MB ImageChimp RSS Feed Enhancer

December 04, 2013

MB ImageChimp RSS Feed Enhancer Plugin

Adds featured images to the default RSS feed for use with MailChimps image merge-tag

This plugin makes it easy to display the featured images of your posts in mailchimp RSS newsletters.

Once activated this plugin will add the following to your sites default rss feed:

To the rss name space declarations:


To each individual item (if it has a featured image):

<media:content url="[url]" type="[mimetype]" medium="image" width="100%" height="auto"> <media:description type="plain"><![CDATA[title]]></media:description> </media:content> 

The featured images are not inserted directly into the content of your posts, so you have full control over where and how to present them.
If you send out newsletters using a Mailchimp RSS based Campaign, simply place the *|RSSITEM:IMAGE|* merge-tag in your mail template where you want the featured image inserted.

This plugin contains

  • 100% clean lightweight code.
  • 0% JS
  • 0% CSS
  • 0% options

The plugin uses the hooks ‘rss2_ns’ and ‘rss2_item’, part of the WordPress core API.
Tested with WP 3.7.1 and MailChimp Dec 2013

Contribute via github


  • Install and activate plugin
  • make sure your recent posts has a featured image
  • Use the *|RSSITEM:IMAGE|* merge-tag in your MailChimp template to show the featured image


  1. The image merge tag used in an RSS campaign template.

    The image merge tag used in an RSS campaign template.

  2. The featured image shown in the email

    The featured image shown in the email


Can I contribute?

Yes, contribute are welcome via github

Can I control the size of the featured image

Yes, the url to the featured image is determined by the intermediate size set by the plugin. By default it will request the url for the default ‘large’ size. You can override this by hooking into the ‘mb_rss_extend_item_media_image_size’ filter. Pass the filter either a string or an array as documented in the Codex. You might also want to control the values for the width and height parameters of the image element. By default these are set to “100%” (width) and “auto” (height). This works well with mailchimp for mobile readers. If you want to set these to the actual dimensions of the image you can add the following to your functions.php or a custom plugin:

add_adction('init','my_rss_truedimensions', 20); function my_rss_truedimensions(){ remove_filter( 'mb_rss_extend_item_media_image_dimension', 'mb_rss_image_fullwidth' ); } 



  • First public version.


  • Unreleased version.


  • Version: 1.0
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 2.0
  • Tested up to: 3.7.41


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