Mon Laboratoire

July 16, 2024

Mon Laboratoire Plugin

Easy pages for research labs (manage people and publications)

This WordPress plugin allows you to simply update the members, teams, themes, publications (from third party HAL or third party database Descartes Publi) of a laboratory’s web pages without any knowledge of web programming.


  1. Upload \”MonLabo\” to the \”/wp-content/plugins/\” directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Configure Mon Laboratoire at page admin.php?page=MonLabo_config
  4. Place shortcodes in your pages (shortcode list is given at page “wp-admin/admin.php?page=MonLabo”)


  1. Buit-in documentation

    Buit-in documentation

  2. Features configuration page

    Features configuration page

  3. Persons and structures edition page

    Persons and structures edition page


Does MonLabo is functionnal in multisite?

Yes, and it’s getting better. Unfortunately there are few functionalites that do not yet work as attended. Future versions will fix that.

If I want to display publications, what publication third party service should I configure ?

Answer: By default you have to use HAL which is opened to all french-speaking scientific community. If you are in Paris Descartes University, you can use Descartes Publi (please contact author if you have no access to this service).



Release Date – 15 July 2024

  • Evolutions of functionalities :
    • New tab “Privacy” in admin interface :
      • NEW : Add a privacy option to hide emails on website
    • New tab “pages” in admin interface :
      • EVOL : Move configuration of attachment page for the personal pages to this new tab “Pages”
      • EVOL : Can also define a parent page for pages of teams, thematics and units
      • NEW : Adapt warnings about unconfigured parent pages: Inline menu in creation page button and in advanced tools.
    • “Advanced tools” in admin interface :
      • EVOL : the part “Manage pages” is redesigned and more beautiful
      • NEW : new buttons for correct parent page of persons / teams / groups / units
    • MISC : Update to the last version of the logo of CNRS
  • Reliability :
    • CODE: ready and tested for WordPress 6.6
    • JS/CODE : Modernize obsolete jQuery calls
    • CSS/CODE : Optimise code. Normaly do not change display.
    • CODE : Minify js and css (for test, not yet appliyed)
    • Internationalization :
      • BUG : Bad parent page for translated pages
      • BUG : Pages with no hidden title had a translated page with hidden title
      • BUG : Restore display of all pages that was masked by Polylang on some select menus (solution : add ‘&lang=all’ as pages parameters).
    • Import interface :
      • IMPROVE : Security, better check imported files.
      • BUG : Some special characters in fields were altered during an export then import operation
      • BUG : The algorithm for updating persons and teams via the import interface can potentialy confuse ids (bug never seen in real-life tests).
      • BUG : If an URL is given as an image of person imported, it was replaced by ‘DEFAULT’ instead of keeping URL.


Release Date – 27 March 2024

  • BUG : For new installation option “Persons and teams” was not activated by default
  • BUG : Syntax error on class_html.php for old version of PHP


Release Date – 25 March 2024

  • Evolutions of functionalities :
    • NEW option to configure database table prefix for the plugin :
      • In multisite installation, different sites can now share the same Mon-Laboratoire data.
      • Add the option to manualy change wordpress table prefix
    • NEW / IMPROVE admin advanced tools for persons and structures :
      • NEW : The user can export data to CSV file (persons, team_members, teams, thematics, units)
      • NEW : The user can import persons, teams and their relations from CSV files.
      • IMPROVE: Reorganize, makes it clearer and color buttons for admin advanced tools interface.
      • IMPROVE: Delete option “advanced tools for persons and structures”. The advanced tools are now always shown.
  • Reliability :
    • CODE : Ready and tested for WordPress 6.5 (test OK – nothing need to be changed)
    • BUG/IMPROVE: In page admin -> Page edit members -> table view : display all pages links and no URL error on external address.
    • CODE: Improve privacy and avoid tabnabbing phishing for external URL (add rel=”noopener noreferrer” after each target=”_blank”)
    • BUG: Documentation of shortcode [publications_list] was not inactivated when no publication server was selected in wp-admin/admin.php?page=MonLabo_config
    • CODE: Centralize use of dashicons
    • CODE: class Option can now adapt to any new option
    • CODE: Plugin can now run if php-mbstring librairy is not installed (in degraded mode for accentuated chars).
    • CODE: Plugin do not need php-curl librairy anymore


