Media Category Library
Convoy By Convoy

May 22, 2020

Media Category Library Plugin

WordPress plugin that allows items in the Media Library to be assigned to a category.

Features include:

  • Associate categories to each file in the Media Library
  • Edit or delete media categories
  • View files associated to categories in a separate submenu page of Media called Media Category Library
  • Change the upload date of files in the Media Category Library
  • In Media Category Library, view a list of Pages that have the file included in the content.
  • Display lists of files by categories using a shortcode: [mediacat cats=”Documents,Images” orderby=”date” order=”DESC”] or [mediacat cats=”Documents,Images” orderby=”title” order=”ASC”]
  • Front end search form with customizable rewrite URL — the default URL is /mediacat-library/ (or ?mediacat_library=1 if you use default permalinks), but this can be changed in the plugin settings
  • Display front end search form by shortcode: [mediacatform]


  1. Upload media-category-library folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Enable permalinks (optional but suggested)


  1. <p>This is a screenshot of the Media Category settings page.</p>

    This is a screenshot of the Media Category settings page.

  2. <p>This is a screenshot of the Edit Media page with a Media Category checkboxes.</p>

    This is a screenshot of the Edit Media page with a Media Category checkboxes.

  3. <p>This is a screenshot of the backend Media Category Library page.</p>

    This is a screenshot of the backend Media Category Library page.

  4. <p>This is a screenshot of the Media Category Taxonomy page.</p>

    This is a screenshot of the Media Category Taxonomy page.

  5. <p>This is a screenshot of the frontend search form.</p>

    This is a screenshot of the frontend search form.


How do I access the frontend search form?

The frontend search form is available as a rewrite URL (requires a permalink structure to be defined); the default URL is You can change the rewrite URL under Settings -> Media Category Library. If you don’t use a permalink structure, you can access it here:

How do I change the HTML output of the search form, search results, and/or shortcode output?

Create a directory named media-category-library in your theme directory and then copy the 3 HTML templates (search.php [search form], list.php [search results], and shortcode.php [shortcode output]) from the plugin’s views directory into that new directory. The plugin will use the HTML templates in your theme instead of the ones found in the plugin’s views directory.



  • Fix taxonomy counts


  • Fixed php warnings and updated tested up to version.



  • Add limit for shortcode options


  • Updated screenshots and readme file.


  • Added media categories dropdown on Add New Media modal; used solution employed by Media-Taxonomies plugin (


  • Added operator as a shortcode option at request of darksteir


  • Added function_exists call for ANOTHER get_current_screen function


  • Added function_exists call for get_current_screen function


  • Add media category dropdown filter to Media Library list.


  • Make changes that allow plugin to play more nicely with new media uploader.
  • Allow multiple categories.
  • Remove ability to choose category after upload — category association only happens on edit media library page.
  • Add distinct to search query and use prepared query.
  • Fix number of warnings in error log.
  • Fix delete image link from backend library page.


  • Added French language support (translation by tlemaire).


  • Fix backend search bug.


  • Fixed keyword search issue.
  • Fixed misspelling in views/list.php (Mar changed to May).
  • Added Check All option to search form.


  • Changed manage_options to manage_categories.
  • Added set height for category container with overflow auto on search form.


  • Fixed warning: Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in views/search.php


  • Fixed warning: Warning: Missing argument 1 for MediaCategoryLibrary::media_category_content()
  • Localization for Media Categories page name


  • Added Media Categories taxonomy add/edit page.
  • Improved links on edit media page.


  • Fixed category deletion issue.


  • Added returnposts parameter for shortcode function.


  • Fixed shortcode orderby issue.
  • Allow title or post_title and date or post_date for short code attributes.
  • Add classes to shortcode table output to enable css display:none for certain columns.


  • Fixed shortcode sorting issue.
  • Add ability to customize templates by copying them to current theme.


  • Fixed base url issue with search and pagination.
  • Add orderby (title or date) and order (ASC, DESC, menu_order) to search and shortcode.


  • Added priority for wp_title add_filter.


  • Changed backend posts per page to 20.


  • Fixed issues for WordPress subdirectory installs (thanks to Logitec21).
  • Added German language support (translation by Logitec21).
  • Changed URLs in plugin so that things work if you use default permalinks.
  • Add custom column for media category on Media Library listing.


  • First release!


  • Version: 2.7
  • Active installations: 700
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.0
  • Tested up to: 5.4.16


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