A tiny, fast, and convenient way to let your readers comment using their social profiles.
Postmatic Social Commenting takes a lighter weight approach than traditional Social Login plugins.
No WordPress users are created. Nobody is logged in. This is not social login, it is social commenting. That means it is simple, lean, and whoopingly fast.
The usual. Install. Activate. Head for Settings > Postmatic Social Commenting
Like most all social plugins, this thing takes some work to get up and running. We wish it were otherwise.
You must create an app for each network. We’ve included some fantastic tutorials and videos to help you through the process. It’s not difficult work, but it’s not exactly fun. Luckily you only have to do it once and then it’s high fives from all of your commenters. Forever.
Proudly, no. This isn’t a heavy weight social everything kind of plugin. No users. No logins. No sharing (no sharing!). If you want your users to be able to comment without filling out a name, email, and website this is your plugin is your new best friend. If you want more than that try WordPress Social Login.
Yes, sorry. You will have to create new apps, configure them, and get keys. We’ve taken the pain out of it though by including a bunch of videos and tutorials to walk you through it. You’ll find them on the setting screen for each network.
You certainly can via css. We don’t offer any options in the plugin settings yet though. The default style which we have included is simple, elegant, and works well with any theme.
Totally. When the user connects with their social network we grab their email address so it can be passed along to Postmatic. This is not true of Twitter (which doesn’t offer email addresses) but if they connect with Twitter and then check the box to subscribe to other comments we’ll prompt them for their email address.