Easy PayPal Gift Certificate

December 12, 2016

Easy PayPal Gift Certificate Plugin

A simple and easy way to sell Gift Certificates on your WordPress website in just a few minutes. No Coding Required. Official PayPal Partner.

IMPORTANT – PayPal no longer supports Gift Certificates

PayPal has recently started to move away from supporting Gift Certificates – however they have not provided any information on their site about this.

Therefore it is not recommended to use this plugin or others like it. I talked to PayPal on the phone about this and they said that Gift Certificate money left over in accounts will be returned to the buyers account within 6 months. If you have any questions, please contact PayPal directly.


  • The Easy PayPal Gift Certificate Plugin makes it easy to sell gift certificates on your WordPress website.

  • Simply install the plugin, enter your PayPal information on the settings page, and place the shortcode anywhere on your site where you want the PayPal Buy Gift Certificate button to show.

  • Easy PayPal Gift Certificate works with any WordPress theme.

  • Developed by an Official PayPal Partner.

Easy PayPal Gift Certificate Features

  • Sell PayPal Gift Certificates on your site
  • Preview how the Gift Certificate will look
  • Built in support for 18 languages
  • Built in support 25 currencies
  • Set minimum and maximum amounts
  • Set a url where the Certificate can be redeemed
  • PayPal testing through SandBox / testing mode
  • Choose from 3 different button sizes
  • Choose how the PayPal window opens
  • Choose cancel payment url
  • Choose return payment url
  • Works with any WordPress Theme

Easy PayPal Gift Certificate Pro

Easy PayPal Gift Certificate Pro comes with the following features

Charge a fixed amount per Gift Certificate
Display your company logo on Gift Certificate
Change theme or color of Gift Certificate
Each button can have its own size
Add a custom button image

Get Easy PayPal Gift Certifiate Pro >>

WPPlugin is an offical PayPal Partner. Various trademarks held by their respective owners.


Automatic Installation

  1. Sign in to your WordPress site as an administrator.
  2. In the main menu go to Plugins -> Add New.
  3. Search for PayPal Gift Certificate and click install.
  4. Place [wpppgc] in a post or page where you want your a PayPal button to show.


  1. PayPal Gift Certificate button

    PayPal Gift Certificate button

  2. Sample Gift Certificate

    Sample Gift Certificate

  3. Settings Page

    Settings Page

  4. Pro Version Settings Page

    Pro Version Settings Page


How do I use this plugin

To use this plugin, simply configure the settings on the settings page, then place the following shortcode on any page or post you want the PayPal button to show:

Can I put more then one shortcode on the same post / page?

Yes, there is no limit to the amount you can put on one post / page, or your entire site.



  • 3/8/16
  • Update – Updated tested up to tag.
  • Update – Updated pro url links.


  • 11/22/15
  • Slight modification to button HTMl code
  • Updated WordPress tested up to value


  • Bug fix – fixed border around 1×1 pixel paypal image


  • Bug fixes


  • New Settings Interface


  • Fixed border around button bug


  • Fixed currency bug


  • Initial release


  • Version: 1.2.3
  • Active installations: 80
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 4.7.29


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