Release Date – 6 November 2023

  • Evolutions of functionalities :
    • IMPROVE admin interface for large numbers of staff :
      • Add a search field when selecting into large list (people, teams…)
      • Persons members can be driectly added from a team edit interface
    • Other IMPROVE of admin interface :
      • Better (and colored) submit buttons
      • Add an advanced tool to toggle to draft all alumni pages
      • generate WordPress pages (persons, teams…) with the block editor format (and no more “classic” editor format).
      • Open external links of admin interface in new windows (suggestion of user)
      • clear publication cache when publication configuration is updated
    • IMPROVE Help :
      • Add a link to a video presentation (in french) of functionalites.
      • Update URL of Aurehal
  • Reliability :
    • IMPROVE : Signal an error if php curl plugin is missing.
    • BUG : Remove PHP warnings when “Persons and teams” configuration is uncheked
    • CODE : Ready and tested for WordPress 6.4 (test OK – nothing need to be changed)
    • CODE : Test with PHP 7.2.33
    • CODE : Improve WordPress coding standards to new CS 3.0.0
    • CODE : Add an autoloader
    • CODE : replace ( isset(a) && !empty(a) ) by !empty(a)
  • Prepare monlabo version 5.0 :
    • Rewrite all publications management step 1 : beta v1 shortcode [publications_list2]


Release Date – 14 August 2023

  • CODE : Ready and tested for WordPress 6.3 (test OK – nothing need to be changed)


Release Date – 5 june 2023

  • CODE : Detect first configuration of plugin in order to a future installation task that will be proposed tu user.
  • BUG : ERRORS with old versions of PHP (7.0.33)
  • BUG : Impossible update of external URL of a person


Release Date – 16 March 2023

  • IMPROVE : Add a much more visible button for emptying publications cache (add also a submenu to direct access this button)
  • NEW : In tab “Advanced tool” :
    – Buttons for create missing pages of persons / teams / groups / units
    – Buttons for create missing translations of page of persons / teams / groups / units
    – Buttons for suppress invalid pages ID of persons / teams / groups / units
  • BUG : The parent page of a translated page whas not the translated parent page of the page. Create this translated page if necessary.
  • BUG : Uninstall was not functionnal (again). Retrofit V4.3.1
  • CODE : Ready and tested for WordPress 6.2 (remove use of obsolete function get_page_by_title)
    Minor or inconspicuous developments:
  • EVOL : change URL to
  • CODE : Set english as the default languages in code in order to prepare translation by external contributors
  • CODE : Separate advanced features in specific files.


Release Date – 10 January 2023

  • BUG : Uninstall was not functionnal (again).


Release Date – 26 October 2022

  • NEW : Improve customization of texts and gendering for shortcodes :
    • Add inclusive french vocabulary (can be edited or suppressed with custom text config page)
    • Can customing texts about “supervised students” and “mentors”.
    • Beautify custom text config page and add embeded graphical help
  • BUG : Supress \ (backslash) in excess while converting ‘ (apostrophe) into ’ (right single quotation mark) in person names.
  • BUG/EVOL: Authorize empty unit code (UMR XXXX => ”)
  • CODE : Ready and tested for WordPress 6.1
    Minor or inconspicuous developments:
  • EVOL : Add an official debugging option to shortcode [publications_list]


Release Date – 27 September 2022

  • EVOL : Persons titles (ex : Pr. or Dr.) can be edited.
  • IMPROVE : Add cache of HAL data in order to fasten rendering pages
  • IMPROVE : In the configuration interface, clarify some legends of HAL fields
  • CODE : Ready and tested for PHP 8.1
  • BUG : HAL pages were empty when HAL server took more than 5s to generate
  • BUG : Few text fields were not displayed in configuration menu
    Minor or inconspicuous developments:
  • HELP : Simplify default help : do not display help on Descates Publi if this database is not activated.
  • UNIT TEST BUG : Increase page number of default teams in order not to get it randomnly in unit test


Release Date – 29 August 2022

  • BUG : Uninstall was not functionnal.


Release Date – 6 Jully 2022

  • EVOL : Add support of plugin PolyLang-pro
  • EVOL : Update HAL logo and Universite Paris Cité logo
  • BUG : In some rare cases, bad symetry in json encoding of URL in field wp_pos_ids (can have no \ before each / in database).
  • CODE : refactoring class Edit_Members.
  • CODE : Reduce static analyse warnings (Class_Page, Class_shortcode)
  • CODE : Reduce PHPMD warnings. Create class Shortcode_static, a static interface to all non static code of shorcodes.


