PayPal Express Checkout

November 12, 2012

PayPal Express Checkout Plugin

Easily add PayPal express checkout possibility to your WordPres powered blog. You can configure all options on WP Admin interface.

You can add PayPal Express Checkout possibility to your site in a few steps. Install the plugin, go to the PayPal menu and follow the instructions to setup your payments.


  • Easy and quick configuration
  • Shortcode to create Buy Now buttons with lots of parameters
  • Tested with WordPress 3.4.2
  • Payments history storing all payments
  • You can view the payment details with all data gathered from PayPal
  • Custom thank you page for successful and failed payments

Supported parameters for shortcode

  • multi-currency support
  • item description
  • specifiy tax amount
  • specifiy handling amount
  • specifiy shipping amount
  • specifiy item quantity
  • return URL
  • cancel URL

System requirements

  • PHP session support
  • PHP cURL library


Unzip the plugin and copy the paypal-express-checkout folder to your wp-content/plugins folder or install from repository and activate the plugin.


  1. The configuration screen of PayPal Express Checkout

    The configuration screen of PayPal Express Checkout

  2. Shortcode support

    Shortcode support

  3. Payments history

    Payments history

  4. Payment details

    Payment details


Can I test with PayPal sandbox?

Yes, you can, you find instructions on the plugin’s settings page.

What type of PayPal account do I need to use this plugin?

You need a verified business acount.

Can I track the payments with this plugin?

Yes, you can, you can see the payments in the WP Admin area and on your PayPal dashboard too.



  • Now you can customize the look of the button


  • Now you can define return and cancel URL in shortcode
  • Tested with WordPress 3.5 Beta 2 and works fine


  • Error handling extended
  • Added new parameters to shortcode(tax amount, shipping amount, handling amount, quantity)
  • Added new shortcode examples


  • Small bugfixes


  • Completely redesigned user interface
  • Added new features: Payments history, Shortcode support, Easy configuration


  • First stable version, tested with PayPal Sandbox and PayPal real payment too.


  • Version: 2.1.2
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.0
  • Tested up to: 3.4.2


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