External Links in New Window / New Tab

July 16, 2024

External Links in New Window / New Tab Plugin

Open external links in a new window or new tab. SEO optimized and XHTML Strict compliant.

Opens external links in a new tab or a or new window. You can set URLs that should either be forced to open in a new window or ignored.

The plugin produces XHTML Strict compliant code and is search engine optimized (SEO).
This is done using JavaScript’s window.open()-function. It adds only a few lines of vanilla JavaScript to the page, and does not require any external libraries like jQuery.

Most other plugins perform a hack by altering the target parameter (i.e. <a href="http://somewhere.example" target="_blank">). That method is not XHTML Strict compliant.
This plugin handles the links client-side, which lets search engines follow the links properly. Also, if a browser does not support JavaScript, the plugin is simply inactive, and does not result in any errors.

If you need a more advanced plugin, with more options try our free WP External Links plugin.

Inspired by the Zap_NewWindow plugin by Tom Köhler.
The banner is a photo by Monja Da Riva.

Danish by Kristian Risager Larsen
Dutch by Paul Staring
Lithuanian by Vincent G
Other translations will be appreciated!

Known bugs
The plugin conflicts with other plugins that change the links’ `onClick´ attribute.

Original developer
Kristian Risager Larsen – kezze.dk


  1. Copy the plugin to /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Eventually, change the settings in Settings->External Links.


  1. External links settings

    External links settings


How to disable this plugin?

Just use standard Plugin overview page in WordPress admin section and deactivate it or rename plugin folder /wp-content/plugins/open-external-links-in-a-new-window over FTP access.

How can I report security bugs?

You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team help validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability.



  • 2022-11-22
  • minor security fixes


  • 2022-05-06
  • security fix reported by Automattic


  • 2021-01-30
  • added flyout menu


  • 2020-10-21
  • minor update


  • 2019-08-26
  • WebFactory took over development
  • minor fixes
  • 40,000 installs; 178,750 downloads


Verified compatibility with WordPress 5.0


Updated: Danish translation


Verified compatibility with WordPress 4.0
Added: Plugin logo for WordPress 4.0
Added: Dutch translation.


Added: Possibility to force and ignore user-defined strings in URLs. This feature has been requested.
Added: Lithuanian and Danish translation.


Added: Translation-ready.


Fixed: Deprecation warning (Thanks to boo1865)


Changed: Better practice for opening links. The plugin now uses the onClick-attribute instead of writing JavaScript directly into the href-attribute. This enables users to right-click the link and open in a new window/tab, save the target etc.


Fixed: Removes target attribute from links instead of setting the attribute to null. (Thanks to crashnet)


Fixed: Credits to Tom Köhler (Charset).
Fixed: Links.


Initial release.


  • Version: 1.44
  • Active installations: 40,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 5.2


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