WooCommerce 4.9
  • Fixed Total Price by Quantity bug in archive page
  • Enhanced dropdown functionality for variations in cart
  • Fixed issues in admin permissions to edit orders (overwriting plugin settings)
  • Fixed a notice message appearing on debug mode

3.5.4 – 01/01/2021

  • Fixed an error message in compatibility with Product Configurator plugin

3.5.3 – 18/12/2020

  • Exclude plugin by category feature is added
  • More compatibility with multi-vendor plugins
  • Labels on Total Price by Quantity can be set on attribute
  • Tested compatibility with WooCommerce 4.8 & WordPress 5.6

3.5.2 – 09/12/2020

  • Fixed an issue on archive pages created with shortcodes
  • Compatibility with WC Coming Soon plugin

3.5.1 – 27/11/2020

  • Fixed a bug in Price Unit on archive pages for some themes

3.5 – 27/11/2020

  • Added compatibility with Barn2 custom table plugin
  • Added a feature “Add to All” for exact quantities on variable products (to apply to all variations)
  • Fixed a bug showing quantity info wrong if minimum quantity is defined on category level
  • Added description to every section in the plugin to make it easier to understand

3.4.6 – 16/11/2020

  • Verified compatibility with WC 4.7
  • Fixed a bug in messages appearing when adding decimal quantities to cart

3.4.5 – 27/10/2020

  • Checked compatibility with WC 4.6
  • Allowed showing “Total Price by Quantity” feature based on category
  • Bug fix: Quantities in dropdown (shown by fixed quantities) weren’t properly appearing on cart for variable products
  • Enhanced compatibility with a dynamic pricing plugin

3.4.4 – 11/10/2020

  • Bug fix: Excluding dropdown for a category wasn’t working on cart
  • New option: Allow showing quantity info based on category
  • Fixed a Price Unit issue for WooCommerce-Variation-Price if Price Unit field is empty

3.4.3 – 02/10/2020

  • Enhancement for Total Price by Quantity feature in archive pages for some themes

3.4.2 – 02/10/2020

  • Bug fixes: Two typos caused conflict in 3.4, fixed

3.4 – 01/10/2020

  • New feature: Show quantity on archive/categories pages for simple products
  • New feature: Total Price by Quantity can be shown now on archive/categories pages
  • New feature: Dropdown is now enabled on archive/categories pages
  • Bug fix: Reset to min/max for variations wasn’t working on some themes when changing from a variation to another
  • Tested compatibility with WC 4.5

3.3.1 – 12/09/2020

  • Bug fix: Disable plugin by URL wasn’t properly working on variables
  • Code enhancement for Total Price by Quantity feature
  • Added more compatibility for Tiered Pricing plugins that was preventing reading correct values

3.3 – 04/09/2020

  • New feature: Dropdown can be enabled/disabled per category
  • New feature: “Add to All” is now available on variable (parent) product that can be used to apply default values to all variations
  • New feature: Minimum & Maximum quantities can be defined per attribute (either to apply the value to all products with that attribute, or total of products quantities with the attribute)
  • Bug fixed in default quantity for variables
  • Bug fixed that was showing total price by quantity wrong in variable products
  • Tested compatibility with WP 5.5 & WC 4.4

3.2 – 24/08/2020

  • Fixed a bug in WC 4.4 that wasn’t showing Variable Product price range on pageload if “Total Price by Quantity” is enabled

3.1 – 25/07/2020

  • Allowed decimal amounts for orders created by admin (manual orders)
  • Added new field on product level to define Price Unit feature
  • Added new button that allows showing Price Unit on category / archive pages
  • Fixed a bug that adds the minimum quantity instead of default while using dropdown in some themes
  • Fixed a bug that hides all variations if one is out of stock in particular themes hooks
  • WPML currency enhancements
  • Tested compatibility with WC 4.3

3.0 – 03/07/2020

  • Introduced new feature that allows disabling / enabling all plugin settings based on WP user role
  • Allowed setting fixed quantities on attributes (values) level
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Price Unit from appearing if global field was empty (and defined only in category level)

2.9 – 17/06/2020

  • Allowed defining decimal values for Default Quantity values
  • Enhanced notification messages on checkout UI
  • New Feature: Allowed defining a unit next to main price (Show $10 per KG instead of regular $10)

2.8 – 04/06/2020

  • Display Price by Quantity: %unit% variable can now be set on global level (all store), category, and product-based
  • Bug: Currency location on Display Price by Quantity feature wasn’t reading on variable product if store currency is to the right
  • Enhanced Exclude Plugin by URL to make it 100% compatible with all plugin features to be excluded
  • Changed $_product->id to $_product->get_id() to prevent warning message if product id is accessed directly

