Gutena Newsletter – Subscriber Block & Connect Mailchimp

April 05, 2023

Gutena Newsletter – Subscriber Block & Connect Mailchimp Plugin

Are you looking for a simple and effective way to grow your email subscriber list using Mailchimp? Then the Gutena Newsletter is exactly what you need …

Are you looking for a simple and effective way to grow your email subscriber list using Mailchimp? Then the Gutena Newsletter is exactly what you need! This plugin is lightweight, easy to install and use, and allows you to easily add a Subscribe Newsletter Block inside the WordPress block editor.


  • Supported Platforms: MailChimp Only
  • Easy newsletter form creation inside the WordPress block editor
  • No jQuery, so it won’t slow down your website
  • Complete control over the look and feel of your newsletter form
  • Fully customizable, so you can make your forms fit your brand
  • Mobile-friendly, so your forms will look great on any device
  • User-friendly interface, so you don’t need any coding skills to create beautiful newsletter section
  • Lightweight and fast, so it won’t slow down your website

Other Blocks From Gutena

If you like this plugin, consider exploring our other block plugins:

Gutena Tabs – A simple and easy-to-use WordPress plugin which allows you to create beautiful tabs in your posts and pages.

Gutena Forms – Easily and instantly add Forms Block to your Gutenberg Editor. Gutena Forms is a native form block for Gutenberg. Built for Look, Speed and Functionality.

Gutena Accordion – Easily and instantly add Accordion Block to your Gutenberg Editor.

Gutena Video Lightbox – Easily and instantly add Lightbox Video Popup Block to your Gutenberg Editor.

Gutena PhotoFeed – Display Instagram Photos from your Instagram accounts, either in the same single feed or in multiple different ones.

Gutena Recent Post Tag – Post Featured Tag Block use to add custom featured or new tag on post based on post date.

Our Products

If you like this plugin, consider exploring our other themes and plugins:

Gutena – A full site editing (block) theme for WordPress with ready made full page templates. Elegant and functional – follows all the best practices by WP, and yeah, no jQuery!

Quiz and Survey Master – Best WordPress Quiz Plugin to create engaging quizzes, surveys, & exams using WordPress and convert your website into a lead generation machine.

Responsive Menu – Best WordPress Menu Builder Plugin to create awesome and interactive mobile & desktop menus for WordPress websites.

Projectopia – Project Management & Invoicing plugin for WordPress. Generate invoices, send quotes, generate leads, manage clients, provide support – all inside your WordPress website.

Booking Ultra – Appointment Booking plugin for WordPress – Show a quick form to accept bookings for your services with pre-set booking slots. Ideal for salons, medical professionals, lawyers, consultants, etc.

InstaWP – Launch a quick WordPress site with this sandbox service. Create New WordPress instance within a second.


  1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’.
  2. Search for ‘Gutena Newsletter’ and install it.
  3. Or you can upload the newsletter-block-gutena folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory manually.
  4. Activate Gutena Newsletter from your Plugins page.




Release Date: 5th April, 2023

  • Fixed: CSS issues in block editor.
  • Minimum required WordPress version is now v5.9.
  • Tested with WordPress v6.2.


Release Date: February 10, 2023

  • Added: Gutena Kit CTA.


Release Date: January 13, 2023

  • Added: Option to change input placeholder.
  • Fixed: Newsletter form submission was not working.


Release Date: January 3, 2023

  • Fixed: Wrong text domain.
  • Updated: Plugin tags and readme.txt.


Release Date: December 29, 2022

  • Added: Option to Stack display on mobile.
  • Added: New Icon Control.
  • Updated: Block icons and readme.txt.


Release Date: December 5, 2022

  • NEW: Added “Newsletter Form” Block and the existing “Newsletter Field” block will be considered as legacy.
  • Added: Ability to add “Newsletter Form” Block to Column, Group (Row and Stack also).
  • Added: Option to control Input Field border, width and align.
  • Added: Option to customize Submit Button type, icon, color, size, postion, border, width and align.
  • Added: Option to alter alignment of the messages shown after submit.
  • Added: Media images can also be added in the place of Submit Button text.
  • Added: gutena_newsletter_script_data filter which can be used to alter the JS data.
  • Added: gutena_newsletter_mailchimp_data filter which can be used to alter the Mailchimp payload data.
  • Added: Screen Reader support.
  • Tested with WordPress v6.1.


Release Date: October 18, 2022

  • Fixed: Styles was not working properly.


Release Date: September 2, 2022

  • Added: Frontend JS file in build process.
  • Added: New Icon and Banner.


Release Date: August 3, 2022

  • Fixed: Javascript error.
  • Fixed: Wrong textdomain.


Release Date: July 27, 2022

  • Added: Inherit Layout option.
  • Added: Block Align option.
  • Added: Help for Audience ID field.
  • Fixed: Styles was not applying on first save.


Release Date: July 26, 2022

  • Initial Release on


  • Version: 1.1.5
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.9
  • Tested up to: 6.2.6
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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