Social Login & Register for WordPress – 40+ Social Networks

February 11, 2022

Social Login & Register for WordPress – 40+ Social Networks Plugin

Social Login lets your users login, register and comment with 40+ Social Networks. Easy setup. Maintenance and uptime guarantee. Fulltime developers.

Social Login & Register for WordPress

Professionally developed and free WordPress plugin that allows your visitors to comment, login and register with 40+ Social Networks like for example Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, PayPal, LiveJournal, Instagram, Вконтакте or Yahoo amongst other.

Data Protection Guarantee
Fully compliant with all European and U.S. data protection laws. As required by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) the OneAll Terms of Service include a Data Processing Agreement that we can countersign on request.

Professionally developed
The plugin is developped by OneAll, a technology company providing web-delivered tools to more than 300.000 customers world-wide and this since 2011.

Seamless Integration
Seamlessly integrates with your existing login/registration system so that your users don’t have to start from scratch.

Existing existing accounts can add/remove their social network accounts in their WordPress profile settings and then also use the linked social networks to login.

Eliminates Spam and Bot Registrations
Get rid of long and complicated forms, improve your data quality and instantly eliminate spam and bot registrations.

Social Login increases registration rates by up to 50% and provides permission-based access to users’ social network profile data, allowing you to start delivering a personalized experience.

Maintenance Free
Do not take the risk of losing any users or customers due to outdated social network integrations. Unlike other providers, we monitor the APIs and technologies of the different social networks and update our service as soon as changes arise.

By using OneAll you can be sure that your social media integration will always run smoothly and with the most up-to-date calls.

Fully Customizable
Easily configure which of the 40+ social networks to enable/disable and on which areas of your WordPress blog the social login icons should be displayed. These areas include:

  • Below the comments section,
  • On the login page
  • On the registration page
  • On side, top and bottom bars,
  • Or any other area by using a shortcode.

Fully Compatible With Other Plugins
The plugin uses standard WordPress hooks and is compatible with all other plugins that follow WordPress coding conventions, like per example BuddyPress or WooCommerce amongst others.

Data Export
Easily export your users or automatically push data of users that login using Social Login to Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor.

40+ Social Networks

  • Amazon
  • Apple
  • Blogger
  • Discord
  • Disqus
  • Draugiem
  • Dribbble
  • Facebook
  • Foursquare
  • Google
  • Instagram
  • Line
  • LinkedIn
  • LiveJournal
  • Meetup
  • Mixer
  • Odnoklassniki
  • OpenID
  • Patreon
  • PayPal
  • Pinterest
  • PixelPin
  • Reddit
  • SoundCloud
  • StackExchange
  • Steam
  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • VKontakte
  • Weibo
  • Windows Live
  • XING
  • Yahoo
  • YouTube

Included Features

  • GDPR compliant
  • Social Link – Users can link multiple social network accounts to their WordPress account.
  • Woocommerce Connect – Automatic integration on the Woocommerce checkout, login and registration pages.
  • Woocommerce Profile – Fill the user’s billing address with the first name, last name and email address received from the social network.
  • BuddyPress Connect – Automatic integration of the the BuddyPress account and registration pages.
  • BuddyPress Profile – Use the social network avatar as BuddyPress avatar and fill out custom fields.
  • User Insights – Access the analytics dashboard to discover which social networks your users prefer.
  • Automatic Emails – Send emails to users that register with a social network account.
  • Automatic Notifications – Send notifications to admins for users that registers using a social network account.
  • Comment Approval – Automatically approve comments left by users.
  • Email Retrieval – Ask users to enter their email when the social network does not provide it.
  • Integrated Widget – Use the integration widget to display the icons wherever you want.
  • ShortCodes – Easily embed social login anywhere by using the available shortcodes.
  • Hook – Customize the plugin behaviour by using the integrated hooks.
  • Icon Themes – Choose amongst three different icon themes.
  • Documentation – Access a complete documentation on the available hooks and filters for WordPress.

Premium Features

  • Authentication Filters – Use customisable IP and/or email filters to restrict which users may login and register.
  • Data Export – Automatically export data to Campaign Monitor or MailChimp or export as CSV.
  • User Insights – Access analytics and get demographic information about your users.
  • Icon Themes – Choose amongst twenty different icon themes or use you own icons.