2.7 – 13/05/2020

  • Introduced new 3 fields on category level: Min, Max, and Step, where you can apply a value to all products in that category with a single input
  • Dropdown now appears if you define Fixed Quantity on variations without the need to define maximum quantity or max fall back quantity
  • Dropdown on variations appears without also defining max or fixed value on main variable product
  • Allowed thousand separator on dropdown in free version
  • Added two new values on Price Display by Quantity: Before & After Add to Cart button
  • Bug fix: Decimal inputs weren’t working if defined as step value in category, now works fine
  • Bug fix: Dropdown wasn’t working properly on some themes, fixed using JS

2.6 – 04/05/2020

  • WPML & Polylang compatibility introduced, new short code [alg_wc_pq_translate lang=” “] added to allow proper translation for all plugin messages for users
  • Dropdown quantity will now work if you define fixed (allowed) quantities for product, i.e. without the need to define maximum quantity or max. fall back value
  • Enhanced dropdown to work on extreme quantities (tens of millions)
  • Introduced a thousand separator for large quantities in dropdown (with an option to select separator)
  • Default quantity & Step quantity are now available on category level (all plugin features now are available on category level)

2.5 – 23/04/2020

  • Bug: Dropdown for variations wasn’t showing the stock inventory as maximum if it’s below defined maximum, fixed
  • Enhancement: Default quantity works on variable products now
  • Bug: Warning message on cart (Invalid argument), fixed

2.4 – 22/04/2020

  • New feature: You can now define Default Quantity for products, and show on product or archive page load
  • New feature: Define min & max quantities for a mix of all variations in a variable product (useful if customers can mix variations)
  • Bug: Decimal was showing extra zeros on some themes, fixed with a JS overwrite
  • Bug: Fix going with quantity below 1 if “Do not force” option is enabled & min is set below 1

2.3 – 16/04/2020

  • Bug: Forcing minimum & maximum weren’t appearing on dropdown on archive pages
  • Feature: Introduced %unit% label in Price Display by Quantity (you can define your own measurement to be shown on product level)
  • Feature: Add to cart on product & archive pages are now using AJAX for seamless experience for shoppers

2.2 – 11/04/2020

  • Bug: Variations were passing minimum quantity if stock is below minimum, fixed
  • Enhancement: Prevented activating Pro Version if free version is active to avoid conflicts.
  • Tested compatibility with WordPress 5.4

2.1 – 28/03/2020

  • Bug Fixed: PayPal wasn’t taking decimal amounts in quantities and rounds to the lower integer, fixed

2.0 – 27/03/2020

New Feature: Allowed setting minimum / maximum / fixed quantities on category level

1.9.2 – 20/03/2020 =
* Enabled “Add to all variations” feature
* Tested plugin compatibility with WooCommerce 4.0
* Updated quantity-input.php template to WC 4.0 (dropdown quantity)

1.9.1 – 19/03/2020

  • Removed a feature (apply min/max/step to all variations) that’s causing fatal erros with WC 4 (re-adding it in progress)

1.9 – 24/02/2020

  • Feature Update: Added total cart quantity option (allows admin to specify total number of items on cart level)

1.8.4 – 12/02/2020

  • Dev. Fixed a bug in “Price Display by Quantity” in variable products.

1.8.3 – 01/02/2020

  • Dev. Fixed the “Fixed Quantities” feature on variation products.

1.8.2 – 22/12/2019

  • Dev- Added “Display price by quantity” for variable products as well.

1.8.1 – 22/11/2019

  • Fix – Quantity Dropdown – Dropdown Labels – Labels per product – Fixed for variable products in cart.
  • Dev – Quantity Dropdown – “Template” options added (“Before” and “After”).
  • Dev – Advanced – “Validate on checkout” option added (defaults to yes).
  • Plugin author changed.

1.8.0 – 13/11/2019

  • Dev – General Options – “Sold individually” (all products at once) option added.
  • Dev – Shortcodes – Additional check for product object to exist added.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • WC tested up to: 3.8.
  • Tested up to: 5.3.

1.7.3 – 17/09/2019

  • Dev – Price Display by Quantity – “Position” option added.
  • Dev – Advanced – “Disable plugin by URL” option added.
  • WC tested up to: 3.7.

1.7.2 – 11/07/2019

  • Dev – General – Cart notices – “Cart notice type” option added.

1.7.1 – 10/07/2019

  • Fix – Price Display by Quantity – JavaScript error fixed.

