Nelio Content – Editorial Calendar & Social Media Scheduling

July 17, 2024

Nelio Content – Editorial Calendar & Social Media Scheduling Plugin

Outstanding editorial calendar to manage your blog. A complete solution for sharing your posts on social media. Save time with useful automations.


Nelio Content is a powerful and intuitive WordPress plugin designed to streamline your content creation, scheduling, and promotion. Featuring a dynamic editorial calendar and an intelligent content assistant, Nelio Content ensures your blog’s success by automatically generating social media posts for X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Mastodon, Telegram, Pinterest, Reddit, Threads, and more.


Supported Networks for cross-posting

  • X (formerly Twitter) – Post to your X account
  • Facebook – Post to your Facebook pages
  • LinkedIn – Post to your profile or company page
  • Instagram – Post to your Business Account
  • Mastodon – Post to your Mastodon account
  • Tumblr – Post to your blog post with canonical-backlinks to your original post
  • Telegram – Post to your Telegram groups and Telegram channels
  • Bluesky – Post to your Bluesky account
  • Google My Business – Post to your Google My Business Location
  • Pinterest – Post to all your different Pinboards
  • Reddit – Post to your subreddits
  • Threads – Post to your Threads account
  • TikTok – Share your videos on TikTok
  • Buffer – Share your content to your connected Buffer profiles
  • Hootsuite – Share your content to your connected Hootsuite profiles

Connecting your social media networks is a breeze with Nelio Content. Integrate directly through the plugin or use Buffer or Hootsuite for added flexibility.

Maximize the potential of your blog with our complete set of powerful features. Focus on the content that works best with its integrated analytics while saving tons of time thanks to the impressive editorial calendar.

Download Nelio Content for free today to optimize your WordPress site and social media (see what’s included in the free version). For even more features and enhanced support, upgrade to Nelio Content Premium.

Why Nelio Content Stands Out

Nelio Content is an essential tool for content creators, offering powerful features to streamline and enhance your content strategy.


The Editorial Calendar provides a bird’s-eye view of all your content, including posts, custom post types, social messages, and tasks:

  • View your upcoming work by week, month, or agenda.
  • Create, schedule, and edit posts with categories, tags, and references within the calendar.
  • Draft unscheduled posts as ideas.
  • Automatically adjust social messages when a post is rescheduled.
  • Integrate iCal events, MailPoet newsletters, and events from The Events Calendar.
  • Filter content by author and status.
  • Filter social messages by profile, creation method, and publication issues.

View the RSS feeds of your favorite blogs directly in your WordPress so you can generate new content from them:

  • View RSS feeds directly in WordPress for inspiration.
  • Schedule ideas by dragging and dropping them into the calendar.
  • Create new draft posts using feed content as references.
  • Suggest helpful links to authors as references.

Our Content Assistant offers actionable recommendations to improve your posts. It analyzes your content to ensure it’s optimized for SEO and reader engagement, making your blog stand out:

  • Use external image URLs for featured images.
  • Check post quality as you write it.
  • Ensure posts include images, tags, links, and excerpts.
  • Plan and customize social messages while writing.
  • Highlight content for automatic social messages.
  • Add custom URL parameters for tracking in Google Analytics.

Use Social Automations to promote your content effectively across multiple social networks:

  • Automatically create social message timelines.
  • Use highlighted sentences, templates, and excerpts for automatically created messages.
  • Customize social templates with #hashtags, @handles, emojis, and much more.
  • Share on up to 3 social networks, including X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Mastodon, Telegram, Pinterest, Reddit or Threads, to name a few.

Nelio Content integrates essential metrics that you can use to refine your content strategy and boost engagement.

  • View key statistics on your WordPress dashboard.
  • Track pageviews from Google Analytics.
  • Measure audience engagement through likes, shares, and comments.
  • Monitor planned social messages for each post.
  • Re-promote top-performing content with one click.
  • Customize permalinks on social media by adding query parameters.