Professionally Developed and Maintained
Social Login is maintained by OneAll, a technology company offering a set of web-delivered tools to simplify the integration of 40+ social networks into business and personal websites and apps.

The OneAll API unifies 40+ Social Networks and consolidates the most powerful social network features in a single solution. You can work with multiple social networks at once and you will obtain a standardized field structure for data received from any of the social networks. Save time and development resources and focus on your core business.


Plugin Installation

  1. Upload the plugin folder to the following directory of your WordPress site: /wp-content/plugins/,

  2. Login to your WordPress admin area, go to the Plugins page and activate Social Login there,

  3. Go to the Settings\Social Login page in your WordPress admin area and setup the plugin,

  4. Click on the Autodetect and Verify buttons to make sure that the API connection is working properly.

API Connection

The social network APIs are constantly changing and being updated. We monitor these changes and automatically update our APIs, so that you can be sure that the plugin always uses the most up-to-date API calls.

In order to enable the plugin you must connect with the OneAll API and create a free account at OneAll.

More information is available in our Documentation.


  1. <strong>Comment</strong> - Comment formular (Social Network Buttons are included)

    Comment - Comment formular (Social Network Buttons are included)

  2. <strong>Login</strong> - Login formular (Social Network Buttons are included)

    Login - Login formular (Social Network Buttons are included)

  3. <strong>Plugin Settings</strong> - Plugin Settings in the Wordpress Administration Area

    Plugin Settings - Plugin Settings in the Wordpress Administration Area

  4. <strong>Widget Settings</strong> - Widget Settings in the Wordpress Administration Area

    Widget Settings - Widget Settings in the Wordpress Administration Area

  5. <strong>Login</strong> - Login formular with small buttons (Social Network Buttons are included)

    Login - Login formular with small buttons (Social Network Buttons are included)


Do I have to add template tags to my theme?

You should not have to change your templates.
The plugin seamlessly integrates into your blog by using standard WordPress hooks.

Can Social Login be embedded through a shortcode?

The shortcode [oa_social_login] can be used in any page or post within your WordPress blog.
The shortcode will automatically be replaced by the icons of the social networks that you have
enabled in the plugin settings in your WordPress administration area.

I have a custom template and the plugin is not displayed correctly

The plugin uses standard WordPress hooks. If your theme does not support these hooks,
you can add Social Login manually by inserting the following code in your template (at the location where it should be displayed, i.e. above the comments).

<?php do_action('oa_social_login'); ?> 

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance.

My users cannot login or leave comment with VKontakte (Вконтакте)

Per default WordPress does not allow the use of special characters in usernames.
If you encounter any problems with users having cyrillic characters in their
usernames, please consider installing the following plugin to fix the problem:
WordPress Special Characters In Usernames

Do I have to change my Rewrite Settings?

The plugin does not rely on mod_rewrite and does not need any additional rules. It should work out of the box.

Where can I report bugs, leave my feedback and get support?

Our team answers your questions at:

The plugin documentation is available at:



  • Apple added
  • Patreon added
  • Google logo fixed


  • Responsive admin interface
  • CSS Tweaks for better integration
  • Default icons changed
  • Linked social networks in user list
  • Tested with WordPress 5.3


  • Notice fixed


  • Text domain fixed
  • German translations updated


  • Social Network “Draugiem” added
  • Social Network “Mixer” added
  • Comment approval fixed
  • New hooks added
  • PHP 7.2 fixes


  • Warning missing quotes fixed


  • PHP 7.2+ compatibility added


  • User website URL truncated (WordPress restriction)


  • Social Network “Discord” added
  • Social Network “Line” added
  • Social Network “Meetup” added
  • Social Network “SoundCloud” added
  • Social Network “Tumblr” added
  • Social Network “Weibo” added
  • Social Network “XING” added


  • New icon set added
  • Interface improved
  • Social Network avatar removed when unlinking account
  • Social Link reviewed and improved
  • Undefined index fixed


