PeproDev Ultimate Profile Solutions

February 19, 2022

PeproDev Ultimate Profile Solutions Plugin

The most complete and THE Ultimate Profile Solutions for WordPress

One of the most Advanced and The Ultimate Profile Solutions for WordPress

  • Ajaxified Popup Login/Register form
  • Login by Username/Password | Email/Password | Mobile OTP | Email OTP | (social login soon)
  • Show Popup/Toast Notification after Login/Register
  • Unlimited User Customized Registration Fields (reCAPTCHA / Text / Select / WooCommerce Based fields / TinyMCE Editor / DEV: Hooked Extras)
  • Unlimited User Customized Login Redirection rules (based on User Role)
  • Unlimited User Customized Logout Redirection rules (based on User Role)
  • Unlimited User Customized Registration Redirection rules (based on User Role)
  • Hide wp-login.php and Change Login address
  • Customized/Themed wp-login.php login screen
  • Built-in CSS Editor for Login screen
  • Built-in Dashboard with Responsive Design compatible with WooCommerce
  • Unlimited User Customized Profile sections
  • Built-in Individual CSS Editor for Each Profile Section
  • Built-in Individual JS Editor for Each Profile Section
  • Apply Restriction rules for Profile Section based on User Role or LearnDash Course Access
  • Built-in Admin-User Notification system, announcement functionality
  • Easily Integrate your SMS Provider with OTP System
  • Newsletter Mobile-based Subscription (Export to Excel CSV)
  • Compatible with WooCommerce, LearnDash, WooWallet, Wishlist, YITH Plugins
  • Made by Developers for the Developers! Source code in GitHub

About Us

PeproDev is a premium supplier of quality WordPress plugins, services and support. Join us at and also don’t forget to check out our free offerings, we hope you enjoy them!


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Plugin Name screen to configure the plugin
  4. (Make your instructions match the desired user flow for activating and installing your plugin. Include any steps that might be needed for explanatory purposes)
  5. Navigate to /wp-admin/?page=peprodev-ups&section=loginregister#tab_samrt_button and copy Magical Button shortcode
  6. Add this shortcode to your header or next to your menubar, so users could use popup login/register
  7. Also check shortcodes panel from your sidebar while you’re in Plugin’s custom setting page
  8. This Plugin has 100% compatibility with Zephyr theme and could be used with any other themes


  1. Overview



How can I contribute to this plugin?

You can help us improve our works by committing your changes to GitHub/Ultimate-Profile-Solutions repository

How can I Order a Customized version of this plugin?

Our professional development team is here to offer you a fully Customized-Pro version of this plugin to fulfill your request. Contact us at [email protected]


Ver. 2.5.0 | 2022-02-20/1400-12-01

  • Fixed showing email login when SMS OTP is turned on
  • Fixed adding email field to SMS OTP register (optional, required)
  • Fixed asking for current password when there’s none!
  • Fixed not showing OTP input when change mobile/email after request
  • Fixed always showing edit email section in profile edit
  • Fixed profile font and changed to IranYekan
  • Fixed generating user name from Email, Mobile, “Dear User” when name field does not exists
  • Fixed some translation changed

Ver. 2.4.4 | 2022-02-11/1400-11-22

  • Fixes on Keep User Logged In forever
  • Fixes on Persian Translation
  • Fixes to keep new lines on copy shortcode
  • Added Welcome page after activating plugin
  • DEV: Enhancement for creating profile page on first-use
  • DEV: Added placeholder to test-mobile-otp field
  • DEV: Enhanced function :: get_profile_page

Ver. 2.4.0 | 2022-01-18/1400-10-28

  • Backend UX Improvement
  • Backend UI Improvement
  • Changed translation
  • Added notice on after Installation
  • DEV: Removed redundant lines
  • DEV: Improved toast on Profile panel
  • DEV: Fixed some CSS

Ver. 2.3.6 | 2022-01-11/1400-10-21

  • Added new Admin Dashboard UX Widget
  • Added Expire Auth. Option
  • Backend UX Improvement

Ver. 2.3.5 | 2022-01-09/1400-10-19

  • Enhanced Admin Dashboard UX
  • Added ReadMe to GitHub & WordPress

Ver. 2.3.4 | 2022-01-03/1400-10-13

  • Fixes: Popup Login/Registration form
  • Fixes: Toast Notification Coloring Errors
  • Fixes: Admin User Creation, now Auto Verifies user
  • Fixed: Arabic/Persian numbers in Inputs/Verification
  • Fixes: Registration without saving User first name
  • Fixes: Duplicate user First Name/Last Name on Admin-New User Panel
  • Enhanced: Kavenegar کاوه نگار SMS Gateway

Ver. 2.3.3 | 2022-01-01/1400-10-11

  • Added floating form labels
  • Changed Popup login/register style
  • Added Option to Use Messagebox/Toast Notification

Ver. 2.3.0 | 2021-12-30/1400-10-09

  • Multiple SMS Providers
  • Mobile Newsletter Subscription via number verify (SMS OTP)
  • Each SMS Provider has its own sending function
  • Each SMS Provider has its own setting panel
  • Now you can live-test your SMS OTP code
  • Change Mobile after OTP sent
  • OTP Login Enhancement
  • OTP Registration Enhancement
  • Login/Registration clears stored OTP on database
  • Popup form design changed
  • Smart Button now receives ‘trigger’ argument to let other elements trigger it
  • ‘trigger’ argument element could have classes to activate popup form (active-register|active-login)
  • ‘trigger’ could also be used with multiple selectors, e.g. ‘.openlogin, .openregister, .openpup, #login_btn’
  • Added Shortcode [pepro-sms-subscription]
  • Added Newsletter Section in Setting for managing Users
  • Added Option to Export Newsletter Users as CSV

Ver. 1.9.2 | 2021-12-22/1400-10-01

  • Verification Enhancement

Ver. 1.9.1 | 2021-12-11/1400-09-20

  • CSS Fixes
  • Enhancement
  • Responsive reCaptcha

Ver. 1.8.9 | 2021-11-24/1400-09-03

  • Fixes for Wrong Date/Time on OTP timeout timer
  • Fixes for No Creating user using Email OTP method
  • Fixes for Translation

Ver. 1.8.7 | 2021-11-13/1400-08-22

  • Fixes for SMS Verification TIMEOUT not showing counter-down

Ver. 1.8.6 | 2021-11-08/1400-08-17

  • Fixes for Profile Notification not accepting HTML
  • Fixes for Profile Dashboard Logo size
  • Added Option to let use WordPress login/register URL structure

Ver. 1.8.5 | 2021-11-05/1400-08-14

  • Fixes applied for verification
  • Bulk approve user emails (/wp-admin/?bulk_useremail_approve=1)

Ver. 1.8.2 | 2021-08-29/1400-06-07

  • WPML compatibility
  • Make Smaller version of Avatar on Upload

Ver. 1.0.0 | 2021-08-29/1400-06-07

  • initial release
  • unified all-in-one plugin
  • added translation


  • Version: 2.5.0
  • Active installations: 60
  • WordPress Version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 5.9.10
  • PHP Version: 7.2


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