Paypal Manual Payment Gateway

August 19, 2021

Paypal Manual Payment Gateway Plugin

License: GPLv2 or later License URI: Easy to use Paypal Payment Gateway for Woocommerce

This is a cool plugin to integrate Paypal payment gateway in any woocommerce based website. It is lightweight and very easy to use. Its basically to manually varify the payment. We did not include the API intregration.

Please note:
– This is a woocommerce based plugin so woocommerce plugin must be activated.
– You must have a Paypal account to get payments.

Using the Plugin

  • Download the plugin, install and active.

  • Now go to WooCommerce > Settings > Paypal, location URL would be exactly like below –


  • Now you will see few default setup but you need to fill up Paypal account number under Paypal Number field, also you might adjust other fileds too.

  • That’s it. You are ready to go!


You may install the plugin using one of the three following methods:

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Then activate the plugin.
  3. Go to woocommerce > settings > checkout > Paypal and setup your necessary settings.


  1. Overview Screenshot

    Overview Screenshot


What is Paypal?

Paypal’s cross-border payments platform empowers businesses, online sellers and freelancers to pay and get paid globally as easily as they do locally. Paypal empowers you to scale your business globally and domestically with a payments and working capital platform designed for today’s entrepreneur.

Is it Woocommerce dependent plugins?

Yes, You must install and active woocommerce plugins to make this plugins work.

Paypal merchant account is necessary?

No, it could be personal and buisness account, Just share your email ID and asked for Paypal User to User reference ID. you need to manually check this reference number and than proceed for next steps.

Is is secured?

100%, Maintained high level validation in both frontend and backend.



  • Initial release.


  • Version: 1.1
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 5.1
  • Tested up to: 5.8.10
  • PHP Version: 7.3


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