Did you know?

April 01, 2015

Did you know? Plugin

Display useless facts or quotes from posts (with link) at the sidebar widget.

This plugin allows you to add a widget to sidebar with quotes from your published posts. The quotes will be shown with link to the rest of the post. Also, it allows you to add some useless knowledge facts.

If you want to place quotes somewhere in the theme file you can use the function

The parametar are:
_num – number of displayed qutes (default: 1)
_blank – on|off, open the link in a new window (default: ‘on’)
_credits – on|off, display autho’s credits (default: ‘on’)


2015-04-02, version 0.3.5 New: add the quotes anywhere you want in the theme; function show_mmdyk (); 2015-03-13, version 0.3.2 Update for WordPress 4.1.1 2012-10-09, version 0.3.1 Bugfix & version compatibility 2011-05-20, version 0.3.0 New: display multiple facts in a widget New: open link in new windows Bugfix: CSS styling is easier now 2010-01-11, version 0.2.1 Bugfix: Problem with Cyrillic letters solved 2010-01-08, version 0.2 Options page added. 2010-01-08, version 0.1 First realase! 


  1. Upload plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. Widget


  2. Adding quotes

    Adding quotes


Are there any plans for new version?

Yes. Some new features I plan to add:
* easyer way to edit quotes / facts


  • Version: 0.3.5
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 2.7
  • Tested up to: 4.1.41


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