Verified Reviews (Avis Vérifiés)

June 18, 2024

Verified Reviews (Avis Vérifiés) Plugin

We provide you with a solution that enables you to collect customer reviews about your website and products which will show on your website and on a a …

Thanks to Avis Verifies, you increase your sales through customer reviews.

We provide you with a solution that enables you to collect customer reviews about your website and products which will show on your website and on a attestation which will increase the credibility of published reviews.

  • Give your clients a voice
  • Increase your sales up to 25%
  • Improve your SEO with Rich Snippets
  • Boost your Adwords campaign by gaining star ratings from our partner Google
  • Control your e-reputation
  • Enjoy our multiple tools

En affichant sur votre site des avis de consommateurs, vous pourrez gagner en visibilité, en crédibilité et donner confiance aux internautes. Attirez ainsi plus de visiteurs et convertissez-les plus facilement en clients.

Collectez et publiez les avis de vos clients avec le tiers de confiance Avis Vérifiés !

Pourquoi nous ?

Commencez dès maintenant à profiter :

  • d’une solution entièrement personnalisable
  • de forfaits comprenant la collecte d’avis site ET d’avis produit-de prix imbattables
  • du taux de réponse le plus haut du marché !
  • de nos applications facebook
  • d’une attestation d’avis approuvée par la marque NF Services
  • d’étoiles en Adwords grâce à notre partenariat avec Google
  • d’une offre SANS ENGAGEMENT


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/netreviews directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly :
    • Plugins
    • Add New
    • Search Plugins : Verified Reviews or Upload the plugin directly from your computer
  2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings-> Verified Reviews screen to configure the plugin


  1. Product reviews display / Encart des avis produits

    Product reviews display / Encart des avis produits


Version 2.4.1 / 12/06/2024
– Fix : getting orders when HPOS is activated

Version 2.4.0 / 18/03/2024
– Addition new route getProductReviewsStats
– BO Verified Reviews Rebranding

Version 2.3.15 / 25/05/2023
– Security enhancement
– Fix: moderation date

Version 2.3.14 / 03/05/2023
– Fix order status bug for trigger order
– Fix: fix error on manual orders export when locale EN_US
– Fix: add security on plugin admin settings page
– Feature: update link to Transparency Charter

Version 2.3.13 / 11/01/2023
– Fix order status for trigger order
– Fix richSnipppet JSON+LD for WPML
– Feat compatibility with WordPress 6.1 and woocommerce 7.2.2

Version 2.3.12 / 25/01/2022
– Fix: when user is US, button “Start” sends now to
– Fix: fix encoding on customer names in moderation exchanges
– Fix: fix detection of WPML in module BO
– Fix: fix conflict on checkout with some plugin payments
– Fix: fix PT traduction of ‘More reviews’
– Fix: fix getting config with WPML in our platforms
– Feature: change widget images to HTML in admin page
– Feature: internationalize templates images in back-office

Version 2.3.11 / 14/10/2021
– Bugfix : exclude refunded orders (child post)
– Optimization on getOrders

Version 2.3.10 / 11/10/2021
– Bugfix : add check on refunded orders

Version 2.3.9 / 21/09/2021
– Update readme and tested versions
– Fix brand encoding in orders export csv
– Fix check_data for communication testing button
– Use of woocommerce object order

Version 2.3.8 / 25/05/2021
– Less utilisation of SQL Queries
– Various bugfix

Version 2.3.7 / 15/03/2021
– Performance optimisation on install

Version 2.3.6 / 06/10/2020
– Fix number of stars displayed with badge 2
– Adapt product name and url to WPML lang when exporting CSV orders

Version 2.3.5 / 26/08/2020
– Add shortcodes for stars and tab content on product pages
– Fix encoding in customers names and format date in exchanges
– Fix get_user_locale in case WP version < 4.7
– Fix scroll to tab content when reviews block not in a tab
– Add product url in Json Rich Snippets

Version 2.3.4 / 23/06/2020
– Fix missing traductions

Version 2.3.3 / 05/06/2020
– Several bug fixes and usability improvements

Version: 2.3.2 / 22/05/2020
– Uninstall tables when uninstall hook instead of deactivation hook
– Select template if not chosen

