Post Tiles

November 23, 2014

Post Tiles Plugin

Post Tiles gives the ability to display posts as tiles. The tiles are color coded by category. The appearance is similar to windows 8 (Windows Metro).

Post tiles allows you to use the shortcode [post-tiles] on any page or post and displays a grid of posts in a tile format. (Live Preview)

By default 8 posts are displayed. To change the amount of posts to display on the page, use the posts=’ ‘ attribute in the shortcode. Example: [post-tiles posts=’10’]

By default all post categories are called for the tiles. To specify the categories use the categories=’ ‘ attribute separating them by commas. Example: [post-tiles categories=’1,2,4′]

By default the tiles use the excerpt trimmed to 20. You can specify your excerpt length with the excerpt=’ ‘ attribute. Example: [post-tiles excerpt=’18’]

NOTE: The category id numbers are listed below, next to the category names. You can use both the categories and posts attributes Example: [post-tiles categories=’1,2,4′ posts=’8′ excerpt=’18’]

Version 1.4.6

Arbitrary section

Enjoy it 😀


  1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Under Settings – Post Tiles configure any custom category post tile colors.
  4. Place [post-tiles] in your templates


  1. <p>Full Width Tiles</p>

    Full Width Tiles

  2. <p>Medium Width Tiles</p>

    Medium Width Tiles

  3. <p>Mobile Width Titles</p>

    Mobile Width Titles

  4. <p>Color and layout customization</p>

    Color and layout customization

  5. <p>Additional customization</p>

    Additional customization


Why do I see an big blank space?

If in the settings jQuery is turned on then by default everything loads invisible and is revealed with a fade. You should check your version of jQuery to make sure you’re running at least 1.4 +. To test whether jQuery is the issue in the settings you can disable the jQuery and the plugin should appear.



  • Thanks to alfred_j_kwack’s PR, added text color picking and slide transparency via the admin.


  • Removed Testing Code


  • Fix category sorting issue


  • Fixed jQuery Category highlighting
  • Fixed errors


  • Minor JS bug fix with responsive calculations


  • Rounded decimals to fix scaling issue.


  • Redesigned the responsive grid calculate based on ul width in order to maintain square tiles.
  • Set background images to cover which is supported in IE 9 and up. This makes images fit better.


  • Tested with wordpress 4.0


  • Actually fixed the jQuery issue with featured images using fadetoggle.


  • Fixed a jQuery Issue with features images using fadetoggle.


  • Fixed a but with urls ending with or without forward slashes.
  • Added pagination location options for top, bottom or both.
  • Updated the admin panel to look a tad sexier.


  • Added the ability to control tile featured image dimensions
  • Added the ability to paginate
  • Removed the category key rounded corners
  • Fixed the tile dimensions. There was a 10px padding discrepancy causing tiles to be +20px wider and taller than defined in the admin settings. Not the width and height of the tiles includes the padding space.


  • Responsive functionality added (Alternate fluid design responds to location width)
  • Admin controlled animation styles (Bottom, top, right, left and fade)
  • Admin controlled Tile width and Height
  • Admin controlled excerpt length
  • Fixed spelling errors


  • Fix the excerpt issue regarding truncation


  • Added featured image tiles
  • Added additional warnings in the admin panel


  • Added excerpt attribute
  • Fixed jQuery Bug


  • Fixed CSS issues


  • Fixed the query issue
  • Fixed the There is a new version… issue


  • Added jQuery Animation in and Category Filtering


  • Fixed multi-word categories
  • Added Category Key Option
  • Moved the Javascript to an external file
  • Updated wp_enqueue_script and wp_enqueue_style


  • Created the plugin


  • Version: 1.4.6
  • Active installations: 600
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 4.0.0


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