All these features are included in Nelio Content Free. Upgrade to Premium for advanced capabilities.


Designed for teams, Nelio Content Premium provides each user with tailored tools for their role:

  • Connect up to 15 social profiles.
  • Discuss posts with editorial comments.
  • Monitor and track team activities with editorial tasks.
  • Receive email notifications for status changes and comments.
  • Create reusable task presets for posts.
  • Add editorial comments and references in the calendar.
  • Create social messages for multiple networks simultaneously within the calendar.
  • Re-share old posts in social media with ease.
  • Automatically reschedule tasks when a post is rescheduled.
  • Export the calendar in CSV format, Google Calendar or iCal format.

Advanced tools for automatic content promotion:

  • Create reusable social messages that can be easily placed on any desired day in the calendar.
  • Automatically generate timelines to promote posts after publication.
  • Reshare automatically top old content on social networks.
  • Create multiple social automation templates with #hashtags, @handles, and emojis.
  • Customize publication and resharing frecuency.
  • Configure multiple automation group settings for content-sharing.

By using Nelio Content, you can effectively plan, create, optimize, and promote your content, saving time and increasing your reach.

As Featured On…

If you’re not convinced yet, take a look at what others say about Nelio Content.


Installation through the WordPress Dashboard

  1. Login to your WordPress admin.
  2. Click on the plugins tab.
  3. Click the Add New button.
  4. Search for “Nelio Content.”
  5. Look for our plugin, click “Install Now” and then “Activate.”
  6. Once the plugin is installed and active, you simply need to select whether you want to use the Free Version of Nelio Content or, if you have a License Key of a Premium Plan, use it to unlock its full potential.

And that’s it! You can now use Nelio Content to get the most out of your site.

Nelio Content Premium

If you’re interested in unlocking the full potential of our plugin, just purchase Nelio Content Premium. Once you complete the checkout process, you’ll receive an e-mail with a License Key. Use it in the plugin as described in our Knowledge Base.

I successfully installed the plugin. What should I do now?

You’ll find a detailed and comprehensive guide in our website with all the information you need to know to use Nelio Content efficiently. Go check it out!


  1. <strong>Editorial Calendar.</strong> The Editorial Calendar shows all your published and scheduled posts, as well as all the social messages that will help you to promote them in your social networks and the related tasks.

    Editorial Calendar. The Editorial Calendar shows all your published and scheduled posts, as well as all the social messages that will help you to promote them in your social networks and the related tasks.

  2. <strong>Focus on the important things.</strong> The Editorial Calendar highlights all the elements that are related, so that you can easily identify which social messages and tasks belong to a certain post.

    Focus on the important things. The Editorial Calendar highlights all the elements that are related, so that you can easily identify which social messages and tasks belong to a certain post.

  3. <strong>Social Network Support.</strong> Connect multiple social profiles to Nelio Content and share social messages there automatically, directly from your WordPress dashboard.

    Social Network Support. Connect multiple social profiles to Nelio Content and share social messages there automatically, directly from your WordPress dashboard.

  4. <strong>Timeline of Scheduled Social Messages.</strong> Viewing the scheduled social messages you have for any post and adding new ones is extremely easy with this timeline.

    Timeline of Scheduled Social Messages. Viewing the scheduled social messages you have for any post and adding new ones is extremely easy with this timeline.

  5. <strong>Integrated Social Message Editor.</strong> Nelio Content includes a beautiful dialog where you can select multiple profiles of different networks, create a message that will be shared on all of them, preview how it’ll look like, and schedule the exact date and time in which the message has to be automatically shared.

    Integrated Social Message Editor. Nelio Content includes a beautiful dialog where you can select multiple profiles of different networks, create a message that will be shared on all of them, preview how it’ll look like, and schedule the exact date and time in which the message has to be automatically shared.

