Nyasro Nepali Date Converter
Nyasro By Nyasro

July 05, 2020

Nyasro Nepali Date Converter Plugin

Nyasro Nepali Date Converter allows to convert A.D. (English Date) to B.S. (Nepali Date) and Vice Versa.

Nyasro Nepali Date Converter is plugin with widget which convert Nepali Date to English Date and English Date to Nepali Date.
You can use following shortcode either to display today’s nepali date or to convert english-nepali date, anywhere in the post or pages.

  • Use [ny_dateconvert] to show today nepali date.
  • Use [ny_dateconvert date='{date}'] to convert nepali date to english date.
  • Use [ny_dateconvert date='{date}' convert='{type}'] to convert nepali to english date or english to nepali date.


  • {date} format is YYYY-MM-DD [YYYY : four digit year, MM : one or tow digits month, DD : one or digits day]
  • {type} format is eng_to_nep or nep_to_eng

This plugin have special widget which allows user interface to convert english-nepali date or vice versa.
You can use following shortcode to display nyasro nepali date converter widget.

  • Use [ny_datewidget] to show date converter widget anywhere in your post or pages.

Not only that but also it has date converter widget for theme widgets named Nyasro Nepali Date Converter,
which you can use to show date converter from Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets section in your theme sidebar.

If you are a developer then use following PHP code for date converter.

  • To show today’s nepali date :

    <?php if(function_exists('_Nyasro_todayDate')) _Nyasro_todayDate(); ?> 
  • To convert english-nepali date or vice versa:

    <?php if(function_exists('_Nyasro_NepaliDateConverter')) _Nyasro_NepaliDateConverter( $date, $conversion); ?> 

where $date = YYYY-MM-DD and $conversion = eng_to_nep | nep_to_eng.

  • To show date converter widget or box:

    <?php if(function_exists('_Nyasro_NepaliDateConverterWidget')) _Nyasro_NepaliDateConverterWidget(); ?> 


This plugin is installed just like any other WordPress plugin.
More detailed installation instructions are available on the WordPress Codex.

If you want manual installation:

  1. Download Nyasro Nepali Date Converter
  2. Extract nyasro-nepali-date-converter.
  3. Upload this folder with files inside to ../wp-contents/plugins/
  4. Activate the plugin in Dashboard > Plugins
  5. Drag and drop from widget area if you want for sidebar.
  6. Use shortcodes for require features.
  7. Enjoy the converter. And then consider donating.


  1. <p>Nyasro Nepali Date Converter</p>

    Nyasro Nepali Date Converter

  2. <p>Nyasro Nepali Date Converter on theme Widgets area</p>

    Nyasro Nepali Date Converter on theme Widgets area


What does this plugin do?

You can either display today’s nepali date or convert english-nepali date or vice versa.

What are date formats that I can use with this plugin ?

You can use only four digits year, two or one digits month and two or one digits day in this order YYYY-MM-DD,
where YYYY is year (ex. 2012), MM is month (ex. 11) and DD is day (ex. 25)

Still have some questions ?

you can message us if you have any problem regarding this plugin or anything to ask.
[email protected]



  • Fixed some deprecated code.


  • Conversion file included with plugin.


  • First version of plugin.


  • Version: 2.0.1
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 2.8
  • Tested up to: 5.4.16


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