Payfacile shortcode
Insert customizable Payfacile buttons and widgets into your pages and posts easily.
button and custom form into post and page editor.3 ways to display: as “direct button”, as “modal button” and as “widget” (iframe)
Customizable button “text button”, “text color”, “background color”
Customizable iframe “height” and “width”, “border color” and “border width”
Insert from post & page editor (wysiwyg button)
as button *
into popup *
[payfacile type_of=button textbutton=buy_now color_text=#ffffff color_bg=#26a699 win_target=popup url=]
** into new window **
[payfacile type_of=button textbutton=buy_now color_text=#ffffff color_bg=#26a699 win_target=new url=]
as iframe
[payfacile type_of=iframe url= outline_width=1 outline_color=#26a699 iframe_width=600 iframe_height=740]
You can use the built in installer and upgrader, or you can install the plugin manually.
directory to your wp-content/plugins
menu in WordPressIf you have to upgrade manually simply repeat the installation steps and re-enable the plugin.
Yes, copy paste your shortcode into a “text widget”