Release Date – 24 May 2022

  • BUG : Bad PolyLang translated links in some shortcodes (take into account current page language before get link of a translated page)


Release Date – 23 May 2022

  • Evolutions of functionalities :
    • IMPROVE : New config interface for managing pages of Persons, Teams, Thematics and Units
      • Add a radio-buttons-group Create/Choose/Edit/None for pages
      • Unification of interface for managing pages (same human friedly menus instead of sometime directly type IDs list)
      • ‘External URL’ is no more needed for Teams, Thematics and Units (fusion with this new functionality)
      • Create page if asked for Teams, Thematics and Units
      • Create multilingual pages if PolyLang activated
      • Signal pages attributed to other persons and structure
    • EVOL/IMPROVE : Translated pages with PolyLang are now well managed
      • translated pages are automatically used by the shortcodes
      • translated pages are displayed in config interface of person and structures
      • Create or delete translated page automatically
    • IMPORVE : add nice icons in admin menu
    • EVOL (minor) : Name of the config tabs URL are more expressive
    • EVOL : Persons picture is now managed more simply, i.e. separatly than featured image of the main page of person (drop also ‘alternate image’ field).
  • Correct bugs :
    • BUG : in [members_chart] remove persons that are marked as not visible.
    • BUG : correct bad HTML in “custom texts” config page
  • Improve reliability:
    • Ready and tested for WordPress 6.0
    • CODE : Deep refactoring : Simplify/reorganize a lot of class, properties and variables


Release Date – 25 January 2022

  • Ready and tested for WordPress 5.9
  • CODE: Strong refactor of code (access to Person and structures…) :
    • add classes Main_Struct, Persons_Group, Teams_Group
    • reducing warnings with static analizer PhpStan
    • better isolation between Person and structure models and controlers
    • reduce complexity of class AccessData (to be contunued)
  • CODE (Minor) : clean CSS ways to prevent words to be cuted in panels


Release Date – 6 October 2021

  • BUG : Remove debug print.


Release Date – 1 October 2021

  • Evolutions of functionalities :
    • BUG/EVOL : Better integration of Polylang, links are pointing on translated pages
    • NEW (admin interface): We can now add several mentors and students that are from outside the laboratory
    • NEW (admin interface): Mentors and students selection interfaces are hidden by default. Can be shown with a button.
  • Improve reliability:
    • CODE: Deep refactoring in process (new classes…)
    • BUG: New line character was not kept in several text area
    • CODE: upgrade licence version from GPL-2.0-or-later to GPL-3.0-or-later


Release Date – 15 Jully 2021

  • Evolutions of functionalities :
    • EVOL: Improve [teams_list] – directors names are no more simple texts but links to their pages
    • CODE/EVOL : Transformation to uppercase of persons names is now done by CSS (thus can be reversed)
  • Improve reliability:
    • CODE: ready and tested for WordPress 5.8
    • BUG: bad link to person that have multiple pages
    • BUG: Edition form of an alumni person do no more forget the state of alumni
    • BUG (minor): Correct bad alphabetic order in editing form (table view)
    • BUG (minor): Correct some bad display of default picture of persons in editing form
    • CODE: Correct hundreds of warnings given by static analizer PHPMD (PHAN static analyser is alredy used).


Release Date – 15 March 2021

  • NEW : new language admin menu that permits:
    • force language in french or english
    • or, translate page in the language of user’s browser
    • or, be able to translate pages of persons, teams, units in two languages
    • or, use a translation plugin as Polylang
  • NEW : accept either singular of plural form of parameters for most shortcodes.
    Parameters: year(s), categor(y/ies), team(s), unit(s), person(s), unit(s), group(s), thematic(s)
    Shortcodes: [members_list] [members_table] [members_chart] [former_members_list] [former_members_table] [former_members_chart] [teams_list] [publications_list]
  • EVOL: Rename several shortcode with more explicit names (old names are still functionnal)
    • Rename [alumni_list] into [former_members_list]
    • Rename [alumni_table] into [former_members_table]
    • Rename [alumni_chart] into [former_members_chart]
      Minor or inconspicuous developments:
    • FIXES/CHANGES : display order of teams list for a person no more by team_id but alpabetically.
    • CODE : reduce complexity of several functions
    • CODE : Apply WordPress coding standards


