LotekMedia Custom Login

September 21, 2014

LotekMedia Custom Login Plugin

This is a plug-in to do some basic customization to the login page.

This is used to change the header image, background color, and header link on the login page.
Simple customization for the login page to make it more personalized.

  1. Customize login header image
  2. Customize link for that image.
  3. Customize background color
  4. Customize link colors and hover colors on login page.

Features: Uses new Color Picker, is localizable, uses media picker for images.


  1. From Plugin Upload ‘ltm-custom-login.zip’
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. This is what the admin settings page looks like.

    This is what the admin settings page looks like.

  2. This is an example of how I changed my login page.

    This is an example of how I changed my login page.


What is link shadow for?

Link shadow is the shadow around the links on the login page at the bottom. It makes it hard to read depending on the background color you have selected, so I added a feature to turn it off if you need it.
With version 1.2.0, you can also select the link color and hover color to make it easier to use.



  • My initial release of a custom login plugin
  • Customization for localization, background color, login header image, and link


  • Updated and simplified the logo upload process
  • Fixed a script error regarding dashboard


  • Added color selection for links on login page
  • Added hover color for links on login page


  • Fixed image center on login page.


Verified on WordPress 3.9


Verified on WordPress 4.0


  • Version: 1.3.2
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.5.1
  • Tested up to: 4.0.38


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