Version: 2.3.2 / 22/05/2020
– Uninstall tables when uninstall hook instead of deactivation hook
– Select template if not chosen

Version: 2.3.1 / 05/05/2020
– Fix override of datepicker format date in Back-Office manual export

Version: 2.3.0 / 30/03/2020
– Reviews synchronisation json format
– Add option to select template V2
– Fix responsive Back-Office
– Fix RS
– Fix collecting orders with WPML

Version: 2.1.7 / 07/02/2020
– Fix js datepicker back-office

Version: 2.1.7 / 31/01/2020
– Add option to select template V2
– Fix responsive Back-Office

Version: 2.1.6 / 27/01/2020
– The module has been lightened
– Sprite css (BO only)

Version: 2.1.5 / 16/12/2019
-Tag API responses to avoid errors when debug mode activated
-Add select date range for manual orders exportation

Version: 2.1.4 / 29/11/2019
-Add option to add complete rich snippets

Version: 2.1.3 / 03/10/2019
-Fix display review date in reviews tab

Version: 2.1.2 / 05/08/2019
-SQL code optimization

Version: 2.1.1 / 15/07/2019
-Code optimization

Version: 2.1.0 / 27/05/2019
– New front-end option in WP back-office:
– Stars colour customization.
– New Badges available for frontend.
– New design of category Stars.
– Number of reviews to display in product page.

Version: 2.0.3 / 25/04/2019
– fix ajax lang

Version: 2.0.2 / 23/04/2019
– Small bug corrections

Version: 2.0.1 / 18/04/2019
– Bug Correction in Front-end

Version: 2.0.0 / 15/04/2019
– Fix Back-office and template
– Additional Rich Snippets code (Review)
– Bug Correction in Back-office

Version: 1.9.5 / 18/03/2019
– Back-office user and translations fix

Version: 1.9.4 / 15/03/2019
– Important security update

Version: 1.9.3 / 22/02/2019
– Back Office user interface improvement

version: 1.9.2 / 19/02/2019
– fix notice in av_backoffice
– fix float widget function

version: 1.9.1 / 18/02/2019
– fix bug multiligual
– Add function flag order (API)

version: 1.9.0 / 07/02/2019
– Adaptation with WPML multiligual plugin

version : 1.8.5 / 04/12/2018
– change readme presentation

version: 1.8.4 / 28/11/2018
-including font straight in our module. (Avoiding external calls).

version: 1.8.3 / date 22/11/2018
– change wording nfservice

version: 1.8.2 / date 13/11/2018
– Fix count() warning for PHP 7.2
– Look through to all prefix queries.
– try catch in order to check if the product exist api_functions.php
– Compatibilities wordpress 5.0 and woocommerce 3.5.1

version : 1.8.1 / date 27/09/2018
– Remove widget fixe code

version : 1.8.0 / date 13/09/2018
– Remove rich snippet site and category

version : 1.7.11 / date 21/09/2018
– Fix specific hooks

version : 1.7.10 / date 21/09/2018
– Add specific hooks

version : 1.7.9 / date 16/07/2018
– Fixed reviews export notice
– Fixed various other notices
– Fixed various Rich Snippet parts

version : 1.7.8 / date 05/07/2018
– Ajax url fixed (removed /index.php)

version : 1.7.7 / date 25/06/2018
– Various fixes

version : 1.7.6 / date 20/06/2018
– API/Ajax call is now made via a dedicated endpoint
– Enhanced WooCommerce 3.0 compliance
– Fixed ‘more helpful reviews’ missing in reviews dropdown list
– Corrected Italian translations

version : 1.7.5 / date 07/05/2018
– Display media option is now set in Netreviews configuration page
– Minor CSS Fix
– Minor PHP fixes

version : 1.7.4 / date : 16/04/2018
– IE compatibility
– Fix js rate filter

version : 1.7.3 / date : 16/04/2018
– It’s now possible to enable/disable media on product reviews
– AV BackOffice CSS adjustments

version : 1.7.2 / date : 11/04/2018
– Fixed Firefox’s double click bug on helpful button
– Helpful option activated by default
– Clean code

