Login Widget for Ultimate Member

May 01, 2024

Login Widget for Ultimate Member Plugin

Easily add a login widget that works with Ultimate Member

This extension is a simple login widget that will display a login form for Ultimate Member. Once logged in, users will have quick access to all their Ultimate Member tabs, Profile and Account Edit.

Using Login Form shortcode

You can use the shortcode [um_login_widget].

  • Use the attribute form_type and the login form ID to display the appropriate login form. By default, the shortcode will display the default WordPress login. e.g [um_login_widget form_type=”6″]
  • Use the attribute hide_remember_me and enter 1 to hide the remember me option. e.g [um_login_widget hide_remember_me=”1″]
  • As of version 1.1.0, you have options to hide avatar, profile link, account link and profile tabs.

Other Ultimate Member Plugins

SuitePlugins is on the verge of creating some great addons for Ultimate Member. Here are a few that you may want to check out

  • GalleryMost Popular An easy drag and drop gallery for Ultimate Members.
  • Events
  • Docs – Let users upload files that can be seen publicly or privately
  • Stories – Allow users to have a journal or mini-blog from their profile.
  • Visitors – Visitors allow users to see others that have visited their profile
  • Relationships – Allow users to select family members and display them on their profile
  • Gallery Lite – An easy drag and drop gallery for Ultimate Members.


  1. Download and extract the zip archive
  2. Upload um-login-widget folder to /wp-content/plugins/
  3. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress
  4. Add the widget to a sidebar and configure the options as desired


  1. Logged in user

    Logged in user

  2. Log in form

    Log in form

  3. Form Type Selection

    Form Type Selection


Nothing right now.



  • First release.


  • Update Compatibility
  • Added lost password link
  • Updated language file


  • Code clean up


  • Code clean up


  • Updated language file


  • Updated language file
  • Code clean up to WPCS
  • Added 4 actions in login view
  • Tested WordPress and Ultimate Member compatibility


  • Added option to place text/shortcode above and below form


  • Added Ultimate Member 2.0 compatibility


  • Added UM Forms as an option to choose from.

  • Added option to disable Remember Me checkbox in default WordPress login form.

  • Changed dropdown to login forms only
  • Fixed issue with password reset when login form is added before password reset form

  • New: Added shortcode [um_login_widget] to add login form.

  • Tested WordPress 5.8 and Ultimate Member 2.2.1 compatibility

  • Tested WordPress 5.8.2 and Ultimate Member 2.2.5 compatibility

  • Tested WordPress 6.1.1 and Ultimate Member 2.5.3

  • Tested WordPress 6.2.2
  • Gearing up for Elementor widget and Gutenberg block


  • Added Block for Login Form and Widget
  • Tested with WordPress 6.5.2
  • Test with Ultimate Member 2.8.5


  • Fixed: Previous widget doesn’t work anymore


  • Fixed: UM Login Form not working. i.e Recaptcha, Registration etc


  • Version: 1.1.2
  • Active installations: 900
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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