kontur Admin Style

April 04, 2024

kontur Admin Style Plugin

A light, eye pleasing admin theme and custom login page. Easy to customize to your colors - with live-prview. Set your admin toolbar logo, login-link, …

Install, activate, and done!
Change your admin logo and login-page – it’s free.

We all love WordPress, but for some us us, the dark admin menu is a little too frustrating, therefor we give you a light version admin theme. BUT you can customize it to your own or your customers colours to make it fit your corporate style. As well the logo (normally the WordPress logo) can be changed to your own logo / icon. Plus: Set the login page as you like: custom background image, custom logo, custom link on the logo.

Your own login page

  1. change the background image of the login page
  2. set your own photo logo to apear on the login page
  3. change link on the login page logo to your custom url.

Your logo in the admin toolbar

  • replace the WordPress logo in the wp admin bar
  • set you own logo or photo to appear on the wp admin bar

Change the admin menu color style

  1. use our pre-definded style
  2. change the admin bar / toolbar menu color to your own, on top of the page
  3. change the colors of the admin menu (left hand side)

Version 2.0 is up for release in July 2023

  1. in-depth live design changes to the toolbar, menu and WP-Admin styles
  2. pre-defined themes to choose from the user profiles
  3. option to save your style as admin theme
  4. new alternate “dashicons” to select
  5. option to add extra CSS to the WP admin area / backend

Want more?
Please get involved and send uns your ideas. Via email or on the WordPress support page 🙂


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload kontur-admin-style to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

  3. Go to WordPress Admin > Appearance > kontur admin STYLE and change your settings

Note: The custom login page is optional, just uncheck and get the default login, if you like.

More info on installing WP plugins


This plugin cleans up after itself. All plugin settings will be removed from your database when the plugin is uninstalled via the Plugins screen.


  1. Backend style view with plugin enabled

    Backend style view with plugin enabled

  2. Custom login page

    Custom login page

  3. Replace the WP logo with your own

    Replace the WP logo with your own

  4. Settings page

    Settings page

  5. Set your custom login page

    Set your custom login page

  6. Set and use your own style

    Set and use your own style

  7. Custom backend with different colors

    Custom backend with different colors


Why using `kontur ädmin STYLE`?

We used it for a while on all the pages we were seting up, programming themes. It is just a little approach to have a friendlier backend and quickly set the customer logo into the admin bar, change it to their colors and have a a branded login-page set.

Where do I find the settings?

Under WordPress Admin > Appearance > kontur admin STYLE or click the link ‘Settings’ under the plugin in your WordPress Admin Plugins section.

How to use my custom login page?

You will have to enable the ‘Use themed login page’ option. You can change the backround of the login page, set your own logo and change the link to your custom link.
Under WordPress Admin > Appearance > kontur admin STYLE or click the link ‘Settings’ under the plugin in your WordPress Admin Plugins section.

My Icon, Logo, Photo in the wp admin bar?

You can set your icon, logo or photo to appear in the wp admin bar in the left hand corner in exchange to standard WorPress icon. Yours will be shown in the backend, and the editor pages as well as on the frontend
Under WordPress Admin > Appearance > kontur admin STYLE or click the link ‘Settings’ under the plugin in your WordPress Admin Plugins section.

Can I change the colors to fit my corporate design?

Yep. You can set your own colors, just as you like them. But be aware, that our plugin is supposed to work with the ‘default’ admin theme. We never tested it with any other, because we never heard of anyone using another setting. If you need / want ‘kontur ädmin STYLE’ to work, please let us know, and we will implement it into a future version.

Will there be more options in the future?

Yes. We are working on implementing and alternative icon – set to replace the standard ‘dashicons’ as well as renaming menu items – e.g. posts, media, pages… and inluding your own CSS to the admin plus setting your own dashboard. But please keep in mind, that this is a free plugin, meaning we do have to find the time to test and develop.

Do you offer any other plugins for my WordPress backend?

Yes, two of them could do the job:

I need something else. Can I hire you?

Yes. Please get in touch via email email with a brief description of your requirements and budget for the project and we will start something else together.

This plugin is simple, but I want to show my appreciation?

Well, go for it! You can either make a donation or leave a rating to motivate me to keep working on the plugin.



  • Date: 16.June.2023
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Added live preview
  • Option to change WP Admin area background color


  • Date: 15.April.2023
  • Added German translation


  • Date: 19.September.2022
  • Added new screenshots. Updated description.
  • custom logo to the Gutenberg editor page


  • Date: 03.January.2022
  • First release of the plugin.


  • Version: 1.0.4
  • Active installations: 60
  • WordPress Version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.0


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