List Posts by Categories

July 03, 2011

List Posts by Categories Plugin

Displays a list of posts in one or more categories (with OR,AND logic between categories) using simple shortcode.

Add a list of your latest blog entries on any page.
With simple shortcode you can place a list of your latest news (or/and other blog categories) on any page or post.


[postsbycategories array1cat=”category1,category2″ array2cat=”category3″ sortby=”title|date” order=”ASC|DESC” posts_per_page=”-1|X”]
Use the following shortcode anywhere on your page or post following the examples below:

[postsbycategories array1cat=”category1″ array2cat=”category3″ sortby=”date” order=”DESC” posts_per_page=”-1″]
Show a list of post/pages into category ‘category1’ AND ‘category3’, sort by published date, descendent, and without limit of posts/pages per page.

[postsbycategories array1cat=”category1,category2″ sortby=”title” order=”ASC” posts_per_page=”8″]
Show a list of post/pages into category ‘category1’ OR ‘category2’, sort by title, ascendent, and limit to 8 posts/pages per page.

[postsbycategories array1cat=”category1,category2″ array2cat=”category3″]
Show a list of post/pages into category (‘category1’ OR ‘category2’) AND category3, and by default sort published by date, descendent, and no limit posts/pages per page.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Downlaod and unzip the last list-posts-by-categories plugin
  2. Upload the list-posts-by-categories directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Place shortcode on your page, eg. [postsbycategories array1cat=”category1″ array2cat=”category3″ sortby=”date” order=”DESC” posts_per_page=”-1″]


The shortcode does not return anything

This is most likely because the category name you used in your shortcode is not present or misspelled.


0.1.1 [July 3, 2011]
– Some corrections in readme.txt by mapelo

0.1 [July 3, 2011]
– First released by mapelo


  • Version: 0.1
  • Active installations: 90
  • WordPress Version: 2.5
  • Tested up to: 3.2.1


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