version : 1.7.1 / date : 10/04/2018
– Updated images with font icons, better indentation, removed big css comments

version : 1.7.0 / date : 27/03/2018
– Add medias and slider

version : 1.6.0 / date : 27/03/2018
– Fix google shopping fields (sku / urls)

version : 1.5.8 / date : 09/03/2018
– Switch API from serialize to json_encode

version : 1.5.7 / date : 13/02/2018
– Clean JS code
– Clean CSS code

version : 1.5.6 / date : 12/02/2018
– Texte modifier
– Ajout de traduction
– More comment

version : 1.5.5 / date : 17/01/2018
– Correction translation

version : 1.5.4 / date : 07/12/2017
– add img missing
– modif css

version : 1.5.3 / date : 07/12/2017
– Fix display infobulle

version : 1.5.2 / date : 28/11/2017
– Fix load more reviews
– add function update version module
– add order date and display on the reviews

version : 1.5.1 / date : 22/11/2017
– Fix pagination
– Make the helpful feature optionnal

version : 1.5.0 / date : 27/10/2017
– Add helpful reviews feature
– Add indicators
– New reviews design

version : 1.4.9 / date : 04/10/2017
– Fix new tables

version : 1.4.8 / date : 02/10/2017
– New feature multisite managemenent (many request impacted)
– Rich snippet site modified
– Replace function file_get_content by file_get_contents_curl

version : 1.4.7 / date : 07/09/2017
– Remove set_time_limit function

version : 1.4.6 / date : 22/06/2017
– Fix is_admin error 500

version : 1.4.5 / date : /05/2017
– Fix update_version

version : 1.4.4 / date : /04/2017
– Fix bug ntav_snippet_category()

version : 1.4.3 / date : 18/04/2017
– Integration rich snippet category (microdata and json ld)

version : 1.4.2 / date : 18/04/2017
– fix bug get_id on null

version : 1.4.1 / date : 13/04/2017
– fix error display

version : 1.4.0 / date : 13/04/2017
– Integration rich snippet product with json ld (compatible woocommerce 3.0)

version : 1.3.16 / date : 01/03/2017
– Migration de paramètres de configuration du back-office WordPress vers le back-office Avis-Vérifiés

version : 1.3.15 / date : 16/02/2017
– Ajout du choix de la couleur de fond
– Ajout d’un champ CSS spécifique

version : 1.3.14 / date : 10/02/2017
– Correction d’un bug sur l’inclusion du fichier CSS

version : 1.3.13 / date : 09/02/2017
– Nouveau design front office

version : 1.3.12 / date : 09/02/2017
– Correction d’un bug majeur sur l’automatisation

version : 1.3.11 / date : 08/02/2017
– Ajout du choix de couleur des étoiles

version : 1.3.10 / date : 08/02/2017
– Amélioration backoffice
– Correction du problème de l’API non joignable à cause du template.

version : 1.3.9 / date : 06/02/2017
– Correction du problème de l’API non joignable à cause du template.

version : 1.3.8 / date : 02/02/2017
– Correction de quelques messages d’erreur.

version : 1.3.7 / date : 01/02/2017
– Ajout de l’option d’activation des richsnippets produits
– Modification du module pour respecter les standards WordPress

version : 1.3.6 / date : 25/01/2017
– Fiche produit, on n’affiche rien si il n’y a pas d’avis
– Modification du module pour respecter les standards WordPress

version : 1.3.5 / date : 16/01/2017
– Refonte graphique de la configuration

version : 1.3.4 / date : 11/01/2017
– Modification du header
– Ajout de traductions

version : 1.3.3 / date : 09/01/2017
– Amélioration graphique de la page de configuration

version : 1.3.2 / date : 06/01/2017
– Amélioration graphique de la page de configuration

version : 1.3.1 / date : 05/01/2017
– fix function view_project_template in pagetemplater.php exception

version : 1.3 / date : 29/12/2016
– Ajout favicon
– Amélioration graphique de la page de configuration
– Ajout des configurations des rich snippet site
– Ajout du widget Avis Vérifiés
– Modification et fix sur la fonction netreviews_product_rating()


  • Version: 2.4.1
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 1.3.1
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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