Release Date – 25 February 2021

  • Evolutions of functionalities :
    • FEAT: shortcode [publications_list] : Permit to chose the type of HAL publications to display => Add option hal_typepub
    • FEAT: shortcode [teams_list] : Add options ‘unit’ and ‘team’
    • EVOL: shortcode [teams_list] : Small rearange in design (badly arranged margins, limits and sizes. Limit logo of thematics in size).
    • EVOL: shortcode [team_panel] : Add links to thematics pages. Add logo and color block
  • Correct bugs :
    • BUG: shortcode [teams_list] : Do not display groups if groups option is not enabled
    • BUG: shortcode [teams_list] : Cannot link internal team pages
    • BUG: Admin menu : New lines in “contact phone” of main structure was not taken into account
  • Improve reliability :
    • Code ready and tested for WordPress 5.7
    • CODE: Correct hundreds of warnings given by static analizer Phan.
    • CODE: Declare type of most function parameters
    • CODE: Make code more independant with the use of namespace. Rename all class and their files.
    • CODE: Self document all code with PHPDOC
    • CODE: create a new class MonLabo_teams


Release Date – 27 January 2021

  • Ready and tested for WordPress 5.6
  • BUG : Repair broken link “Configuration” in extensions list
  • BUG : On new installations, some default activated-options were not activated (at least MonLabo_uses_members_and_groups)
  • BUG : Remove some warnings (function image_from_id_or_url())


Release Date – 21 December 2020

  • BUG : On new installations, some default activated-options were not activated (at least MonLabo_uses_members_and_groups)


Release Date – 7 December 2020

  • Ready and tested for WordPress 5.6
  • BUG : Repair broken link “Configuration” in extensions list


Release Date – 19 October 2020

  • Main evolutions of functionalities :
    • EVOL : A person can own several pages
    • EVOL : A person can own several emails (separated by coma)
    • EVOL : Add the option “person=” to shortcode [alumni_list] (as it already exists for [members_list])
  • Main improvements or updates of interface:
    • DESIGN : Improve ergonomy of “Custom texts” config tab.
    • EVOL : Much easier configuration form for members WordPress address
    • EVOL : Correction of poor display of radio buttons in config interface.
  • Main improvements about security and reliability:
    • CODE/BUG : Rewrite all code for chosing an image as a logo for Thematic, team or unit. Sometimes it was non functionnal.
    • CODE : Improve unit test coverage (6026 tests) and tested in WordPress multisite
  • Minors :
    • EVOL : Allows user to customize text “Room” in team_panel.
    • DESIGN : Always displays “Custom texts” config tab. Lighten “Features” config tab.
    • EVOL : Add logo U-Paris. Suppress UPEC (non contributive since V2.0)
    • CODE : Detect obsolete database
    • CODE : Secure ajax code with a nonce to prevent unauthorized access
    • CODE : Secure all actions that accept POST with a nonce to prevent unauthorized access
    • BUG : Suppress php warnings that occur when creating new person, team, thematic or unit.
    • BUG : Suppress php warnings that occur when apparence fields in are empty in configuration interface.
    • BUG : Correct bad redirection of buttons for modifying teams, thematics or units in the admin tab “table view”
    • BUG : Bad alphabetic order of [members_list] with people that have accents in names. Order shoud be : E < É < F
    • BUG : Suppress warnings if database is empty
    • CODE : Correct few HTML warnings from W3C standards
    • BUG : Suppress a PHP warning in MonLabo_doc
    • BUG : In some server configuration, URL of default image for a person was wrong.


Release Date – 28 Jully 2020

  • BUG : PHP error when activate multiple units mode and define no unit


Release Date – 27 Jully 2020

  • BUG : Bad PHP warning of function error_MonLabo_perso_page_parent()


Release Date – 26 Jully 2020

  • CODE: Convert text-domain and langage slug ‘MonLabo’ into ‘mon-laboratoire’ in order to be compatible with
  • BUG : Simplify some complex translation calls beause it was badly interpretated sometimes
  • BUG: Solve potential errors of translations when blog language is different that page language (for instance if a translation plugin is installed).


Release Date – 18 Jully 2020

  • BUG : Suppress warnings with PHP 7.4
  • BUG : Sometimes “Room” was badly translated in shortcodes for members
  • BUG : Sometimes language english was not taken into account : add en_GB translation
  • BUG : WordPress official repository do not recognize that main language is french : add fr_FR translation


Release Date – 8 June 2020

  • BUG : Suppress warnings in admin page


Release Date – 20 February 2020

  • EVOL : The plugin is changing its name from “MonLabo” to “Mon Laboratoire”
  • EVOL : The plugin is now in WordPress plugin repository
  • EVOL : Remove backward compatibility for following obsolete shortcodes :
    • [members_list_automatic], [get_members_list]
    • [custom_publications_list], [publications_automatic]
    • [perso_panel_automatic]
    • [alumni]
  • CODE : Suppress dead codes.

See changelog.txt for older, minor or inconspicuous changelog


  • Version: 4.8
  • Active installations: 70
  • WordPress Version: 5.6
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 7.0.33


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