  6. <strong>Automation Groups.</strong> Customize how you want to share your content using automation groups. Define custom templates per content/network easily.

    Automation Groups. Customize how you want to share your content using automation groups. Define custom templates per content/network easily.

  7. <strong>Google Analytics and Social Media Metrics.</strong> Find the most interesting metrics from Google Analytics and Social Networks in your own Dashboard. Share the content that works the best easily and effortlessly.

    Google Analytics and Social Media Metrics. Find the most interesting metrics from Google Analytics and Social Networks in your own Dashboard. Share the content that works the best easily and effortlessly.

  8. <strong>Post Quality Analysis.</strong> Nelio Content analyzes the quality of your post in a non-disruptive manner. Address all the issues detected by Nelio and your content will look better and more beautiful.

    Post Quality Analysis. Nelio Content analyzes the quality of your post in a non-disruptive manner. Address all the issues detected by Nelio and your content will look better and more beautiful.

  9. <strong>Improved Featured Image Management.</strong> With Nelio Content, you can use images outside your media library as featured images of your posts.

    Improved Featured Image Management. With Nelio Content, you can use images outside your media library as featured images of your posts.

  10. <strong>External Featured Image</strong>. Paste the external image’s URL and you’re done!

    External Featured Image. Paste the external image’s URL and you’re done!


Is Nelio Content a free plugin?

Yes. Nelio Content can be used completely for free using the version available at which provides essential features for content creation and social media management. However, to access advanced capabilities and unlock its full potential, you’ll need to purchase a premium plan.

With any premium plan you can connect up to 15 social profiles from any of the integrated social networks.

What are Social Automations?

Social Automations is Nelio Content’s powerful feature that revolutionizes social media promotion.

After you create a new post, Nelio Content automatically analyzes its content to extract the most relevant sentences. It then generates a series of unique social media messages tailored to promote your post effectively across platforms. Unlike basic Social Templates, these messages are crafted using the specific content of your post, maximizing engagement and reach.

Are Social Automations included in the free version of Nelio Content?

Yes but with some limitations. With the free version you have a unique set of social templates that can be used for automatic message generation. Only one message per connected social profile will be published at the same time as the post is.

Can I change my plan later?

Sure, you can do it whenever you want. And if you have some specific needs that none of our plans satisfy, just let us know and we’ll be happy to help you!

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. You can do it from the WordPress Dashboard or contacting us directly.

More questions?

If you have more questions, just take a look at our Knowledge Base, where you’ll find all the information you need.


3.5.0 (June 19, 2024)

  • Add Threads support.
  • Reduce maximum message length in Bluesky to 280 characters.
  • Fix deactivation dialog to allow option selection.

3.4.0 (May 27, 2024)

  • Add Hootsuite support to connect profiles.
  • Add Reusable Messages.
  • Add social timeline in post list screen.
  • Assume all links are 25 characters long to prevent issues with Bluesky.
  • Fix analytics refresh action in plugin settings.
  • Fix disappearing messages on calendar update.
  • Fix template’s error message in universal group when using unsupported placeholders.
  • Fix template’s placeholder selector to show all supported placeholders in universal group.
  • Use latest exact time set in message and post editors.
  • Warn user when Google Analytics token has expired and needs re-authentication.


  • Draft scheduled post when moved to Unschedule section in calendar.
  • Tweak network styles in social message editor to allow multiple lines.

3.3.0 (March 20, 2024)

  • Add Bluesky support.
  • Add custom parameters to your post permalinks.
  • Add compatibility with WordPress 6.5.
  • Fix NaN issue when related post of a message or task can’t be found.
  • Fix issue with object keys and callables in key_by helper function.
  • Remove failed message when clearing timeline in edit post screen.
  • Enable Buffer connection on supported networks only.
  • Update styles of preview card for X.

3.2.1 (February 7, 2024)

  • Update site settings in Nelio’s cloud.
  • Use wp_safe_remote_request to get shared link data safely.

