Porsline | Build eye-catching forms, surveys & quizzes that everybody is willing to engage!
First, simply register in Porsline. It is free, no credit card is required.
After that, install the plugin. Each user of Porsline has an API key. With the help of plugins and using the API key, you can call the forms and surveys that you have created in Porsline and embed them on every page of your WordPress website.
With a simple drag & drop and installation of Porsline WordPress plugin, you can benefit from these features:
Use the registration form, contact us form, order registration form, customer survey form, and other forms related to WordPress.
Use a variety of marketing research surveys such as buyer persona surveys, demographic questionnaires, brand name surveys, pricing surveys, or other questionnaires and surveys related to this area.
Use a variety of forms to better manage the hiring process and surveys managers and employees of departments related to your clients, such as the hiring form, pre-hiring test, post-hiring survey, 360-degree survey, and performance appraisal forms.
Use the Pre-Event Needs Assessment, Event Registration, Post-Event Surveys, and other related forms to organize your events, collect audience information, and register.
On your WordPress site, you can use the admission form, patient registration form, monthly or seasonal check-up form, and other such forms to reduce the time of your work.
You can use a variety of forms, surveys, contests, and quizzes on your site to make a unique experience for visitors and users.
Enjoy Porsline!
Create and add forms in porsline plugin
Customize display settings in porsline plugin
Set API key in porsline plugin
List of forms in porsline plugin
Porsline eklentisinde formlar oluşturun ve ekleyin
Porsline eklentisinde ekran ayarlarını özelleştirin
API anahtarını porsline eklentisinde ayarla
Porsline eklentisindeki formların listesi
افزودن و انتخاب پرسشنامه در افزونه پُرسلاین
سفارشی سازی نحوه نمایش پرسشنامه در افزونه پُرسلاین
وارد کردن کلید API در افزونه پُرسلاین
لیست پرسشنامه های ساخته شده در پُرسلاین
إنشاء وإضافة النماذج في البرنامج المساعد بُرس لاين
تخصيص إعدادات العرض في البرنامج المساعد بُرس لاين
تعيين مفتاح API في البرنامج المساعد بُرس لاين
قائمة النماذج في البرنامج المساعد بُرس لاين
Making glorious forms is only a simple drag & drop away! Just log in to your account, select Create new survey or pick from more than 300 templates. Drag & drop question types and write down your questions.
Watch “How Porsline Works?“
Using Porsline you can create contact forms, surveys, lead generation forms, order forms, event registration forms, signup forms, feedback forms, booking forms, polls, petition forms, upload forms and appointment forms. There are over 300 ready-to-use form templates on Porsline. You can find one and save time creating your form.
Porsline have a free forever plan. Porsline is free up to 100 form submissions per month. If you go over that limit and also need more advanced features you will need to upgrade to a paid plan.
Visit pricing page.