Notifications Center

December 04, 2019

Notifications Center Plugin

Get notified for many Wordpress actions, with beautiful, responsive and personnalised emails.

Add to your site a powerfull system to create any notification you need. You could override wordpress default ones or build yours in a few minuts.
Add a smart design to your notification with responsive and personnalised emails.

Be alerted for what is important for you

You can add notification for many wordpress or user actions, to be alerted of what is important for you

Send notification to the right person

For each notification, choose between several recipients :

  • selected users
  • All users in selected roles
  • specific email addresses

The right word at the right place

With the variable system, write your notification content with some variables which will be replaced when the email is sent, eg : Post title, author email, etc.

Take control of wordpress default emails

Bored of default WordPress plain text emails ? You can now desactivate any default email or duplicate it into Notifications Center to change design, content and/or recipients !

Customize your email design

In only some clics, personnalize your email template. Add your logo, your colors, change some background content and that’s all. You’ve got a beautiful and responsive email that fits your brand.
And cherry on the cake, you can previsualize in real time all the changes you make in the Email Customizer.

Current supported actions

Posts (works fine with any custom post type) :

  • a post is pending review
  • a Post is published
  • a post is moved to trash
  • a post is moved to draft
  • a post is planned for publication

Comments :

  • a comment is published
  • a comment is waiting for moderation (overrides WP default email)
  • a comment get responded

System :

  • WordPress updgrade core to new version
  • User ask for password recovering
  • a new user registered


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Notification->Settings screen to configure your email template
  4. Start building notifications 🙂


  1. Creating a new notification

    Creating a new notification

  2. Choose beetwen several template designs for your emails (more templates to come)

    Choose beetwen several template designs for your emails (more templates to come)



  • Fixed : GF links in logs are now OK
  • Fixed : Log date are now displayed regarding dateTime format options


  • New : Log functionnality : You can now track emails sents threw NC & where emails are opened
  • New : GravityForms compatibility : Gravity forms emails can now use NC template & be logged
  • New : Masks are now applied also on Subject field
  • Fixed : Password reset link is back
  • Fixed : minor bug fixes


  • Fixed : Button in email template now appears correctly


  • New notification : Send notifications when a post is duplicated (requires Duplicate Post plugin)
  • New : Import/export notifications & settings
  • New : Add a title to your notifications, different from the email subject (set up in settings)
  • Fixed : Recipients now appear correctly in Notifications list
  • Fixed : Warning message won’t appear in sent emails
  • Fixed : Documentation link updated (now opens in a new tab)
  • Fixed : Minor warning messages during template customization won’t appear


  • Theme Support for Email design : you can now override default HTML email template
  • PHP warning messages fix
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Minor translate fixes


  • New wordpress default email dashboard : desactivate any email and/or dupliacte it in Notifications center
  • Added new variables to use in content (current time & current date)
  • Added type filter on Notifications list screen
  • Minor design improvments
  • Minor update on User password reset notification
  • Minor text corrections
  • Minor bug fixes on Field API


  • Added ability to block email sending thru hooks
  • Prevent JS conflict for future updates


  • Template customization enhancement
  • Settings are now saved without reloading page
  • Minor CSS and JS fixes
  • Under the hood : New way to add custom setting fields & Code documentation enhancement


  • New Login notification : be alerted when your account is used to log in
  • Code documentation enhancement
  • Some email customization minor enhancement
  • Modified some function and filter names for optimising naming logic and Prevent conflic with other plugins


  • First public version


  • Version: 1.5.2
  • Active installations: 70
  • WordPress Version: 4.4.0
  • Tested up to: 5.2.0


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