Portfolio and Projects Plugin

Display Portfolio OR Projects in a grid view. Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.

✅ Now that you have your website ready then why don’t you download and try out this Portfolio OR Projects to give it better functionality.

Download Now this Portfolio OR Projects because It is proven that Portfolio OR Projects have been a powerful tool to present your content in a very neat manner with the help of fancy sliders and customized designs.


Your customer might like the professional and fancy vibe of your site with Portfolio OR Projects sliders

✅ This plugin displays your custom posts using :

  • Portfolio Grid (1 designs)

✅ Features :

[YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoVyVKcnY28]

A very simple plugin to add portfolio – The Most creative Mobile Touch Slider – for WordPress.

Portfolio/ Projects – is the free and most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions and amazing native behaviour. It is intended to be used in Desktop and mobile websites.

Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.

✅ Here is the plugin shortcode example

Portfolio Grid


To display only Portfolio 4 post:

[pap_portfolio limit="4"] 

Where limit define the number of posts to display.

If you want to display Portfolio by category then use this short code:

[pap_portfolio category="category_ID"] 

✅ Here is Template code

<?php echo do_shortcode('[pap_portfolio]'); ?> 

✅ Use Following Portfolio parameters with shortcode

  • limit: [pap_portfolio limit=”-1″] (Number of projects you want to show.by default is 5.)
  • category: [pap_portfolio category=””] (display portfolio category wise.)
  • orderby: [pap_portfolio orderby=”date”] (Display projects in your order. Values are “date”, “modified”, “title”, “name” (Post Slug), “ID”, “rand”)
  • Order : [pap_portfolio order=”DESC”] (Controls post order. Values are “ASC” OR “DESC”.)
  • Grid : [pap_portfolio grid=”2″] (Display post in Grid formats. You can use grid:1,2,3,4).
  • Link : [pap_portfolio link=”true”] (Display portfolio link in popup or not).

Checkout demo for better understanding


Essential Plugin Bundle Deal

Annual or Lifetime Bundle Deal

✅ Features include:

  • Added Gutenberg block support.
  • Portfolio Grid
  • Easy to add.
  • Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.
  • Touch-enabled Navigation.
  • Responsive.
  • Responsive touch slider.
  • Use for header image slider.
  • You can create multiple post slider with different options at single page or post.
  • Fully responsive. Scales with its container.
  • 100% Multi Language.

How to install :

[YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xky5Yefm8PI]

Privacy & Policy

  • We have also opt-in e-mail selection, once you download the plugin , so that we can inform you and nurture you about products and its features.


  1. Upload the ‘portfolio-and-projects’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the “portfolio-and-projects” list plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

How to install :

[YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xky5Yefm8PI]


  1. Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.

    Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.


1.5 (27, Nov 2023)

  • [*] Updated analytics SDK.
  • [*] Check compatibility with WordPress version 6.4.1

1.4 (29, Aug 2023)

  • [*] Tested up to: 6.3.

1.3.8 (7, Aug 2023)

  • [*] Fixed all security related issues.

1.3.7 (02 June 2023)

  • [*] Update – Check compatibility to WordPress version 6.2.2

1.3.6 (20, Jan 2023)

  • [*] Update – Use escaping functions for better security.
  • [*] Update – Add nonce security while get / save attachment data in admin area.
  • [*] Update – Use image ALT tag in slider images instead of image title.
  • [*] Update – Check compatibility to WordPress version 6.1.1
  • [*] Removed some unwanted code and files.
  • [*] Tweak – Code optimization and performance improvements.

1.3.5 (05, Sep 2022)

  • [*] Update – Use escaping and sanitize functions for better security.
  • [*] Update – Update Slick slider JS to stable version 1.8.0
  • [*] Update – Check compatibility to WordPress version 6.0.2
  • [*] Update – JavaScript syntax for jQuery 3.0 and higher with compatibility to WordPress version 5.6
  • [*] Fix – Fixed some undefined variable notice with Ajax.
  • [*] Fix – Fixed scroll issue with Divi theme.
  • [*] Tweak – Code optimization and performance improvements.

1.3.4 (11, Feb 2022)

  • [-] Removed some unwanted code and files.

1.3.3 (17, Nov 2021)

  • [*] Fix – Resolve Gutenberg WP-Editor script related issue.
  • [*] Update – Add some text and links in read me file.
  • [*] Update – Minor changes in JS files.

1.3.2 (20, Sep 2021)

  • [*] Tested up to: 5.8.1
  • [*] Updated Demo Link.

1.3.1 (19, Aug 2021)

  • [*] Updated language file and JSON file.

1.3 (18, Aug 2021)

  • [*] Updated all external links
  • [*] Tweak – Code optimization and performance improvements.

1.2.1 (03, June 2021)

  • [*] Added – HTTPS link in our analytics code to avoid browser security warning.
  • [*] Tested up to: 5.7.2
  • [*] Tweak – Code optimization and performance improvements.

1.2 (04, Nov 2020)

  • [*] Update – Regular plugin maintenance. Updated read me file.
  • [+] New – Click to copy the shortcode.
  • [+] New – Added admin notice function for main file.
  • [+] Resolved – Read more link issue.
  • [+] Added – Added our other Popular Plugins under Portfolio/Projects –> Install Our Popular Plugins. This will help you to save your time during creating a website.
  • [*] Tested up to latest version of WordPress.

1.0.7 (14, July 2020)

  • [*] Follow WordPress Detailed Plugin Guidelines for Offload Media and Analytics Code.
  • [*] Tested up to: 5.4.2

1.0.6 (28, Dec 2019)

  • [*] Added new ‘link’ shortcode parameter in portfolio shortcode.
  • [*] Resolved minor CSS related changes.
  • [*] Updated features list.

1.0.5 (27, Dec 2018)

  • [*] Update Opt-in flow.

1.0.4 (07, Dec 2018)

  • [*] Tested with WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg.
  • [*] Fixed some CSS issues.


  • [*] Resolved JS error in some case.


  • Updated functions name.


  • Resolved some CSS issue.
  • Improved some functionality.


  • Initial release.


  • Version: 1.5
  • Active installations: 2,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5


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