Mark posts as significantly updated an display them in a widget.
Provides a widget that displays posts (all post-types supported, custom as well) marked as significantly updated with the date of the update (optionally).
* Widget Title
* Amount
* Post-Types
* Whether the date of the update should be displayed or not.
Dieses Plugin stellt ein Widget zur Verfügung, das zuletzt aktualisierte Beiträge (alle Veröffentlichungsarten werden unterstützt, auch custom post-types) mit dem dazugehörigen Datumm der Aktualisierung (optional) anzeigt.
* Widget Titel
* Anzahl
* Veröffentlichungsarten
* Ob das Datum der Veröffentlichung angezeigt werden soll oder nicht.
Sehen Sie auch hier vorbei:
to the /wp-content/plugins/
This plugin uses the Date Format what you have set in Settings->
General->Date Format.
Fixed month names not being translated. Added post_thumbnails option. Added note in empty widget.
Major Release. Completely new algorithm. Starts working after you updated a few posts.
Bugfix: date translation
Added support for all post-types.
Bugfix: changed ASC to DESC
Bugfix: Problem when saving post-type as German user.
New algorithm: Excludes Posts, when they are higher located in a
table ordered by creation time than in a table ordered by updating time. -> Just
displays posts that are really old and updated.
Some Design fixes
Choose now between ‘posts’, ‘pages’ or ‘both’.