3.2.0 (January 25, 2024)

  • Require PHP 7.4.
  • Add task presets to simplify and automate task creation.
  • Flag templates as invalid when using incompatible placeholders.
  • Tweak tasks’s appearance in editor to improve usability.
  • Tasks of unscheduled posts should not show up in calendar.
  • Allow task editing in Calendar’s post editor.
  • Allow editorial reference editing in Calendar’s post editor.
  • Remove related post items when trashing a post in calendar.

3.1.0 (December 12, 2023)

  • Add recurring messages.
  • Change “Deactivate” link to use deactivation popup only if “Deactivate” action exists.
  • Prevent incorrect auto-setting of Nelio Content’s meta data that triggered silent post edit.
  • Change sync conditions with Nelio’s cloud to reduce requests.
  • Change “Save” button into “Update” when editing existing message.
  • Disable “Update” button in message editor if no changes.

3.0.7 (November 9, 2023)

  • Improvement. Disable “Refresh” and “Re-Authenticate” profile actions if user didn’t add the profile.
  • Bug Fix. Remove auto share classes in frontend.
  • Add Overview widget with quick access to last updated tests and news from our blog.
  • Add Roadmap section in plugin to let users know what we’re working on.

3.0.6 (October 4, 2023)

  • Bug Fix. Template should be saveable after fixing missing bug, term, etc.
  • Bug Fix. Disable “Save Changes” button in Automations settings after successful update.
  • Bug Fix. Enable profile reshare when toggling setting in Automation Groups.
  • Improvement. Add button to copy “Support Key” on the account page.

3.0.5 (September 4, 2023)

  • Improvement. Add publication/reshare icons in profile list to signal which profiles have automations.
  • Improvement. Show available templates in message editor even if there’s no related post.
  • Improvement. Rename “Twitter” as “X” in the Nelio Content’s UI.
  • Improvement. Tweak task editor in post and calendar screens to allow edition of existing tasks.
  • Bug Fix. Update walkthroughs in Social Profiles and Automations settings screens to match update 3.0.4.
  • Bug Fix. Message count estimates should update when enabling/disabling automation groups.

3.0.4 (August 31, 2023)

  • Improvement. Add pagination to template lists to improve UX.
  • Improvement. Tweak external featured image’s URL regex to accept URLs with a port number in it.
  • Improvement. Move automation frequencies from Social Profiles to Automations tab.
  • Improvement. Move automation controls from Social Profiles to Automations tab.
  • Improvement. Redesign warning message to let users know they can’t add more automation groups.
  • Improvement. Add warning message on automations screen if user is about to leave with unsaved changes.
  • Bug Fix. Import template author correctly.
  • Bug Fix. Cache authors and terms used in Automations tab to speed up screen loading time.
  • Bug Fix. Fix “managed post types” link in universal group.
  • Bug Fix. Fix time selector in social template editor.

3.0.3 (August 22, 2023)

  • New Feature. Show tests from Nelio A/B Testing on the editorial calendar.
  • Improvement. Tweak Universal Group description to better explain the content it applies to.
  • Bug Fix. Fix loading of auto share end mode.
  • Bug Fix. Fix duplicated internal and external events.
  • Bug Fix. Fix post type of social templates not in a universal group.
  • Bug Fix. Fix NumberControl component to properly detect invalid values.

3.0.2 (August 3, 2023)

  • Bug Fix. Fix message length computation in preview to properly display tags.

3.0.1 (August 3, 2023)

  • Bug Fix. Update text domain in a few strings to nelio-content.
  • Bug Fix. Use “view” context in /wp/v2/author API REST request to prevent 401 error.
  • Improvement. Update Twitter’s logo to X.
  • Improvement. Delay API REST call to load posts in post list until user clicks on “Share on social media.”

