lorem shortcode

December 12, 2016

lorem shortcode Plugin

The plugin contains two shortcodes, lorem and loremimage, the loremimage shortcode can be nested in the lorem shortcode.

The plugin contains two shortcodes, [lorem] and [loremimage], the [loremimage] shortcode can be nested in the [lorem] shortcode. The shortcodes generates dummy text and image when needed.


Add the [lorem] and/or [loremimage] shortcode to a post or page, or if the Shortcode UI plugin is installed and activated, in the visual editor, click Add Media->Insert Post Element->Lorem Ipsum to add the shortcode.

Parameters, all are optional


  • p=”3″ Number of paragraphs. Default is 5
  • l=”7″, Number of lines per paragraph. Default is 3
  • align=”right” This tells how you’d like to allign a nested shortcode. There are two alternatives, left or right. Default is right


The loremimage is created using http://dummyimage.com/, and hence the shortcode supports the same parameters as http://dummyimage.com/.

  • size=”400×400″ Image size. Default is 300×200
  • text=”lorem ipsum” Default is empty
  • fgcolor=”fff” Image foreground color. Default is “ccc”
  • bgcolor=”ccc” Image foreground color. Default is “eee”
  • format=”png”, Image format. Default is “png”

I’ve added two additional parameters/values

  • size=”thumb” This will create a thumbnail, size based on your WordPress image settings. The thumb links to another image and support Lightbox et al (has attribute rel="lightbox[lorem]").
  • style=”padding:5px;” Adds a style to the loremimage. Default is empty


[lorem p="1" l="20"] [loremimage size="300x300" style="padding:5px;"] [/lorem] 

For more information and screenshots, please see the plugin home page



  • PHP: 5.2.x or newer

Manual Installation

  • Upload the files to wp-content/plugins/lorem-shortcode/
  • Activate the plugin

Automatic Installation

  • On your WordPress blog, open the Dashboard
  • Go to Plugins->Install New
  • Search for “lorem shortcode”
  • Click on install to install the lorem shortcode


Install the Shortcode UI plugin and activate it.


  1. Using Shortcode UI, insert <code>[lorem]</code> shortcode.

    Using Shortcode UI, insert [lorem] shortcode.

  2. Using Shortcode UI, edit existing <code>[lorem]</code> shortcode.

    Using Shortcode UI, edit existing [lorem] shortcode.


Where’s the Shortcode UI?

You need to install the Shortcode UI plugin. When the Shortcode UI plugin is installed and activated, in the visual editor, click Add Media->Insert Post Element->Lorem Ipsum to add the shortcode.

What are shortcodes?

Shortcode, a “shortcut to code”, makes it easy to add funtionality to a page or post. When a page with a shortcode is saved, WordPress execute the linked code and embedds the output in the page.

Writing your own shortcode plugin



  • Tested & found compatible with WP 4.7.


  • Fix bug in rand() max value


  • Remove extract()blush
  • Tested & found compatible with WP 4.6.


  • Update plugin to WPCS standards. Update Shortcode UI support.
  • Remove old Shortcode UI files
  • Add .pot language file


  • Tested with 3.9, bumped version number


  • Added support for embedded shortcodes and added the [loremimage] short code. The [loremimage] can be used by itself. The image is created using http://dummyimage.com/


  • initial release


  • Version: 1.3.3
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 2.8.6
  • Tested up to: 4.7.29


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