Listar – Directory Listing & Classifieds WordPress Plugin
Paul By Paul

July 06, 2024

Listar – Directory Listing & Classifieds WordPress Plugin Plugin

Listar is Directory Listing & Classifieds for Wordpress sites

Listar is Directory Listing & Classifieds for WordPress sites

Provides solution for help you organize your listings.

It’s suitable for many kind of mobile directory listing like store locator, tourists or city guide, event & attraction places, property directory.

Productions | Support

Main features:
– Directory listing management
– Booking & payment
– Category management
– Features management
– Location management
– Tag management
– Business hours
– Geo location
– Comment & Rating
– Wishlist
– Color picker
– Icon picker
– Advance filtering: category, feature, location, tag, location, color, price
– Author profile & listing
– Submit directory listing
– Import/Export CSV
– Claim listing
– Booking: standard, daily, hourly & slot
– Payment: Paypal, Stripe, Cash on Delivery & Bank Transfer
– OTP login
– Firebase push notification
– REST APIs Support

See more features


Brought to you by PassionUI Team


Manual Installation

  1. Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation

  2. Activate ‘Listar Directory Listing’ through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

Better Installation

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New in your WordPress admin and search for ‘Listar Directory Listing’.

  2. Click Install.




  • Improve security & supports OTP login & OTP email template
  • Fix bug author profile listing
  • Send email notification when user has changed password
  • Only allow feedback when user has claimed or booked the listing
  • Check permission submit listing on user profile mobile screen
  • Show status base on open hours
  • Settings limit tags, categories list on mobile filtering screen
  • Validate again end time, end date when user booking listing with daily style
  • Add columns author name, email, phone on admin listing page
  • Fix export csv file duplicate phone and fax number
  • Auto focus center map as backend settings when user add new listing on mobile app or web
  • Update function check user expire token & allows set token expire time on backend


  • Add option allow deactivate account & clean user’s data permanently
  • Update claim verify if the listing has claimed or pending to review
  • Update workflow claim to pay


  • Fix wishlist widget data
  • API mobile claim listing request
  • API mobile claim listing payment
  • Claim listing notification email & Firebase
  • Fix bug approval when user submit listing


  • Fix wrong access profile mobile app
  • API login response more first name, last name for auto fill when user make a booking
  • Update and reorganize the settings page
  • Add author column name on listing admin page
  • Send email notification to owner, user when user make a booking
  • Add option modify reset password email content
  • Add option hide admin > Media menu from the left sidebar
  • Add API claim listing
  • Export: include social link, galleries image
  • Import: support social link, galleries image
  • Add validate command check basic setting
  • Add option disable booking on specify listing
  • Disable change status listing if administrator enable feature submit listing & approval


  • Support API customize header mobile slider or select option style
  • Support API customize select location option
  • Fix hide searching with deleted/pending/draft listing
  • Fix booking title can’t parse
  • Fix order banner setting by id
  • Fix import csv listing: support booking price, skip download image if image was existed on system


  • Fix bug can’t load default image
  • Improve load data when select location on mobile home screen


  • Support import booking price, booking style
  • Add function export all listing with csv format


  • Support API build mobile widget: banner, category, location, listing, Google AdMob, banner image, banner slider
  • Support import/export Taxonomy data: categories, locations, features, tags
  • Fix bug register account with username is not match special characters
  • Add module Blog APIs for mobile app
  • Fix bug import CSV can not download image


  • Support old theme Listar 1.0 is missing setting model


  • Change source code structure with PSR-4 auto loading
  • Add customize post type for support add team member
  • Fix searching content


  • Fix searching title, content
  • Support API search Taxonomy Category/Location
  • Add API support accept booking for administrator


  • Add searching address by keyword
  • Fix can’t save wishlist
  • Update image size : thumb, medium, large
  • Quick edit booking show list status booking
  • Fix listing booking base on author login
  • Fix default schedule data format on mobile
  • Fix edit listing bug data location format object/array


  • Fix bug Permission Denied although header has sent correct JWT token
  • Return booking meta data with first name & last name
  • Change push token meta field name
  • Add change status booking notification setting
  • Add mobile push for booking flow
  • Add API filtering request booking & user request booking to author
  • Fix social network can store from mobile submit
  • Add debug Firebase option: force debug mobile token device
  • Add setting booking title format & regular expression
  • Calculate rating with approved comment only
  • Fix email content enter new line
  • Add API return query sub categories
  • Change default zoom map from 0 to 10


  • Fix can’t save comment & average rate
  • Remove html element when show modal error on app if user login fail
  • Fix social network can’t show on detail screen


  • Fix function check deactivate account
  • Fix API can update user photo


  • Add API deactivate account (user can delete their account)
  • Support submit social network fields on mobile


  • Fix error can’t edit the listing
  • Fix WordPress theme can’t see listing data


  • Update API register user with default role as author
  • Update Admin Listing only show posting of author


  • Fix init API mobile app missing set image and freeze screen
  • Add featured image on admin list: listing, feature, category, location
  • Update API return correct image size: thumbnail, full
  • Auto set default image if user didn’t set featured image


  • Fix bugs can’t show galleries when edit
  • Add show/hide option social network
  • Fix API can’t show pending listing data


  • Update setting sections & re-organize setting tab
  • Add mobile setting view options: Can show hide field on mobile
  • Submit listing & approval
  • Fix bug return empty category data
  • Add social network link to listing detail
  • Support add file attachment on listing
  • Support video field on mobile
  • Add option show hide function submit listing on mobile app


  • Add more setting section
  • Support WordPress 5.9.2 or higher
  • Add booking API feature for the mobile app
  • Support WordPress backend review booking, insert/update & delete booking information
  • Support 4 booking types: standard, daily, hourly & slot
  • Support payment gateway: Paypal, Stripe, Cash on Delivery & Bank Transfer


  • Add setting default featured image
  • Improve widget theme
  • Fix permission callback REST API policy


  • Add API for mobile app tab Discover
  • Add API listing by category and related listing directories by vertical list style


  • User can submit directory listing via mobile app
  • User upload photo & change avatar
  • Author profile directory listing & comment list


  • Fix call undefined function home screen API


  • Fix comment rating handler
  • Add more option for wordpress theme Listar
  • Add more theme option function


  • Fix API dashboard error
  • Add range time schedule support select time up to 24:00 PM (00:00 AM)


  • Improve function get detail directory, show related data by same category, featured data by random


  • Fix bug can’t log user’s token device at first time login


  • Import CSV file
  • Push notification with FCM
  • Fix bugs open hour field can’t select up to 23 hours
  • Fix bug load low quality image
  • Support location widget mobile from WordPress > Menu


  • Fix bug load image low quality
  • Fix bug API first time empty data
  • Allow customize dashboard category, popular location from backend


  • Add open hours field for REST APIs view detail place
  • Show location column on directory admin list
  • Fix comment does not save rating value
  • Can’t view by location ID


  • First Release
  • Support Listar mobile app


  • Version: 1.0.33
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 6.4
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 5.8


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