1.7.0 – 05/07/2019

  • Dev – General – “Add to cart” validation – “Step auto-correct” options added.
  • Dev – General – Variable Products – “Load all variations” option added.
  • Dev – General – Variable Products – “Sum variations” option added.
  • Dev – Quantity Step – “Cart Total Quantity” options added.
  • Fix – Fixed Quantity – Now counting product’s quantity already in cart when validating or correcting on “add to cart”.
  • Dev – Fixed Quantity – Dropdown compatibility added.
  • Dev – Fixed Quantity – Settings now accept ranges (e.g. [10-500|5]).
  • Dev – Quantity Dropdown – Dropdown label template – “Labels per product” options added.
  • Dev – Price Display by Quantity – Renamed from “Price by Quantity”.
  • Dev – Price Display by Quantity – Link to pricing plugin added.
  • Dev – Advanced – “Order Item Meta” section (and “Save quantity in order item meta” options) added.
  • Dev – Advanced – “Hide ‘Update cart’ button” option added.
  • Dev – “Main variable product” options added to meta box.
  • Dev – Quantity input template updated to the template from WooCommerce v3.6.0.
  • Dev – “General” settings section split into separate sections (“Quantity Dropdown”, “Price Display by Quantity”, “Quantity Info”, “Styling”, “Admin”, “Advanced”).
  • Dev – Admin settings restyled and descriptions updated.
  • Dev – alg_wc_pq_cart_total_quantity filter added for cart total quantity.
  • Dev – Code refactoring (qty-info, scripts, messenger classes added etc.).

1.6.3 – 15/05/2019

  • Dev – Fallback method added for checking if WooCommerce plugin is active (fixes the issue in case if WooCommerce is installed not in the default woocommerce directory).

1.6.2 – 14/05/2019

  • Dev – “Rounding Options” options added.
  • Dev – Quantity Dropdown – “Max value fallback” option added (and dropdown can now also be enabled for variable products).
  • Dev – Advanced Options – Force JS check (periodically) – “Period (ms)” option added.
  • Dev – Price by Quantity – change event added (e.g. fixes the issue with plus/minus quantity buttons in “OceanWP” theme).
  • Dev – Code refactoring (alg-wc-pq-force-step-check.js and alg-wc-pq-force-min-max-check.js files added).
  • Tested up to: 5.2.

1.6.1 – 04/05/2019

  • Fix – Returning default min/max quantity for products with “Sold individually” option enabled.
  • Dev – “Price by Quantity” options added.
  • Dev – Admin Options – “Admin columns” options added.
  • Dev – alg_wc_pq_get_product_qty_step, alg_wc_pq_get_product_qty_min, alg_wc_pq_get_product_qty_max filters added.
  • WC tested up to: 3.6.

1.6.0 – 12/04/2019

  • Fix – Variable products – Reset step on variation change fixed.
  • Dev – “Quantity Info” options added.
  • Dev – “Quantity Dropdown” options added.
  • Dev – General Options – “Force initial quantity on archives” option added.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • Dev – “Exact Quantity” renamed to “Exact (i.e. Fixed) Quantity”.
  • Dev – Settings split into sections (“General”, “Minimum Quantity”, “Maximum Quantity”, “Quantity Step”, “Fixed Quantity”).

1.5.0 – 31/01/2019

  • Fix – Stop customer from reaching the checkout page – “WC_Cart::get_cart_url is deprecated…” message fixed.
  • Dev – “Exact Quantity” section added.
  • Dev – General Options – “On variation change (variable products)” option added.
  • Dev – Code refactoring (alg-wc-pq-variable.js etc.).

1.4.1 – 17/01/2019

  • Fix – Step check – Min quantity default value changed to 0 (was 1).
  • Fix – Admin settings – Per product meta boxes – Step option fixed; checking if max/min sections are enabled.
  • Fix – Force minimum quantity – Description fixed.

1.4.0 – 14/01/2019

  • Dev – “Force JS check” options enabled for decimal quantities.
  • Dev – “Add to cart validation” option added.
  • Dev – “Quantity step message” option added.
  • Dev – “Force cart items minimum quantity” option added.
  • Dev – Force JS check – Quantity step – Now value is changed to nearest correct value (instead of always higher correct value).
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • Dev – Admin settings restyled and descriptions updated.

1.3.0 – 28/12/2018

  • Dev – “Decimal quantities” option added.
  • Dev – “Force initial quantity on single product page” option added.
  • Dev – “Quantity input style” option added.
  • Dev – Minor admin settings restyling.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.

1.2.1 – 23/10/2018

  • Dev – Min/max “Per item quantity” (for all products) moved to free version.
  • Dev – Admin settings descriptions updated.

1.2.0 – 18/10/2018

  • Fix – Cart min/max quantities fixed.
  • Dev – Advanced Options – “Force JS check” options added.
  • Dev – Raw input is now allowed in all “Message” admin options.
  • Dev – Code refactoring.
  • Dev – Minor admin settings restyling.
  • Dev – Plugin URI updated.

1.1.0 – 09/11/2017

  • Fix – Core – Checking if max/min section is enabled, when calculating product’s max/min quantity.
  • Fix – Admin settings – Per product meta boxes – Checking if max/min section is enabled (not only “Per item quantity on per product basis” checkbox).
  • Fix – Core – Maximum order quantity – Upper limit bug fixed (when get_max_purchase_quantity() equals -1).
  • Dev – Core – Minimum order quantity – Upper limit (get_max_purchase_quantity()) added.
  • Dev – “Quantity Step” section added.

1.0.0 – 08/11/2017

  • Initial Release.


  • Version: 4.6.9
  • Active installations: 4,000
  • WordPress Version: 6.1
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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