A plugin for WordPress that limits the number of widgets in a sidebar.
This is a simple WordPress plugin which allows a site adminstrator to limit the number of widgets in a sidebar. You simply go the the settings -> limit widgets page and customize the maximum number of widgets used for each menu.
A nice visual effect will appear in the sidebar in the WordPress admin and the client will be unable to drop new widgets into the sidebar once the cap has been reached.
You can set widgets to have unlimited widgets by leaving the field blank. You can also set the sidebar to have 0 widgets effectively diabling it.
This is the Internet which means that nothing is created from scratch. This plugin is mostly a combination of work from other people which I just packaged into something with a user interface for easy management.
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Upload Limit Widgets to the /wp-content/plugins/
Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
Go to the Settings -> Limit Widgets page.
Enter an integer for each sidebar on the Limit Widgets settings page.
There are two likely ways to get a sidebar that has more widets than allowed.
This plugin is based on JavaScript. If you have a client who likes to break the rules you set it is possible that they might disable the JavaScript and set the sidebars that way.