LGPD Framework By Data443

March 30, 2023

LGPD Framework By Data443 Plugin

Easy to use tools to help you meet LGPD compliance requirements. Fully documented, extendable and developer-friendly. Free, friendly support! Include …

This plugin is a service of Data443.com and is a Data Security and Compliance company traded on the OTCMarkets as ATDS.

This plugin gives a simple and elegant interface to handle Subject Access Requests (SARs) for the LGPD. In a few clicks, you can have a global privacy policy, enable and track consent management, track opt-in opt-out, enable a ‘do not sell’ function and button, and other functions listed below:

☑ Give users an optional time frame to give their consent
☑ Do Not Sell my private information capability released
Privacy Safe Seal™ now available – Strengthen your reputation by giving a visual representation of your Privacy Solution in operation!;
☑ Enable DSAR on one page – allow even those without an account to automatically view, export and delete their personal data;
☑ Configure the plugin to delete or anonymize personal data automatically or send a notification and allow admins to do it manually;
☑ Track, manage and withdraw consent;
☑ Generate a LGPD-compatible Privacy Policy template for your site;
☑ Use a helpful installation wizard to get you started quickly;
☑ Report on related data items within your WordPress installation;
☑ Significantly reduce your staff time efforts dealing with DSARs;
☑ Enable your larger organization to summarize and consolidate DSAR work;
☑ Report to management on DSAR status, volume and data requirements;
☑ We provide this fully documented;
☑ We are developer-friendly. Everything can be extended, every feature and template can be overridden.
☑ Cookie solution
☑ Integration with WooCommerce Version 3.4.0 or later.
☑ Integration with Easy Digital Download Version 2.6 or later.
☑ Integration with Email Subscribers & Newsletters.


Using The LGPD Framework does NOT guarantee compliance to LGPD. This plugin gives you general information and tools, but is NOT meant to serve as complete compliance package. Compliance to LGPD is risk-based ongoing process that involves your whole business. Data443 is not eligible for any claim or action based on any information or functionality provided by this plugin.

Notice: Special Details for those using Caching Plugins:

As the pages generated by our plugin are highly dynamic, we recommend you exclude all pages generated from caching in order for them to function properly. Here is an example of how to exclude our pages in W3 Total Cache and WP Fastest Cache.


Knowledge Base

Plugin support:

LGPD Framework currently works with the following plugins
☑ Contact Form 7 & Contact Form Flamingo
☑ Gravity Forms – Coming soon!
☑ Formidable Forms – Coming soon!
☑ Ninja Forms – Coming soon!
Easy Digital Download
Email Subscribers & Newsletters


Download and Activation

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. ‘LGPD Framework’ will be managed at Tools > Data443 LGPD tab.
  4. The page ‘Privacy Tools’ will be created after Setup Wizard. This page displays the form where visitors can submit their request.

Setup Guide

Steps to add consent with contact form 7 are as follow:
1. First, need to create consent “Tools > Data443 LGPD > Consent > Add consent type” .
2. Then note down the slug for example the slug is “contact_acceptance”
3. Then go to the contact form 7 click on Acceptance button a pop-up will get open.
4. Add the name of that acceptance same as that of slug i.e “contact_acceptance”.
5. Insert the tag then save the form then it will be embedded with contact form 7.

Compatibility Guide:

To make Easy Digital Download and WooCommerce compatible with the plugin you need to check checkbox at Tools > Data443 LGPD > general > WooCommerce Integration / Easy Digital Download Integration.

Add consent to Easy Digital download:

You need to turn on the default EDD consent from Downloads > Settings > Privacy
and have to check checkboxes for “Agree to Privacy Policy” and “Show the Privacy Policy on checkout”.




Release Date: March 30, 2023

  • FRAM-368 Fix typo in Cookie Consent CSS code
  • FRAM-371 Fix Privacy Safe image and text formatting


Release Date: August 3, 2022

  • FRAM-356 Fix a bug that affected the html download when YoastSEO plugin was active.


Release Date: April 19, 2022

  • FRAM-308 Remove reliance on 3rd party Code
  • FRAM-328 Fix problem with non-registered visitors
  • FRAM-330 Provide an admin settable message on privacy tools page for unknown email
  • FRAM-332 Fix error handling when cookie consent is withdrawn
  • FRAM-342 Update the language translation files


Release Date: March 3, 2022

  • FRAM-312 Fix notice banner conflict with other plugins in admin dashboard


Release Date: December 8, 2021

  • FRAM-291 Edit Privacy Tools Page to only send emails to users with data on site. Otherwise a message displays that no data is found for specified email.
  • FRAM-298 Change PHP requirement from 7.4 to 7.3
  • FRAM-283 Fix autoload composer dependency conflicts


Release Date: November 4, 2021

  • FRAM-261 Updates to support language translation
  • FRAM-253 Fix consent checkbox to display site name
  • FRAM-271 Update File Facets tab to Data Hound
  • FRAM-266 Fix broken link


Release Date: September 28, 2021

  • FRAM-211 Update links in setup wizard
  • FRAM-221 Fix fatal error seen when editing a user profile


Release Date: August 26, 2021

  • FRAM-207 Fix Fatal Error triggered when withdrawing a custom consent


Release Date: July 30, 2021

  • FRAM-103 Change ClassiDocs Tab
  • FRAM-198 Change support links
  • FRAM-199 Change Knowledge base links


Release Date: April 29, 2021
FRAM-110: change [lgpd_privacy_safe] shortcode to [data443_privacy_safe] but
preserve backward Compatibility for now
FRAM-115: Fix use of undefined variables on Configuration page 1
FRAM-131: Fix warnings seen after leaving the Privacy page in admin setup
FRAM-132: ‘Undefined key’ seen when Consent tab is saved
FRAM-133: Fix all references of undefined variables in the Data Subjects tab
FRAM-134: Remove the Unnecessary save button in the ‘Do Not Sell’ admin tab
FRAM-143: Restore missing calendar icon on the privacy note checkbox while in incognito mode
FRAM-147: Undefined Variable ‘notices’ accessed in PrivacyToolsPageController.php
FRAM-150: Update PHP minimum required version in readme.txt
FRAM-151: Remove all uses of PHP Short Tags


Release Date: April 14, 2021
FRAM-71: Support ticket link in footer of plugin is incorrect
FRAM-75: Verify that plugin works on WordPress 5.7
FRAM-98: Fix Fatal Error seen while using the setup wizard
FRAM-105: Finish Implementation of Privacy Seal


Release Date: August 21, 2020
* Initial release


  • Version: 2.0.2
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 4.7
  • Tested up to: 6.2.6
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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