3.0.0 (July 24, 2023)

  • Bug Fix. Register ncshare format sooner to let Gutenberg know about it.
  • Bug Fix. Fix bug when creating hashtags from tags.
  • Bug Fix. Fix inconsistent “message too long” error message when it’s not.
  • Bug Fix. Fix post creation/edition error: empty taxonomies should be allowed.
  • New Feature. Add automation groups to enhance customization of social automations.
  • New Feature. Add support for Google Analytics 4 and drop support for previous versions.

2.5.2 (April 6, 2023)

  • Bug Fix. Fix bug when creating hashtags from tags.
  • Bug Fix. Add reshare settings in page list screen.

2.5.1 (March 16, 2023)

  • New Feature. Add setting to check for scheduled WordPress posts not properly published with a “missed schedule” error and automatically publish them.
  • New Feature. Export and import social templates.
  • New Feature. Show newsletters from MailPoet on the editorial calendar.
  • New Feature. Show events from The Events Calendar on the editorial calendar.
  • New Feature. Add filter nelio_content_internal_events to show additional events on the editorial calendar.

2.5.0 (February 27, 2023)

  • New Feature. Support custom fields as placeholders in social messages using the nelio_content_supported_post_metas filter.
  • New Feature. Support custom placeholders in social messages using the nelio_content_custom_placeholders filter.
  • Improvement. Double click a network to select all its profiles in the social message editor.

2.4.2 (February 10, 2023)

  • Bug Fix. Fix bug when opening a task related to a post in the calendar, which was stuck on loading state.
  • Bug Fix. Fix bug when trying to reuse previous messages to fill the content of another message related to a post.
  • Bug Fix. Show only an exact date selector when creating a task for a published post.
  • Improvement. Compute Facebook engagement analytics using access token.
  • Improvement. Allow selecting a related post when creating a task in the editorial calendar.

2.4.1 (February 6, 2023)

  • Bug Fix. Add dependency array in preview hook to load shared link after pasting a URL.
  • Bug Fix. Fix social store’s reducer to show correct profile count after adding new profile(s).
  • Bug Fix. Remove HTML tags from og: and twitter: meta values.
  • Bug Fix. Fix error in useEffect callback that (incorrectly) returned a promise.
  • Improvement. Colorize {author} placeholder in template list.
  • Improvement. Show profile name when hovering it in social message editor.
  • Improvement. Add unscheduled posts in the calendar.

2.4.0 (January 9, 2023)

  • Mastodon Support. Add Mastodon support.
  • Bug Fix. Ignore references with no URL to fix WSOD in Gutenberg.
  • Bug Fix. Support User Submitted Posts to properly detect featured image when submitted posts are automatically published.

2.3.6 (November 24, 2022)

  • Bug Fix. Fix bug in BuddyBoss search results, which were empty when the plugin was active.
  • Bug Fix. Enable Nelio Content actions in Classic Editor when text is selected.

2.3.5 (November 9, 2022)

  • WordPress 6.1 Compatibility. Add compatibility with WordPress 6.1.
  • Improvement. Fix styles to improve the look-and-feel of Nelio Content’s walkthroughs.
  • Bug Fix. Improve user capability management in calendar to make sure users can’t do what they’re not allowed to do.

2.3.4 (October 24, 2022)

Bug Fix. Improve query to check if site is multi author. Thanks, David Anderson.

2.3.3 (September 19, 2022)

  • Bug Fix. Hide no-reshare warning message when end date hasn’t come yet.

2.3.2 (September 6, 2022)

  • Telegram Support. Add Telegram support.
  • New Feature. Add setting to disable auto tutorials.
  • Improvement. Tweak quality checks to better describe social timeline status.
  • Improvement. Add “permalinks” attribute in AWS posts with nelio_content_post_permalink_on_network and nelio_content_post_permalink_on_{$network} filters to customize post permalinks used on social media.
  • Improvement. Use OAuth2 for Google Analytics authentication.
  • Improvement. Add pulse effect in multiple profile selector to catch user’s attention.
  • Bug Fix. Keep existing templates after adding a new one.
  • Bug Fix. Allow template selection in social message editor when template is valid for any post category.
  • Bug Fix. Hide permalink in LinkedIn when it’s the last part of the message.
  • Bug Fix. Tweak date component to make sure selected date is in range.
  • Bug Fix. Grant access to account page to admin users only.
  • Bug Fix. Preview and edit unscheduled posts in calendar.

