Navayan Subscribe

April 22, 2013

Navayan Subscribe Plugin

Allows visitors to easily and quickly subscribe to your website with double optin, email templates, notifications, block spam.

Navayan Subscribe allows your visitors to easily and quickly subscribe to your website with double optin process, custom email templates, post/page notifications. Can be used as sidebar widget.


  • Double opt-in Subscribe and UnSubscribe
  • Default form field – Email
  • Extended form fields – Name and Custom field
  • Custom form heading, field labels
  • Custom Email Templates
  • Custom Error/Success/Information messages
  • Option to hide form after success
  • Send new subscriber notification to admin
  • Send new post notification to subscribers
  • Featured image in post notification
  • Sidebar Widget
  • Display Subscribe form on Subscribe page
  • Option to send post content in email
  • Translate text support
  • User gets removed if UnSubscribed
  • Checks whether user is logged in or not
  • jQuery form validation
  • HTML5 Placeholder
  • HTML5 Validation with jQuery fallback
  • Displays various users count
  • Show Subscribers count – Optional
  • Works with Custom Post Types too
  • Restricts specific IPs, Domains, Emails with custom messages
  • Active theme CSS for email templates

Take a look at Screenshots



  1. Activate the plugin
  2. Go to Dashboard -> Tools -> Navayan Subscribe
  3. Customize the form settings and email templates as you want
  4. Go to ‘Appearance -> Widgets’, drag and drop ‘Navayan Subscribe’ widget in one of your sidebars.

If you feel this plugin saved your efforts, it would be great if you Rate it!



We call ‘Donation’ as ‘Dhammadana’. It help us to contribute more to open source community.
Donate ie. Dhammadana


REQUIRED: WordPress > 3.3

  1. Download ‘Navayan Subscribe’ wordpress plugin
  2. Upload and Extract in wp-content/plugins/ directory. Make sure ‘wp-content’ has write permission
  3. Go to ‘Dashboard -> Plugins’ and activate it
  4. Go to ‘Dashboard -> Tools -> Navayan Subscribe’
  5. For more details please visit



  1. Plugin listed under 'Dashboard -> Tools' tab

    Plugin listed under 'Dashboard -> Tools' tab

  2. Send notification checkbox in 'Publish' metabox

    Send notification checkbox in 'Publish' metabox

  3. Subscribe form in sidebar widget

    Subscribe form in sidebar widget

  4. UnSubscribe form

    UnSubscribe form

  5. Subscribe and UnSubscribe form and messages settings

    Subscribe and UnSubscribe form and messages settings

  6. Custom Email Templates

    Custom Email Templates

  7. Spam block list IPs/Domains/Emails

    Spam block list IPs/Domains/Emails

  8. Subscribe confirmation email

    Subscribe confirmation email

  9. Post/page notification email to subscribers

    Post/page notification email to subscribers


1.13 (20130419)

  • NEW: Individual Subscribe and UnSubscribe pages
  • NEW: Re-create Subscribe and UnSubscribe pages if mistakenly deleted
  • NEW: Custom confirmation messages
  • NEW: Keep Notify Subscribers checkbox default checked – optional
  • NEW: Use active theme CSS for email templates – optional
  • NEW: Custom CSS style for Error/Success messages
  • NEW: Extended substitute keywords for site link, description, subscriber name
  • NEW: Spam protection by restricting – IPs (both Remote and Server), Domains, Emails
  • NEW: On user list page – Checks since how long the user has not confirmed his/her subscription
  • NEW: On post list page – Indicates whether the post notification is sent or not
  • FIX: Subscribers and Not-confirmed users count
  • FIX: Double post notification emails
  • FIX: Permalink correction for double opt-in emails
  • FIX: Admin control over deleting plugin changes
  • FIX: Admin privileges check for security

1.12 (20121225)

  • NEW: Can use featured image in notification template
  • NEW: Show subscribers count to users – optional
  • NEW: New role ‘unconfirmed’ for Un-confirmed subscribers
  • FIX: Un-confirmed subscribers count

1.11 (20121118)

  • NEW: Code Refactored
  • FIX: Removing older ‘Navayan Unsubscribe’ page entries during deactivation

1.10 (20121114)

  • NEW: Double opt-in
  • NEW: HTML5 Validation with jQuery fallback
  • NEW: Displays various users count
  • NEW: More Email Templates
  • NEW: Enhanced post/page notifications
  • NEW: Fallback for post publish/update actions
  • FIX: Multiple notifications

1.1.9 (20121019)

  • FIX: Removed post meta dependency

1.1.8 (20120926)

  • NEW: Enhanced email template for tags, categories, readability
  • NEW: HTML5 Placeholder
  • NEW: Compatibility with theme sidebar
  • FIX: Clean Uninstall
  • FIX: W3C validated CSS form class (20120823)

  • NEW: Better CSS control on submit buttons for Front-End developers
  • NEW: Deleting ‘Navayan Unsubscribe’ page if plugin gets uninstalled (20120822)

  • NEW: Custom email template
  • NEW: Custom messages and labels
  • NEW: Admin control over notification
  • NEW: Custom post type notification
  • NEW: Option to send post content or excerpt
  • NEW: Easy Un-Subscribe form
  • NEW: jQuery form validation (20120710)

  • NEW: Checks subscribe email send subject – New or Updated post
  • FIX: Condition which was preventing email to deliver in some cases (20120709)

  • NEW: Version check as subscribe form class

1.1.7 (20120706)

  • FIX: Avoided various filters
  • FIX: Optimized the code

1.1.6 (20120605)

  • NEW: Custom message if user is logged in
  • FIX: Checks if post is not already published
  • FIX: Two typos

1.1.5 (20120519)

  • NEW: Translate text support
  • NEW: Checks whether user logged in or not
  • NEW: User can Un-Subscribe
  • NEW: Subscriber gets Un-Subscribe link
  • NEW: User gets removed if Un-Subscribed
  • NEW: Custom Un-Subscribe Message
  • FIX: Enhanced post notifications
  • FIX: Widget title support (20120408)

  • NEW: Option to send post content in email
  • FIX: Filtered Username (20120330)

  • NEW: Option to use default style
  • FIX: Sidebar widget form field width (20120317)

  • NEW: Altered post fetch criteria

1.1.4 (20120316)

  • NEW: Sidebar Widget

1.1.3 (20120315)

  • NEW: Added Feature list

1.1.2 (20120314)

  • NEW: New published post notification email to subscribers

1.1.1 (20120303)

  • NEW: Added support for subscribe notification email to admin

1.1 (20120302)

  • NEW: Added shortcode [navayan_subscribe] support

1.0 (20120229)

  • Compatible with wordpress 3.3+
  • Minimum subscribe form
  • Extended subscribe form
  • WordPress admin itself can add subscribers
  • Form settings to customize the subscribe form


  • Version: 1.13
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 3.3
  • Tested up to: 3.6.1


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