  • Buddypress avatar bugfix
  • Do not create users without email addresses when plugin set to request emails
  • Support for WP_PROXY_HOST added
  • Filter for callback uri added
  • More pannel added


  • Social Network “” added
  • Social Link Hooks/Nonce added
  • WooCommerce Actions added
  • Login/Registration URL filters added
  • Cache bug fixed
  • Fixed a bug with icons being display twice for WooCommerce
  • Some minor bugs fixed


  • Asynchronous JavaScript
  • Social Network “Instagram” added
  • Social Network “Vimeo” added
  • Social Network “Reddit” added
  • Social Network “Amazon” added
  • French Translation Added
  • Missing text domains added
  • BuddyPress Avatars fixed
  • Better WPEngine compatibility
  • Email filter fixed


  • Social Network “Twitch” added
  • User Biography is now imported
  • Better API Connection detection
  • Many hooks and filters added
  • Port detection improved
  • WP Nonce added for Social Link


  • Social Network “Xing” added


  • Social Network Avatars improved
  • Social Link shortcode/hook/action added
  • Administration: Tabs for plugin settings added
  • Administration: Column Registration in the user list fixed
  • Redirection filters added
  • Settings security improved
  • Button to cancel email confirmation added


  • Social Link Service added
  • Optimized for WordPress 3.5
  • Meta “oa_social_login_identity_id” no longer used and removed
  • German translations improved
  • Social Network “YouTube” added
  • Social Network “” added
  • Hook “after_signup_form” added


  • Hook for BuddyPress Registration added
  • Hook for BuddyPress Sidebar added
  • Hook for Appthemes Vantage Theme added
  • Filter for email addresses of new users added
  • Admin page width fixed
  • Minor text changes
  • Social Network “Blogger” added
  • Social Network “Disqus” added


  • Debug Output Removed


  • Social Network “” added
  • Github 16x16px icon fixed
  • Optionally get an email when a users registers with a social network account
  • Redirection settings improved
  • Hook for Thesis Theme added
  • Hook for WordPress Profile Builder added
  • Select to use Port 80 or 443
  • Custom CSS filter added


  • Social Network “” added
  • Social Network “” added
  • German translations improved


  • SSL detection improved
  • Buddypress avatars improved


  • SSL detection with nginx load-balancer fixed
  • CDN path bug fixed
  • Table width in administration area fixed
  • Administration split to two pages
  • Optionally request email from user
  • Optionally show social networks in user list
  • Social Network “Windows Mail” added
  • Social Network “” added
  • Error message if no social networks selected
  • Small icons fixed
  • API settings verification fixed


  • API Connection improved
  • API Connection function moved to separate file
  • Contact us link fixed
  • Social Network Avatars fixed
  • HTML for administration area fixed
  • FSOCKOPEN Handler Added
  • CURL/FSOCKOPEN selector added
  • Social Network “Steam Community” added
  • Social Network “StackExchange” added
  • CSS served from CDN
  • Optionally disable comment moderation


  • WC3 Compliant callback uri
  • HTTP/HTTPS Check for CSS files
  • Shortcode handler fixed
  • WordPress Cookie now set for 14 days
  • WordPress display_name is now populated
  • Redirection improved
  • Now Buddypress compatible
  • Link to settings page after installation
  • Caching for socialize library improved
  • Small buttons added as option
  • Localization added
  • German translation


  • Provider unselect bug fixed
  • Sanitize user strict added
  • Custom namespace for add_settings_link


  • LiveJournal added
  • PayPal added
  • Settings link added
  • API Communication Check added
  • Cyrillic character support


  • Social Network Avatars fixed
  • Social Buttons no longer displayed for customs hooks if logged in
  • KISS for API Settings Setup


  • Social Network Avatars can be displayed in comments
  • Select redirection target after login
  • Select redirection target after registration
  • Enable account linking


  • Administration area redirection fixed
  • Automatic email creation added
  • Email verification added


  • Multisite issues with Widget fixed


  • Stable Version


  • Version numbers fixed


  • Hook oa_social_login fixed
  • Plugin description changed


  • Initial release


  • Version: 5.7
  • Active installations: 8,000
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 5.9.10
  • PHP Version: 5.4


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