Latest News Widget

January 30, 2011

Latest News Widget Plugin

A customizable latest news widget.

Show latest posts from specific categories in your sidebar. Simple, easy-to-use, and customizble.

Special Features:

  • Choose posts from up to three categories to display posts from
  • Optionally show post titles
  • Optionally show post bylines
  • A dashboard widget that displays WordPress blogging tips, SEO tricks, exclusive tutorials, SEO strategies, and more!
  • Show either the content, the excerpt, or the content with a limited number of characters
  • Limit the number of posts shown. Offset the posts that are shown
  • Widget includes a style manager!
  • Easily change the font size, font family, title font size, etc from within the widget.
  • This widget is reusable
  • Very easy to setup. Requires NO technical knowledge to install
  • Can be translated to multiple languages
  • Outputs clean, validated code
  • Free Support via email


  • Works with WordPress 2.8.1+, WPMU, and BuddyPress (WordPress 3.0+ is highly recommended)
  • PHP 4 or 5
  • PHP register_globals and safe_mode should be set to “Off” (this is done in your php.ini file)
  • Your theme must call wp_head() and wp_footer()

Configuring and Using the Plugin

Instructions for this plugin can be found at


For questions, feature requests, and support concerning the Latest News Widget plugin, please visit:


  1. Upload to /wp-content/plugins
  2. Activate the plugin from your WordPress Admin Panel
  3. Go to Appearance > Widgets and drag the widget in to a sidebar
  4. Done!

You can find more information about this plugin at


None yet!. For questions, feature requests, and support concerning the Latest News Widget plugin, please visit:



  • latest-news-widget.php – Plugin admin links fixed


  • latest-news-widget.php – Dashboard widget added
  • css/latest-news-widget-dashboard.css – Added
  • widget/class.dashboard.php – Added
  • class.utils.php – New methods added


  • Small bug fixes


  • Plugin Release


  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Active installations: 500
  • WordPress Version: 2.8.1
  • Tested up to: 3.0.5


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