This plugin convert macedonian cyrillic characters in post titles into latin characters. You can use this plugin for creating human-readable links.
It converts the Macedonian cyrillic characters of the title posts into latin to build better, readable and Search Engine Friendly urls.
For example:
Lets say you want your wordpress to be in Macedonian. So you intall wordpress, install the Macedonian language files, translate the template menus and stuff to Macedonian, but after your first post with title: “Здраво Свет!” you noticed that the url of that post has become something like:
instead of the good for eyes url:
This happens because cyrillic characters are not supported in urls and so the code translates them into browser readable language. Now this has two main disadvantages:
Ordered list:
Here’s a link to Technoish. You can use the Contact Us button or the Forums to get in touch.
Pozdrav! :))
to the /wp-content/plugins/
Thats it. If you have any previous posts with cyrillic titles, you may have to edit and save them again for the url friendly urls to appear.
Because I love my country Macedonia, MACEDONIA for the MACEDONIANS! 🙂