2.3.1 (July 25, 2022)

  • New Feature. Add the_nelio_content to filter the post content.
  • Improvement. Hide incompatible placeholders in template editor.
  • Bug Fix. Prevent exit editor warning about unsaved changes when nothing changed.

2.3.0 (July 18, 2022)

  • Improvement. Refactor code to use TypeScript.
  • TikTok Support. Add TikTok support to share videos from WordPress.
  • Instagram Support. Add native Instagram support (i.e. no Buffer account required).
  • Bug Fix. Display correct product name in account screen.

2.2.12 (June 20, 2022)

  • Bug Fix. Fix “Google My Business” and “Reddit” connection endpoints to allow connecting new profiles of said networks.

2.2.11 (June 3, 2022)

  • Bug Fix. Compute tweet length correctly using npm package twitter-text.
  • Bug Fix. Show correct action in “Social Media” panel (Gutenberg only) when there are social profiles available.
  • Bug Fix. Show “Add tags” and “Add categories” actions in social message editor when related post type supports them.

2.2.10 (May 25, 2022)

  • Improvement. Remove unnecessary dependencies to @wordpress/editor and @wordpress/edit-post.
  • Tested up to WordPress 6.0.

2.2.9 (May 19, 2022)

  • Improvement. Refactor source code to use React hooks instead of Higher-Order Components.
  • Improvement. Use store names as provided by WordPress packages insted of hardcoded alternatives.
  • Improvement. Enforce user permissions related to social timeline in edit post screen.
  • Improvement. Add pause/resume social publication button in settings screen.
  • Bug Fix. Reschedule editorial tasks in Agenda’s calendar view.
  • Bug Fix. Maintain selected target in social message editor after adding an image while using the single profile selector component.
  • Bug Fix. Fix styling issue in social message timeline.
  • Update link to Nelio Content’s Terms and Conditions.
  • Bump minimum required WordPress version to 5.6.

2.2.8 (April 11, 2022)

  • New Feature. Add new setting to customize the duration of automatic social sharing to promote a post.
  • Bug Fix. Tweak useEffect callbacks to return either nothing or an “undo” function.
  • Bug Fix. Add safe guard to check if $attach_id in EFI hook is numeric.
  • Bug Fix. Remove post content from reshare algorithm to prevent API error.

2.2.7 (March 30, 2022)

  • Bug Fix. Fix JS undefined import in WordPress 5.5.x.
  • Improvement. Disable translation enqueuing on scripts that don’t have wp-i18n as a dependency.

2.2.6 (March 14, 2022)

  • New Feature. Customize automation sources used to generate automatic social messages.
  • New Feature. Add nelio_content_default_automation_sources filter to define default automation sources per post type.
  • Improvement. Remove unsupported social message placeholders based on shared post type.
  • Improvement. Show Categories and Tags settings on quick post editor if edited post type supports it.
  • Bug Fix. Fix undefined function bug in TinyMCE script.
  • Bug Fix. Load plugin scripts post types (other than Post) using the classic editor.
  • Bug Fix. Sort social messages chronologically in timeline after generating them.
  • Bug Fix. Remove items from the calendar after unscheduling their related post.

2.2.5 (March 8, 2022)

  • Bug Fix. Fix ReactDom warning.
  • Bug Fix. Fix JS error message when invoking core/editor’s editPost action.
  • Bug Fix. Enqueue TinyMCE scripts in the classic editor and Gutenberg, because it can show up in both.

