Most Read Posts in XX days Plugin

A simple plugin that counts and shows hits for each Post and Page in your WordPress blog.

Most Read Posts counts Post and Pages hits and allows you to show them in:

  • The Single Post page
  • The Page page
  • Index and Archive pages
  • The Sidebar through a configurable Widget, also with featured images


  1. Upload the most-read-posts-in-xx-days directory in your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. If needed, configure Plugin Settings and the Widget
  4. (optional) Place these tags in your template:
  • single.php or page.php in the Loop

    <?php ST4_single_hits(); ?> 
  • index.php (and / or archive.php etc…), in the Loop

    <?php ST4_hits(); ?> 
  • sidebar.php (only if you don’t use Widgets)

    // last 5 posts in last 30 days, show the hits, show image preview
    ST4_mostread(30, 5, ‘yes’, ‘yes’);
    // show 10 posts from all published posts, show hits, don’t show preview
    ST4_mostread(0, 10, ‘yes’, ‘no’);
    // show 3 pages from all published pages, show hits, don’t show preview
    ST4_mostread(0, 10, ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘page’);


  1. The Sidebar Widgets in front-end: one for Pages, one for Posts.

    The Sidebar Widgets in front-end: one for Pages, one for Posts.

  2. Every widget is configurable.

    Every widget is configurable.

  3. The Plugin Settings Page.

    The Plugin Settings Page.

  4. In the Edit Posts and Page Screen you have a column with the Hits and you can also edit them.

    In the Edit Posts and Page Screen you have a column with the Hits and you can also edit them.


Can I show the most read Posts without the date limit?

Yes, you can remove the date limit in the Sidebar widget settings

Can I display Post and Page featured images?

Yes, you can display them through Sidebar widget settings

Can I track also Pages?

Yes, since version 2.3.2 you can show Page hits through Sidebar widget settings

Can I import Page and Post hits from a different plugin?

Yes, since 2.4 version you can edit hits through the Bulk and Quick Edit screens.



  • Moved translation files in languages directory to comply WordPress Plugin Repo localization requirements


  • Fixed PHP 7 deprecated warning about PHP 4 style constructors on MostRead Widget


  • Improved custom DB table registration to avoid PHP warnings on plugin activation on some hosts
  • WordPress multisite support added
  • Aligned version number (2.6) in readme.txt and ST4_most_read.php


  • Corrected informations in readme.txt


  • Added a new field in the Bulk and Quick Edit screens to edit Posts and Page Hits (useful if you want to import manually hits from another stats plugin).
  • Some bugs fixed
  • Changes and fixes in localization files
  • Added plugin screenshots
  • Corrected informations in readme.txt


  • Added hits count also for Pages.
  • Added a sortable column with Page Hits in All Pages Administration Screen.


  • Added a sortable column with Post Hits in All Posts Administration Screen.


  • Some bugs fixed
  • Added new Widget option to show featured image preview
  • Added new Widget options to remove the date filter
  • Added new Plugin Option to show post hits automatically
  • Added new Plugin Option to use custom CSS rules
  • Added new Plugin Option to set image preview custom CSS sizes
  • Changes in localization files


  • Code upgrade for WordPress 2.8 compatibility.
  • Added new function ST4_get_post_hits() to get post hits outside the Loop
  • Changes in localization files
  • Code optimization


  • First release.


  • Version: 2.7.1
  • Active installations: 400
  • WordPress Version: 2.6.3
  • Tested up to: 5.2.21


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