Posts and Users Stats

November 05, 2023

Posts and Users Stats Plugin

Statistics about the number of posts and users, provided as diagrams, tables and csv export.

Posts and Users Stats offers statistics about the content and the users of a WordPress installation:

  • Posts per Publication Date
  • Posts per Taxonomies, i. e. per category, per tag and per custom taxonomies
  • Posts per Author and Post Type
  • Posts per Status
  • Comments per Date
  • Comments per Author
  • Comments per Status
  • Users per Role
  • Users over Time

All statistics are available as a diagram and as a table (which can be exported as CSV).

After the installation you can find the statistics as subpages of Tools.


  1. Posts per Publication Date

    Posts per Publication Date

  2. Posts per Taxonomies, i. e. per category, per tag and per custom taxonomies

    Posts per Taxonomies, i. e. per category, per tag and per custom taxonomies

  3. Posts per Author and Post Type

    Posts per Author and Post Type

  4. Posts per Status

    Posts per Status

  5. Comments per Date

    Comments per Date

  6. Comments per Author

    Comments per Author

  7. Comments per Status

    Comments per Status

  8. Users per Role

    Users per Role

  9. Users over Time

    Users over Time


If interested, please check up the changelog at GitHub.


  • Security fix: Precede cell values starting with = or another spreadsheet meta-character with a single quote to avoid CSV injection of formulas within a user’s display name, category names, and tag names


  • Enhancement: Compliance with latest WP coding guidelines and other code style improvements


  • Enhancement: Compliance with latest WP coding guidelines


  • Updated libraries
  • Bugfix: Translate role names
  • Compatible with WordPress 5.0


  • New charts library


  • Comments per Date
  • Comments per Author
  • Comments per Status


  • Version: 1.1.4
  • Active installations: 900
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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