2.2.4 (March 7, 2022)

  • New Feature. Add {author} placeholder in social messages.
  • New Feature. Add nelio_content_post_author_name filter to filter the name of a post’s author.
  • Improvement. Tweak styles in multi-value select to allow vertical growth when required.
  • Bug Fix. Fix issue while enqueuing TinyMCE scripts.

2.2.3 (March 3, 2022)

  • Bug Fix. Fix settings initialization issue that incorrectly checked if the settings object was already “ready” and resulted in a PHP notice when using default values.
  • Bug Fix. Tweak settings object to use empty array as default value in calendar_post_types.
  • Bug Fix. Enqueue TinyMCE script correctly to include Nelio Content’s action buttons in classic editor.
  • Bug Fix. Remove duplicated “Calendar” menu item in front-end admin bar.
  • Bug Fix. Fix “Clear Filters” action in calendar to properly clear post statuses too.
  • Improvement. Add new filter nelio_content_available_post_types_setting to customize which post types might be used in Nelio Content.
  • Improvement. Add walkthrough guides to get new users up to speed.

2.2.2 (February 15, 2022)

  • Improvement. Add support for recurring external events.
  • Improvement. Add template selector in social message editor.
  • Improvement. Extend post editor in calendar view to set categories and tags.
  • Improvement. Extend post editor in calendar view to browse related tasks and suggested references.
  • Bug Fix. Enable today and future dates when editing a post in the calendar.
  • Bug Fix. Reload tasks and social messages related to a post after rescheduling it using the post editor in calendar.

2.2.1 (January 27, 2022)

  • WordPress 5.9 Compatibility. Add compatibility with WordPress 5.9.
  • Improvement. Use WordPress’ time format in calendar.
  • Bug Fix. Fix bug in calendar filters with social messages.

2.2.0 (January 12, 2022)

  • Pinterest support. Add support for Pinterest.
  • New Feature. Add {categories} placeholder in social message and social template editors.
  • New Feature. Add filter in calendar to filter posts by status.
  • Improvement. Update message previews to match social networks.
  • Improvement. Add new option in plugin settings to include Open Graph and Twitter meta tags on your shared pages.
  • Improvement. Show post references in calendar view.
  • Bug Fix. Lock add image button in social message editor while saving.

2.1.1 (November 30, 2021)

  • Bug Fix. Preview post’s featured image in social message editor when editing Instagram messages.
  • Bug Fix. Preview featured images in post selector when EFI is enabled.
  • Bug Fix. Extract images from post content correctly.

2.1.0 (November 22, 2021)

  • New Feature. Add external events to the Editorial Calendar using an ICS URL.
  • Bug Fix. Update variable in loop to prevent infinite loop when site has less than 7 posts.

2.0.25 (October 21, 2021)

  • Improvement. Tweak “Go Premium” buttons in the UI.
  • Improvement. Refactor auto-sharer component.

2.0.24 (October 6, 2021)

2.0.23 (September 30, 2021)

  • Bug Fix. Initialize plugin in Gutenberg correctly when editing new post.
  • Bug Fix. Compute tweet length correctly in social message editor (links are 23 chars long).

2.0.22 (September 28, 2021)

  • New Feature. Add cloud notifications.
  • New Feature. Add Agenda View in Editorial Calendar.
  • Improvement. Increase LinkedIn char count limit from 600 to 3,000.
  • Bug Fix. Transform post tags into social hashtags when using the {tags} placeholder.
  • Bug Fix. Fix an error in classic editor where the post shown in the UI wasn’t the post requested by the user.
  • Bug Fix. Properly set and get post’s auto share property in classic editor.

2.0.21 (July 19, 2021)

2.0.20 (April 30, 2021)

  • Bug Fix. Use proper sanitize function in REST API in subscription upgrade.


  • Version: 3.5.0
  • Active installations: 5,000
  • WordPress Version: 6.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 7.4


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